"Work, work, work, all I do is work; and it never seems to end."
Have you ever felt that way? I'm sure you have, especially if you're a young mother with children. We all have at one time or another complained about work. Life involves work—physically, mentally and spiritually. Yet our focus should not be on work, but doing the will of God. And that is where the problems are often found: DOING GOD'S WILL. Some people assume they're doing God's will just because they're Christian. That's not true; people still have a choice.
To often, we're telling God what we want instead of listening to and doing what He wants. Jesus said, "Come to me , you who are tired and overburdened, and I will give you rest." (Mt. 11:28) He also told us to follow him. Yet, many people still struggle through life not listening or believing him; worrying how they can make ends meet or make it to the end of the month. Other people fret over the future and their job. Life was never meant to be that way. As God's children we are to live by faith, and not by money or the security of our jobs. God promises to supply all our needs. So why do we worry or fret over bills and work?
We are to have the peace of God within us, and know that He is our provider and helper. The Apostle Paul wrote, "I can do all thing through Christ which strengthens me." That can only happen when we have built a proper foundation early on in our walk with Him—but it's never to late to start. For example, many mothers have had a hard time getting their kids to clean up their rooms because they didn't start early in their children's lives, instructing them and setting a good example for them. Now it's an uphill battle for them. The same goes for many men and women who didn't take the time to study and learn in school. This also applies to all the ways of God (our spiritual work ethic). As a result many people struggle with their faith, relationships, and their jobs.
In the past I was an artist. I tried to make sure my paintings satisfied my critics before offering them for sale. Many times when people watched me paint, they thought the painting was done long before I was finished. The same is true with God and us. Sometimes we think God is finished with us, even when He's only just begun.
People should not choose a job because it pays more or has health benefits or any other benefits. This is a big temptation today for young and old people. Yet people should ask God what he wants them to do, and then wait for the answer. One should learn to depend on God, and not the job or the extra benefits. Be patient. He will have the right job for you to do at the right time. You can trust him to provide all along the way, by various means; just wait and listen. Sometimes we might not see the reward for our efforts until later in life. Neither should one seek retirement, to play golf, travel, fish or just sit in a rocking chair in their later years. God expect us to be working and serving one another in some form until he says, it's time to sit and rest. God is an awesome employer to work for, and we can trust him to be fair; he also has great benefits to all his faithful employees. Many of those benefits, will come after we leave this world.
People need to accept most everything the prospective company or job offers; it could lead to something much better than expected. (Remember Joseph's experiences in the book of Genesis.) Neither should we complain about it. If this is the job God's given, then He's the only one to complain to. If you're not happy, you need ask Him to reveal the real issues (usually it's our attitude that needs to change), and then obey him.
On my last job, I worked as security for a resort, the foreman was going to transfer me to another station. I was very upset and he knew it. I was about to file a formal complaint letter. But I felt checked in my spirit, and so I waited. The move turned out to be the best thing for me; I was very happy and I apologized and thanked the foreman and God for the move. I am also beginning to see and understand that the harder lessons in life often turn out to have greater rewards and blessings for future generations. Often these jobs or tasks have to deal more with relationships with others people and family members. And therein lies the best story of all: THE JOY OF THE CROSS.
Today, I am better off physically, financially and spiritually because of God's blessings and mercy. I'm also thankful for the additional help from Sheldon David. I'm still learning and I still make mistakes, but fewer than before. What more can I say—the Heavenly Father is faithful in every way. And all his promises are true. He's the best Boss of all, and I highly recommend working for Him.
Have you ever felt that way? I'm sure you have, especially if you're a young mother with children. We all have at one time or another complained about work. Life involves work—physically, mentally and spiritually. Yet our focus should not be on work, but doing the will of God. And that is where the problems are often found: DOING GOD'S WILL. Some people assume they're doing God's will just because they're Christian. That's not true; people still have a choice.
