There are many people today who feel lonely. It affects both genders, all nationalities and all ages. Some of these people are single and others are not, but they still feel lonely. They go to work, malls and taverns and they're still lonely. Many are seeking companionship, intimate relationships or Internet contacts; they often come away from those temporary experiences feeling empty, unsatisfied and alone. Others sit in bars or at home trying to drown the lonely feelings in alcohol or food or watching hours of TV or sometimes even using drugs to escape the empty feeling. Some go to parties, others go to churches or some other community activities, and some become work addicts; but when they leave they still feel alone.
A man and a women or a husband and wife can be sitting together watching TV, playing games or laying in bed together yet still feel alone. They may be talking over a cup of coffee about the weather, work, politics, the kids, or sports, and they can still feel empty and alone. How about you? Do you feel alone? Be honest here. Sure you may talk with others, laugh, cry, smile, nod your head or even have intimate times, but it doesn't change that feeling deep down inside you.
Maybe what you're looking for is someone you've never met, who really understands you. The real you, not the one you try to be. What makes you the way you are? Someone who would make you feel alive and wanted.
Some people try to make you something you were never meant to be. They want you to be just like them. Men and women are different, not just physically, but mentally as well—they just think differently! Some don't understand that or their own needs. You are a unique individual, not a cookie cut-out.
Just because some people are popular doesn't make them immune to loneliness. Many celebrities and religious leaders (and others) are putting on an act when they're out in the public view, maybe you are doing this too. But they still have the same feeling of loneliness. Many overweight people or those who think they're unattractive, or those who are handicapped, feel lonely. All these people share the common problem of loneliness. Something is missing and they can't find it. That something is someone.
There is someone who can fill that void and need of in people, including you. He knows your every thought, your feelings, your emotions, and your needs; all you will ever have. He even knows the feelings you're experiencing right now as you read this article. And he is the only one who can satisfy. I know that's true because I felt that way years ago when I was younger; and he changed my life.
Two thousand years ago this man made life possible by walking down a lonely path. At the end of his journey, he was placed on a cross and died for our sins so we could meet him. His name is Jesus, the Son of God, and he will never leave you alone. I'm not talking about a man-made religion, but a personal relationship with Jesus. He loves you with an unfailing love, and he has made great plans just for you. (Jer. 29:11)
"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans for good and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.'" Now, that's a promise!
Jesus wants to able to share His life with you forever so you'll never again be alone. He will be your best friend, your lover, your healer, your provider and your protector; the best you will ever know. And he's waiting just for you. You can meet him today if you want too. Jesus is very patient and he doesn't hold your mistakes against you; they are forgiven if you believe. There's no need to wait, you won't be sorry to choose him. And don't think Jesus is just for women, weaklings or old people. He's not! God is raising up an army of people from every nation, every gender and age group to be used mightily by Him. You can join that relationship by just bowing your head and believing. When you call upon Jesus then talk to Him; He will listen to you. "You will seek Me and find Me when you search for me with all you heart. I will be found by you." (Jer.29:12,13) Again, another promise. Just tell Jesus in your own words or repeat this simple prayer:
Jesus, I really need you; I can't go on in life without you. Forgive me, show me the way, and I will obey. Come into my heart and let me know the joy of serving and loving you. I give you my life and my all, because my life is empty and meaningless without you. Thank you for forgiving me and hearing my prayer. Amen
If you really meant that prayer, you're on a journey you will never regret. I close by saying, welcome to the family of God, also God bless you and your household. Feel free to talk to Jesus (pray) any time. You can also get to know Him better by reading the Holy Bible, starting with the Gospels. You are welcome to read my other blog sites too, also Cloak of Zeal. But most of all, Jesus loves you more than you'll ever know and he will never leave you alone. And that's a promise and a fact!