He was taken by stealth, the Prince of Peace. He was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our selfish actions and by His stripes we are healed.

I wish to extend my honor and gratitude to those who have chosen to serve and sacrifice also for the sake of protection and peace. Thank You, and God Bless You!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wise Choices

There are major crossroads in people's lives, and at those times it's important that wise choices are made. We need to follow Jesus, and not turn or look to the left or to the right. (However, it's never too late to start following or get back on track with him.)

Life is not about being perfect, but abiding in and loving God. Perfection is found in Jesus, whom the Father sees in us. The rest of life's little choices are less significant as far as God is concerned. Maybe not for others, who try to justify themselves by other people's actions. Yet, God's focus is different than man's. The Bible declares, "Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." (1 Sam. 16:7
) (also Prov. 23:7 and Heb. 4:12)

I have chosen to follow Christ with all my heart to the best of my ability. If you do the same, with God's help, we'll be at the right place at the right time. And when it's all said and done, God will get the Glory. I am what I am by the grace of God, and so are you. We can see this in the lives of many others, whom God also considered to be great men of God.

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Joseph were and are great Patriarchs of faith along with other great men and women of faith such as Moses, Esther, David, Elijah, Mary, Peter and many others. Each of those people made wise choices at the right time to fulfill their part in the annals of history, and now they stand as great examples in the Kingdom of God. Yet, each of them made their share of mistakes, however the Lord has spoken prophetically to us that in the books of heaven not one of their mistakes is recorded. They all loved God, and to the best of their ability they passed their mantles (their spirit, intercession, gifts or anointings) that God had given them to the next generation.

Unfortunately, many other people throughout history have chosen to drop or lay down their mantles, because the way was to hard for them or they were distracted by people or other things they found to be too important. But recently God has been telling his sons and daughters that we can pick them up and add them to our own mantle.

Remember the parable of the faithful servants who chose to increase what their master had entrusted to them. Yet, one of the servants chose to bury his talent because of his false perceptions of his master. Therefore, he was cast out and his talent was given to another servant who already had more. (Mt. 25:14-30). The rewards will be greater for those who can see into the wisdom of God. My prayer is that we all make the wise choices, and never worry about the rest.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Deceiver

Everyone has opinions about certain things. These can vary from preferences in food, clothes, weather to the way we look. There are opinions as to what's a good job or career, to what's "really cool" or the "hot" thing to do, or the kind of car we drive, or the city or houses we choose to live in. People also have opinions about politics, religion and marriage. All of our opinions or beliefs have been influenced in some way by others. Either family, celebrities, culture, friends, teachers, politicians or ministers. Yet there is another factor, and that factor is found in the voices that speak to our consciences or to our spirits about what's right or wrong or good or evil. Those voices comes from two very different sources. One is satan and the other is God.

As people grow up these two sources influence their lives and futures as to how they perceive and live life. Also, how one views others around them. Satan is the deceiver and he seeks to steal, kill and destroy by various forms of deception. He also tempts people's desires. And to the soul who yields to his temptations, it will cost them more than they realize. Demonic spirits seek to sow discord by putting evil thoughts, lies and accusations into people's minds that they, in turn, believe and pass on in gossip or heated arguments.

The Holy Bible tells us that mankind is without excuse; it also tells us that people have choices to make. The conflict of choice began in the Garden of Eden with satan's deception of Eve, and he hasn't stopped trying ever since to destroy God's ultimate design for a Kingdom on earth with sons and daughters who rule.

There are times in each person's life that they are convinced that what they think, know and/or believe is right—regarding their knowledge, beliefs and goals. All the leaders of the world believe they know how things should be done. There are socialistic, monarchies, democratic and communistic governments that think their way is correct or better. The atheist thinks he or she is right. And they believe no one can prove otherwise; and all the other religions in the world believe they are right also. Therein lies the problem—only one can be correct. Yet, they all contradict each other in principal, precept or ideology. The same goes for people's views on politics and even marriage and family. The truth of the matter is none of them are correct. There is only one way that is correct and that was and is lived out by Jesus Christ, then by those who follow his example. They live in the grace and mercy and love of the Heavenly Father. And that has always been the way he planned it.

