Everyone has opinions about certain things. These can vary from preferences in food, clothes, weather to the way we look. There are opinions as to what's a good job or career, to what's "really cool" or the "hot" thing to do, or the kind of car we drive, or the city or houses we choose to live in. People also have opinions about politics, religion and marriage. All of our opinions or beliefs have been influenced in some way by others. Either family, celebrities, culture, friends, teachers, politicians or ministers. Yet there is another factor, and that factor is found in the voices that speak to our consciences or to our spirits about what's right or wrong or good or evil. Those voices comes from two very different sources. One is satan and the other is God.
As people grow up these two sources influence their lives and futures as to how they perceive and live life. Also, how one views others around them. Satan is the deceiver and he seeks to steal, kill and destroy by various forms of deception. He also tempts people's desires. And to the soul who yields to his temptations, it will cost them more than they realize. Demonic spirits seek to sow discord by putting evil thoughts, lies and accusations into people's minds that they, in turn, believe and pass on in gossip or heated arguments.
The Holy Bible tells us that mankind is without excuse; it also tells us that people have choices to make. The conflict of choice began in the Garden of Eden with satan's deception of Eve, and he hasn't stopped trying ever since to destroy God's ultimate design for a Kingdom on earth with sons and daughters who rule.
There are times in each person's life that they are convinced that what they think, know and/or believe is right—regarding their knowledge, beliefs and goals. All the leaders of the world believe they know how things should be done. There are socialistic, monarchies, democratic and communistic governments that think their way is correct or better. The atheist thinks he or she is right. And they believe no one can prove otherwise; and all the other religions in the world believe they are right also. Therein lies the problem—only one can be correct. Yet, they all contradict each other in principal, precept or ideology. The same goes for people's views on politics and even marriage and family. The truth of the matter is none of them are correct. There is only one way that is correct and that was and is lived out by Jesus Christ, then by those who follow his example. They live in the grace and mercy and love of the Heavenly Father. And that has always been the way he planned it.
But even among Christians that process is being tested. Satan is still busy trying his best to turn brother against brother and wives against husbands and sons against daughters. That is also why there are so many denominations in the world today. However, God has established his guidelines and has established leaders and heads and authorities that he expects people to follow and obey. Yet knowing this, many people still choose to ignore or disregard them and believe they are in the right. That is why it is called deception. People will call bad good and vice-versa, still claiming to love and hear God's voice, but obviously not all the time. Nor do many truly know the heart of God. Yet, God is gracious and patient with everyone, including me!
Satan has been able to convince many people that others around them are wrong or lying or only want to use or take advantage, that they don't really care or love. Perhaps that others can't be trusted. They feel this way because they have been hurt or ignored at some point or many times. Expectations placed upon others oftentimes falls way short of God's real expectations. Once people start believing satan's lies, it's difficult to convince them otherwise. They've become convinced that such a person or people (family member, friend, spouse, sect, etc.) is a deceiver(s) and cannot be trusted despite what God or others may say about them.
The religious Pharisees felt the same way about Jesus. They felt Jesus was wrong and a bad influence on people and that he wasn't God's son, regardless of his power. Today many people feel the same way about certain politicians, ministers, or even a spouse or friend. Satan is the master of deception and he will do whatever he can to create division, bitterness, hatred and unforgiveness, so that people are no longer able to see the whole truth. Unfortunately these people seem to prefer to believe the lies. But, God does not lie and he knows his sons and and daughters. And in due time, He will honor and exalt all his faithful ones.