To often, we're telling God what we want instead of listening to and doing what He wants. Jesus said, "Come to me , you who are tired and overburdened, and I will give you rest." (Mt. 11:28) He also told us to follow him. Yet, many people still struggle through life not listening or believing him; worrying how they can make ends meet or make it to the end of the month. Other people fret over the future and their job. Life was never meant to be that way. As God's children we are to live by faith, and not by money or the security of our jobs. God promises to supply all our needs. So why do we worry or fret over bills and work?
We are to have the peace of God within us, and know that He is our provider and helper. The Apostle Paul wrote, "I can do all thing through Christ which strengthens me." That can only happen when we have built a proper foundation early on in our walk with Him—but it's never to late to start. For example, many mothers have had a hard time getting their kids to clean up their rooms because they didn't start early in their children's lives, instructing them and setting a good example for them. Now it's an uphill battle for them. The same goes for many men and women who didn't take the time to study and learn in school. This also applies to all the ways of God (our spiritual work ethic). As a result many people struggle with their faith, relationships, and their jobs.
In the past I was an artist. I tried to make sure my paintings satisfied my critics before offering them for sale. Many times when people watched me paint, they thought the painting was done long before I was finished. The same is true with God and us. Sometimes we think God is finished with us, even when He's only just begun.
Being a professional artist for 20 years, I had the benefit of being my own boss, and at times the center of people's attention. I decided what subjects I painted, what shows or galleries I sold from, and how much the paintings sold for. People were also interested in my art teaching and my life. However, one day God asked me to step aside, lay my brushes down and follow him, so I did.
Jesus became my new boss and the center of my life. He asked me to trust him and learn true authority. I never really liked school, probably because we moved so much. Plus, I didn't like tests even though they are necessary and beneficial. However, with God, following instructions is an absolute must. So I started school again at age 40, being tutored by God; I enrolled in the basic course of SONSHIP:
Jesus said, "Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am gentle and humble in heart..." (Mt.11:29)
Submit to all authority for this is the will of God concerning you. (Rom. 13:1, 1 Pet. 2:13, and Heb. 13:17) Nevertheless, God is the final authority. (Acts 5:29)
Most people believe they know more that they really do, that they don't need much help or instruction. Many people don't like being told what to do, especially children and young people. It seems to be in the genetic makeup of fallen mankind. I was no exception. Therefore, God wanted me to learn submission to build spiritual character, (which is really a mandate for our salvation) and that requires us to do something we don't want to do; usually because of our pride regarding certain people or tasks. Some think they can obey God, without having to obey their parents, teachers, husbands, bosses or other authorities. Wrong! We are to submit to all god-ordained authority (Rom. 13:1 & Eph. 5:22). Let me share a personal experience.
(1) Pride... is the biggest stumbling block in any person's life.
I had been waiting on God and looking for work, but nothing seemed to open up that I wanted. The only thing I saw was a big sign on a sheet of plywood, next to the road saying, "Help Wanted." It was at the entrance of a new apartment complex. I had passed it several times during the past week and I finally felt I was to go check it out. But, everything else inside me was screaming, "You can do better than this." The job turned out to be for a landscape company. It paid $6.50 per hour, 40 hours per week. I had not worked at that pay level since I was a teenager. As an artist I averaged $50, and at times I got $20 working for my dad. But now it didn't look like God was giving me much choice so I took the job. Again my pride was at stake and so was obedience.
(2) Don't complain about your pay, and set a good example.
