He was taken by stealth, the Prince of Peace. He was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our selfish actions and by His stripes we are healed.

I wish to extend my honor and gratitude to those who have chosen to serve and sacrifice also for the sake of protection and peace. Thank You, and God Bless You!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Clean Slate

Has there ever been a time in your life when you may have wish you could do something over again? Or get a fresh start or a clean slate because of a mistake or mistakes you made in the past? What an incredible opportunity that would be.We probably all have wished at some point that we could have a "do-over," or a second chance because we blew it the first time? (I've said it many times myself.) 

Maybe it was regarding a relationship, or raising children, or perhaps some building project or investment that didn't turn out the way we had hoped or expected. However, most of us have learned that those kinds of opportunities don't usually happen—except maybe in the movies. Hindsight is always better, especially after the facts are revealed, but it doesn't change the consequences that follow. Hopefully we learn from our mistakes, never to repeat them again.

Even with the abundance of information available to us today, it seems that most people still don't learn well. There are many history books available, many examples around us (often seen on the news), and we still often make the same mistakes as others. For some reason many of us just don't think it will happen to us, or maybe we think the outcome will be different for us. (This applies to many people who started to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, use drugs, or other harmful activities.) How often we have thought (after the damage is done) that I should have known better or I should have paid attention to others' warnings?

Then there is the pain—the guilt and the shame that seems to haunt many people afterwards. Many people think, if I could just be given another chance, it would be wonderful and different this time.

As unbelievable as it may seem, there is an opportunity where we do get a second chance and the slate is wiped clean of all past mistakes. It's true! It happened to me when I invited Jesus Christ into my heart, and asked Him to forgive my sins. Christ came in and made all things new. That can and will happen for anyone and everyone, INCLUDING YOU, regardless of what you've done.

The following scriptures give us a 
glimpse of God's great love and mercy:
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever would believe in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16 NASB)

"I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly." (John 10:10)

" Therefore if anyone is in Christ they are a new creation, everything old is passed away; behold, I make all things new." (2 Cor. 5:7, also read Colossians 1:21 & 22)

"I will forgive their sins and I will no longer remember their wrongs." (Heb. 8:12)

"So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:36 NASB)
That's the good news of the Gospel. Jesus wants to restore our relationship with the Heavenly Father by giving us a new life IN Christ. God is allowing everyone to start over again with a clean slate. The cross of Jesus put to death everything in our past and has completely set us free. He has forgiven all our sins (past, present and future). All we must do is believe and receive His forgiveness. Jesus' death and resurrection demonstrates and proclaims a new beginning for each one of us, even when our circumstances appear the same. (Those things will change in time as we yield them to His will and continue to obey Him.)

Now instead of trying to please our self, we should do the things God desires. Our hearts are filled with love and gratitude for Him, because of what he did for us. We will never attain true happiness by trying to set goals and striving to accomplish them. Happiness can only be found in following Jesus' example, and in being led by his spirit. When we walk by faith with Jesus, living life becomes a new experience, and the things of the past become less significant. Once we have seen the Lord and have learned to focus our eyes and attention on him, and have learned to hear his voice, he becomes the center stage of our lives. But when we mistakenly change our focus to the problems and/or troubles of life, our emotions can be overtaken by them and we start making even more mistakes. Instead, we simply need to trust Christ (Pro. 3:5,6) because of His awesome love. Jesus desires to give us a clean slate, a fresh start, and an invitation to a "new" beginning.

When the time is right, we will even thank God for the bad times and our mistakes, because we will have learned more about his amazing grace. And we in turn will be able to forgive others, just as Jesus forgave us from the cross, "Father forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34)

If you would like a clean slate and a new beginning, you can start by inviting Jesus into your heart. You can do that right now if you want, just by saying this simple prayer from your heart:
Lord Jesus... I need you. I believe you hear me and know my heart. Help me to serve you with all my heart. Forgive me of all my sins (selfish actions and thoughts). Come into my heart and make me new. Show me your ways and I will obey. Restore my broken spirit, soul and body; and make me one with you. Thank you for dying on the cross for me, amen.
You can say more if you would like. He loves to hear from you, so feel free to talk with him as often as you would like.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

You Know Better Than I

Listen to this great song; it may answer some questions you may have been asking yourself. Such as, why am I in this difficult situation? Is there a reason things are not going right? I feel like I am in a trap; how can I get out?

Thursday, October 14, 2010


"Help... help me!" Hardly a day has gone by, when we haven't heard or read something about a tragedy or emergency where someone was pleading for help. Maybe you were one of those people. Maybe you are currently one of those people. I've said it many times myself. And in my desperate hour of need, I found an answer that I will share with you.

The world we live in is in pretty sad shape, regardless of your personal situation or personal surroundings. Millions, possibly billions of people are suffering worldwide from one thing or another. It seems that there are endless streams of problems that occur every day. You may be doing fine for now, but have you been questioning yourself and wondering, how long will that last? Or are you the kind of person that automatically thinks you can handle whatever situation comes your way? Young people seem especially venerable to those kinds of thoughts. (I know that was my attitude when I was younger; I often refused to acknowledge or believe that I had a problem I couldn't handle.) Some people are that way, even when they get older. Pride keeps many people from seeing their real need or their real inability to control the future—this is especially true of men. Most everybody has at one time or another felt they could get through their difficult situation by sheer willpower or perhaps a little more time, only to find that they were not as invincible or smart as they once thought.