But even among Christians that process is being tested. Satan is still busy trying his best to turn brother against brother and wives against husbands and sons against daughters. That is also why there are so many denominations in the world today. However, God has established his guidelines and has established leaders and heads and authorities that he expects people to follow and obey. Yet knowing this, many people still choose to ignore or disregard them and believe they are in the right. That is why it is called deception. People will call bad good and vice-versa, still claiming to love and hear God's voice, but obviously not all the time. Nor do many truly know the heart of God. Yet, God is gracious and patient with everyone, including me!

Satan has been able to convince many people that others around them are wrong or lying or only want to use or take advantage, that they don't really care or love. Perhaps that others can't be trusted. They feel this way because they have been hurt or ignored at some point or many times. Expectations placed upon others oftentimes falls way short of God's real expectations. Once people start believing satan's lies, it's difficult to convince them otherwise. They've become convinced that such a person or people (family member, friend, spouse, sect, etc.) is a deceiver(s) and cannot be trusted despite what God or others may say about them.

The religious Pharisees felt the same way about Jesus. They felt Jesus was wrong and a bad influence on people and that he wasn't God's son, regardless of his power. Today many people feel the same way about certain politicians, ministers, or even a spouse or friend. Satan is the master of deception and he will do whatever he can to create division, bitterness, hatred and unforgiveness, so that people are no longer able to see the whole truth. Unfortunately these people seem to prefer to believe the lies. But, God does not lie and he knows his sons and and daughters. And in due time, He will honor and exalt all his faithful ones.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What's Your Excuse?

"Excuses, excuses; all I ever get is excuses!"

People always seem to have an excuse whenever they do something wrong. This is especially true of children. They don't want to accept responsibility for their mistakes. However, adults are just about as bad, just a little bit more creative. Excuses started with Adam in the Garden of Eden. Adam's excuse was to blame Eve, and Eve's excuse was to blame the serpent. Since then mankind has usually made some excuse for disobeying or rebelling against the ways and wisdom of God. Sometimes people try to blame the devil or someone else, but most of the time they're the problem and not the one blamed.

Jesus spoke a parable about a wedding feast where the host invited his friends, but many gave excuses for not coming (Luke 14:12-24). One said he had purchased some land and had to check it out, another said he had bought a pair of oxen and had to try them out. And a third said he just got married. All of their excuses were pretty lame. Yet, their examples touch the heart of most of the excuses we give God today for not obeying him. First—our possessions. Secondly—our jobs. And thirdly—our families. The fact is, these men didn't want to honor the man for who he was. The host represented God. How are we going to respond to his invitation and comply to his will to be a part of the Kingdom of God?

Throughout history God has heard every possible excuse for not following or obeying Him. So, what's your excuse? I want to encourage you to not make any more excuses. God is too awesome to pass off as some religious fable or he really didn't mean what he said, or to make secondary to a busy schedule, or to mistakenly think He's not really interested in me, or I'm beyond help, etc.

Nothing could be further from the truth. God is full of Grace and Mercy, but he expect us to accept and comply to his invitation. He has a wonderful plan and feast to participate in, and you also have an important part in it. Others around you need your help too. And most of all, we need God's love and He desires our love. Don't make any more excuses and pass up the best opportunities of your life.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


"How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation."

Throughout life there are many things we see that have been neglected, such as buildings, barns, houses, cars and unfortunately even people. Some of those things have become relics of the past. Somebody spent a lot of time, work and money on those things, along with their hopes and dreams, and now they're just left abandon and deteriorating in the elements of nature. There were a lot of good intentions, but something happened along the way or they no longer serve any meaningful purpose.

A number of things could of happened to account for their neglect, such as a death of a loved one or and illness, or a lack of money, lost interest or just shear carelessness, because no one else wanted it or felt it was worth saving. Many other things could of happened too, that changed the circumstances involving those things that were abandon.

But, one thing for certain, we should never let it happen in peoples lives. A life should be worth more than any things. Structures and objects can be replaced, but not a persons soul. An older person shouldn't be left alone in a house, rest homes or left on the street to beg, even though they say it their choice. Many older people can be stubborn and blind to their own needs. And so can many young people.

However, don't allow satan to fool you or rob you of your emotions and God's great salvation plan. God loves you so much that he offered his own son's life in exchange. You are priceless to him and Jesus felt you alone were worth dying for, so you could live a full, fruitful and healthy life. And Jesus also promises never to leave or neglect you for any reason, and we should feel the same about others.