Jesus became my new boss and the center of my life. He asked me to trust him and learn true authority. I never really liked school, probably because we moved so much. Plus, I didn't like tests even though they are necessary and beneficial. However, with God, following instructions is an absolute must. So I started school again at age 40, being tutored by God; I enrolled in the basic course of SONSHIP:
Submission 101
Jesus said, "Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am gentle and humble in heart..." (Mt.11:29)
Submit to all authority for this is the will of God concerning you. (Rom. 13:1, 1 Pet. 2:13, and Heb. 13:17) Nevertheless, God is the final authority. (Acts 5:29)
Most people believe they know more that they really do, that they don't need much help or instruction. Many people don't like being told what to do, especially children and young people. It seems to be in the genetic makeup of fallen mankind. I was no exception. Therefore, God wanted me to learn submission to build spiritual character, (which is really a mandate for our salvation) and that requires us to do something we don't want to do; usually because of our pride regarding certain people or tasks. Some think they can obey God, without having to obey their parents, teachers, husbands, bosses or other authorities. Wrong! We are to submit to all god-ordained authority (Rom. 13:1 & Eph. 5:22). Let me share a personal experience.
A New Job
I was 42 years old and had recently lost my house and gave up my profession as an artist. Now, I now needed a job that would meet our new living expenses. That is what most of what the world deals with on a daily bases. However it was quite new to me, because I had been self-employed since college. Yet, I did have an edge—God. With him as my teacher and provider, I was in safe hands. But, the process he takes us through can be challenging at times.(1) Pride... is the biggest stumbling block in any person's life.
I had been waiting on God and looking for work, but nothing seemed to open up that I wanted. The only thing I saw was a big sign on a sheet of plywood, next to the road saying, "Help Wanted." It was at the entrance of a new apartment complex. I had passed it several times during the past week and I finally felt I was to go check it out. But, everything else inside me was screaming, "You can do better than this." The job turned out to be for a landscape company. It paid $6.50 per hour, 40 hours per week. I had not worked at that pay level since I was a teenager. As an artist I averaged $50, and at times I got $20 working for my dad. But now it didn't look like God was giving me much choice so I took the job. Again my pride was at stake and so was obedience.
(2) Don't complain about your pay, and set a good example.
When I arrived the next day, I found myself part of a work crew of 20 young men. Most of them half my age. We were assigned different sections of ground and given the tools to prepare the soil for lawns, beauty bark or plants. The soil was very rocky and had to be raked, groomed, and rocks hauled away from the apartments and other areas to be landscaped. I was determined to do my best, because I was doing it as unto the Lord. (Col. 3:17))
Some of the men hardly worked, or they complained about the pay when the boss wasn't around. Yet, I would sing songs and pray as I worked. On my lunch breaks I got to know the other men, or I read the New Testament. Word got around quickly that I was a Christian. Some started to make negative comments. But as time went by, most of the men didn't find me offensive and some even liked me, because I cared about them and I didn't preach, but instead asked them questions about their lives. Most of the men had foul mouths, talked about sex and spent their money on drugs and alcohol. However, when they were around me they tried to talk differently. At times, I also shared my personal testimony.
(3) Submit to higher authority.
One day after I finished eating my lunch with a young man. Our half hour break was over and I started to get up and go back to work. He asked why I was leaving and I replied that it was time. He said, " But the boss isn't here." I responded by saying, "I know, but I don't work for him, but for the One who sees everything." He understood, but was still surprised.
(4) Submit to all authority; listen and obey.
Another time, I was working an area and had no instruction on what to do, so I did what I thought would look best. The boss's son, who was about 20 years old and the foreman, came by and asked me what I was doing? I told him, I thought this was the way it would look best. He told me that I wasn't paid to think, but to work. I said nothing to his remark. Then I asked what he wanted, and he told me and I did it. A little later the boss came by and asked me what I was doing. And I said, I'm doing what your son told me to do. Then he showed me what he wanted, which was exactly what I had done before. His son was standing by, watched and listened. This time the son said nothing.
(5) Speak kindly of one another.
One afternoon we were all taking a break together. The boss and other men were making jokes about a man who wasn't there. I joined in with my two cents. Later on, I felt the Holy Spirit convict me. So the next day a went back and apologized to the boss for what I said about the other man. He said that what was said was true. However, I told him it was inappropriate for me to say it.
(6) You will be reward in due time.
I often accomplished much more than the other men, and the boss noticed. When I got my first paycheck, he had raised my pay to $7.00 per hour, the highest he was authorized to pay. I thanked him. He also trusted my judgment and, as time went by, gave me more responsibilities. Everyday after work, as I drove home I prayed in the spirit in order to cleanse my mind from all the loud and foul language and blasphemy that I had heard. When I got home my mind was clear, but my whole body ached from the hard work. Yet, I wouldn't take any aspirin. (Another area I was trusting God in.) However, I had no problem falling asleep and woke up feeling great, yet I was glad for the weekends.
I prayed asking God to give me strength each day, and He did. You have to realize, all I had basically done for the previous twenty years was push a paint brush around. I was still in pretty good shape, but now I was getting much stronger. God rewards us when we are faithful and diligent.
(3) Submit to higher authority.
One day after I finished eating my lunch with a young man. Our half hour break was over and I started to get up and go back to work. He asked why I was leaving and I replied that it was time. He said, " But the boss isn't here." I responded by saying, "I know, but I don't work for him, but for the One who sees everything." He understood, but was still surprised.
(4) Submit to all authority; listen and obey.
Another time, I was working an area and had no instruction on what to do, so I did what I thought would look best. The boss's son, who was about 20 years old and the foreman, came by and asked me what I was doing? I told him, I thought this was the way it would look best. He told me that I wasn't paid to think, but to work. I said nothing to his remark. Then I asked what he wanted, and he told me and I did it. A little later the boss came by and asked me what I was doing. And I said, I'm doing what your son told me to do. Then he showed me what he wanted, which was exactly what I had done before. His son was standing by, watched and listened. This time the son said nothing.
(5) Speak kindly of one another.
One afternoon we were all taking a break together. The boss and other men were making jokes about a man who wasn't there. I joined in with my two cents. Later on, I felt the Holy Spirit convict me. So the next day a went back and apologized to the boss for what I said about the other man. He said that what was said was true. However, I told him it was inappropriate for me to say it.
(6) You will be reward in due time.
I often accomplished much more than the other men, and the boss noticed. When I got my first paycheck, he had raised my pay to $7.00 per hour, the highest he was authorized to pay. I thanked him. He also trusted my judgment and, as time went by, gave me more responsibilities. Everyday after work, as I drove home I prayed in the spirit in order to cleanse my mind from all the loud and foul language and blasphemy that I had heard. When I got home my mind was clear, but my whole body ached from the hard work. Yet, I wouldn't take any aspirin. (Another area I was trusting God in.) However, I had no problem falling asleep and woke up feeling great, yet I was glad for the weekends.
I prayed asking God to give me strength each day, and He did. You have to realize, all I had basically done for the previous twenty years was push a paint brush around. I was still in pretty good shape, but now I was getting much stronger. God rewards us when we are faithful and diligent.
(7) In everything give thanks.
I thanked God regularly for this job and for providing me strength. I had no idea how long I would be working with this company. And as time went by more men were laid off or didn't show up for work. When the project was done, there were only three men left working: the boss, his son and me. When I took this job, my wife and I knew it was not going to be enough to cover our expenses.
A couple weeks after that job started, God provided another unique second job. After I had dinner at night, I went down to the local Safeway grocery store. They were paying people $5.oo per hour to picket, because their union was on strike. They needed someone to finish the last two hours of the day before closing. So for two hours each night, Monday through Friday, I held a picket sign and sat on a bench or had it propped up next to me. Again I swallowed my pride and still had enough strength to sit and do that. They even let my wife and daughter substitute for me if I was too tired or just to give me a break.