We need to forget our pride and ask Jesus for Help. And not pass up this opportunity and offer of eternal life with The heavenly Father. Jesus is the hope and dream restorer. And promises to provide all our needs. He also wants to be our friend. Everyone, needs his help, including me! Without Christ in our life everyday, we lose our true value and become relics of neglect and deception.

Monday, August 2, 2010

That's Not Fair

There are a lot of things in life that don't seem fair. We see wealthy people getting big bonuses, greedy businesses and industries taking advantage of people or causing terrible accidents because of negligence, and then there are people slaving away for minimum wage while trying to support a family. Some are killing others over various beliefs, criminals who get free counsel who then get off on some technicality, or the drunk driver with multiple arrests and no insurance, crashing into someone and killing them. Perhaps you buy a car that turns out to be a lemon. People and businesses sometimes break their promises. Others are abusing women, children and animals. There are always those who continue to do things to themselves and others that are harmful and yet they don't seem to care, then they expect someone else to pay for the damages or help them in the end.

Life goes on and many of these situations never seem to change. It is only by the grace of God that we all are able to breathe and live on planet earth. After all, what do we expect from a fallen race where most continue to live without a conscience or the fear of God; not to mention our own mistakes? Man will do whatever is in his heart and yet God seeks to find some good in each of his children, then adding more of His grace to it, until we recognize our need or how blessed we really are. He alone can change our hearts and make us perfect in his sight. And we should learn to have the same grace to view other people's errors in the same way God views ours.

We've all made foolish mistakes that not only effected us but others as well. Yet, God continues to work in each of us, as much as we allow him. It all takes time, some longer than others. What we may perceive as not being fair or right in someone else's situation may be the very same thoughts they think about our life. Yet, God still blesses each of us in his own way. (However, God does honor those who honor him more. It's called sowing and reaping; the more you give of yourself to him the more He shares with you.) God examines every person's heart and where their desires really are. He will reward and judge them in his own time and way. It's all part of his amazing grace.

Because of God's awesome love and grace he will refine and mold us to become pure and righteous vessels as we yield to the hands of "The Potter." He also plans to restore everything to the way he intended it to be. And it will be beautiful beyond description or beyond our imagination.

Jesus is Lord!

Jesus Christ is Lord over all; over the actions of governments, people and even satan. Over the good and bad, the rich and the poor, the weak and the strong, and over every religious belief, race and philosophical thought—LORD OVER ALL! His plan has been established from the beginning of time. God will rule and set the standard through his sons and daughters of righteousness. That rule is accomplished through his love and grace and justice. Yet, there will be those who feel that's not fair.

Life requires our willing participation. God does not force anyone to do what they don't want to do, but he does add incentive and sometimes pressures. You'll always have a free choice to go along with God's plan. Submission is still a requirement, yet God is also very patient with everyone.

Life or death is about making wise choices. God made commandments, because he knew what was best for mankind. His ways are for our good, to ignore or disobey them would only harm us and others in the long run. However, he also knows it is impossible for people to keep them all the time, that's why we live by his grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

Don't you see, the Heavenly Father really loves you and wants to protect you. He will do anything to help us understand that, even discipline us if necessary. However, if anyone still refuses to go along, in time there will be more sever consequences and the ultimate punishment is "death and hell"—life without God's presence. Some may feel that's not fair either. Yet, all along He gives each of us the freedom to make our own choices, but we can't choose the consequences of our wrong choices. He is a Just and Holy God, and His consequences are based on Just principles that are more than fair.

Note: God does not send anyone to hell. It's the end result for those who choose to continue to disregard God's ways because of their own stubbornness and beliefs; whether nurtured by parents, society or any other deceptive influences. But to say, "that's not fair," is incorrect. Remember, God gave us all a free choice. Just as He gave his Son Jesus Christ a free choice, to prove it.

It wasn't 'fair' that Jesus should have to die for all of our sins and yet that was the only way that the penalty for our sins could be paid. He died so we wouldn't have to. What if Jesus felt it wasn't fair, and refused the way of the cross? This world would have been in a real mess with no hope of salvation. However, Jesus believed you and I were worth dying for, and I'm glad he did. And if you chose to follow him, you too will be thankful, because serving God is much better than you could ever imagine.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that who ever believes in Him should not parish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

"If my people, who our called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sins and heal their land." (2 Chron. 4:14)

"Choose for yourself this day whom you will serve." (Joshua 24:15)