Both of these jobs ended on the same day. The next week God provided another job, as a commercial painter, where I helped paint some of the new office building for Microsoft. It paid $12.50 per hour. GOD IS FAITHFUL! My whole point in sharing this with you is to let you know that you can trust God. He continued to bless us in incredible ways. When you sign on with a job or a project, you should not leave or quit until it's over or until the Lord says it time to move on. We do not have the right to quit a job because we don't like it or because we found one that pays more money or has better benefits.
I have followed these seven points to the best of my ability on all the jobs God has given me. Sometimes the job or tasks I was given were more difficult or take longer than I had first expected. That's the challenge of submission, we don't know the future but he does. Yet, he always gives us the ability to get through it. We should also try to maintain the right attitude that would be pleasing to Him—one without grumbling. (Phil. 2:14). That's a tough one for pretty much everybody, including me. I often have to ask for forgiveness.
A couple weeks after that job started, God provided another unique second job. After I had dinner at night, I went down to the local Safeway grocery store. They were paying people $5.oo per hour to picket, because their union was on strike. They needed someone to finish the last two hours of the day before closing. So for two hours each night, Monday through Friday, I held a picket sign and sat on a bench or had it propped up next to me. Again I swallowed my pride and still had enough strength to sit and do that. They even let my wife and daughter substitute for me if I was too tired or just to give me a break.
Both of these jobs ended on the same day. The next week God provided another job, as a commercial painter, where I helped paint some of the new office building for Microsoft. It paid $12.50 per hour. GOD IS FAITHFUL! My whole point in sharing this with you is to let you know that you can trust God. He continued to bless us in incredible ways. When you sign on with a job or a project, you should not leave or quit until it's over or until the Lord says it time to move on. We do not have the right to quit a job because we don't like it or because we found one that pays more money or has better benefits.
I have followed these seven points to the best of my ability on all the jobs God has given me. Sometimes the job or tasks I was given were more difficult or take longer than I had first expected. That's the challenge of submission, we don't know the future but he does. Yet, he always gives us the ability to get through it. We should also try to maintain the right attitude that would be pleasing to Him—one without grumbling. (Phil. 2:14). That's a tough one for pretty much everybody, including me. I often have to ask for forgiveness.
People should not choose a job because it pays more or has health benefits or any other benefits. This is a big temptation today for young and old people. Yet people should ask God what he wants them to do, and then wait for the answer. One should learn to depend on God, and not the job or the extra benefits. Be patient. He will have the right job for you to do at the right time. You can trust him to provide all along the way, by various means; just wait and listen. Sometimes we might not see the reward for our efforts until later in life. Neither should one seek retirement, to play golf, travel, fish or just sit in a rocking chair in their later years. God expect us to be working and serving one another in some form until he says, it's time to sit and rest. God is an awesome employer to work for, and we can trust him to be fair; he also has great benefits to all his faithful employees. Many of those benefits, will come after we leave this world.
People need to accept most everything the prospective company or job offers; it could lead to something much better than expected. (Remember Joseph's experiences in the book of Genesis.) Neither should we complain about it. If this is the job God's given, then He's the only one to complain to. If you're not happy, you need ask Him to reveal the real issues (usually it's our attitude that needs to change), and then obey him.
On my last job, I worked as security for a resort, the foreman was going to transfer me to another station. I was very upset and he knew it. I was about to file a formal complaint letter. But I felt checked in my spirit, and so I waited. The move turned out to be the best thing for me; I was very happy and I apologized and thanked the foreman and God for the move. I am also beginning to see and understand that the harder lessons in life often turn out to have greater rewards and blessings for future generations. Often these jobs or tasks have to deal more with relationships with others people and family members. And therein lies the best story of all: THE JOY OF THE CROSS.
Today, I am better off physically, financially and spiritually because of God's blessings and mercy. I'm also thankful for the additional help from Sheldon David. I'm still learning and I still make mistakes, but fewer than before. What more can I say—the Heavenly Father is faithful in every way. And all his promises are true. He's the best Boss of all, and I highly recommend working for Him.