Today, the global economy has caught many people off guard. More people are now living on government aid. Many have moved back home with their parents (or other family members); some are living on the streets—homeless. Some people have very little money in savings, many are living from paycheck to paycheck. Some people are watching in fear, wondering if they will be the next one to lose their job, their house or their car. Many are searching for jobs as their unemployment benefits are running out, but unable to find one. Most people seem to be looking for answers or looking for stability from someone or somewhere. Are you one of those who is looking for answers and help? What will you and your family do?

Another problem has been worldwide natural disasters—storms, droughts, fires and earthquakes—that have plagued people's lives and put thousands in perilous situations. People are seeing their homes, property and livelihoods destroyed, along with their hopes and dreams. Many have lost friends and families. In many of these situations the survivors' plight seems almost hopeless, not to mention the possible dangers of sickness and disease that sometimes follows. Is this your situation?

Still another major problem today are health issues and global viruses. The loss of a loved one is very painful, regardless of how it happens. Seeing others suffering through endless hours (sometimes days and months) until their last breath is gone, is a miserable experience. Thousands of people are sick and dying who were once healthy, and now need help. In general, people are living longer, but at the same time confronting more life-threatening issues, even at younger ages. The need for extreme medical procedures has become more common in order to save lives. (From the day we were born, doctors have become like saviors for many of us.) Health Care and rising medical costs have been an issue for many years. So what do we do? Who do we trust in time of need? The doctor? Health insurance? The government? The church?

I personally have experienced several of these situations. I lost my dream house, my profession, a job, a new van. I also lost eight different relatives due to health issues and three others by suicide. I have personally faced a life-threatening health problem and a chainsaw accident, but was healed without any medical (or alternative medical) help. One thing I have learned for certain is how to handle those experiences; let me explain. What made it all possible for me was my faith and trust in God's love. For the past 23 years of my life I've built a personal relationship with Jesus. Part of what I have learned from my experiences is that everything in the world is temporary, even my feelings and emotions. Only God and His Word is eternal. He is faithful and his promises are true.

The Bible says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."(Proverbs 3:5-6) And, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord,'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the Lord." (Jer. 29;11-14)

God's Word also says, "I [Jesus] am the way, the truth and the life, and no man comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6, brackets added) Jesus also... "...healed all who were sick." (read Mt. 8:16-17). He also said, "I will never leave you or forsake you." (Heb. 13:5). He also said, "Nothing is impossible with God."(read Mt.19:26 and Luke 1:37) "And forget none of his benefits;"(Ps.103:2-5); these are just a few of Jesus' many awesome promises.

Many people place much of their value and feelings on the "here and now." But, what do those things matter when compared to eternity? I have learned over the years that money isn't everything. Although it may be nice to have, money can't buy happiness. And possessions are a hassle—especially when it comes to moving. The security of careers and jobs are often deceptive. Even relationships seem to come and go, and the pain of trying to hold on to them, is mostly vain. The smartest decisions I have made, when situations or circumstances come along that tear at my emotions, is to turn them over to Jesus. In most cases there is very little else I can do but trust God.

Therefore, by surrendering to God's will, trusting that he knows best for me despite the circumstances, and by following his voice, I have found peace. Regardless of what your situation is or will be, Jesus can and will help you if you allow him. This process of yielding to God is often challenging, because the tendency is to try to blame someone, anyone, sometimes even God or self, for the pain and grief we are feeling. Though I understand the desire to pass blame, in time those feelings lessen as they are yielded to God, understanding that he really knows best.

Jesus knows and cares very much for you and he wants to build a personal relationship with you that will last forever. He will give you peace in the time of trouble and hope for your future. I have learned that the longer we resist Him, the longer the pain will last. Neither should we drown our suffering in alcohol, drugs, pornography, work, buying things, etc. It only makes matters worse and harder for you and everyone around you. You can trust Jesus to help you. But, you also need to learn to be patient; God's timing is always perfect.

Jesus is the only way that works. With Jesus, you may be surprised at how quickly things can change for the better, things you once may have thought to be impossible. It's true you will never forget the challenging experiences, but then again, that's the beauty of it all. You'll have the memories and hopefully some opportunities to share how God brought you through life's tragedies or tests, and how God was there when you needed His help.

Life has it's tragedies,
it can also have happy endings.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

In His Shadow

"Listen to me, O islands,
And pay attention , you people from afar.

The Lord called me from the womb;
from the body of my mother he named me.

He has made my mouth like a sharp sword,
In the shadow of His hand He has concealed me;

And He has also made me a select arrow.
He has hidden me in His quiver.

He said to me, "You are my servant, Israel,
In whom I will show My glory."

But I said, "I have toiled in vain,
I have spent my strength for nothing and vanity;

Yet surely the justice due me is with the Lord,
And my reword is with my God."

And now says the Lord, who formed me from
the womb to be His servant.

I am honored in the sight of the Lord,
And my God is my strength.

He says, " Is it to small a thing,
that you should be My servant.

I will also make you a light to the nations
So that My salvation may reach the ends of the earth."

"Thus says the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel."
( Isaiah 49:1-7)

This calling is extended to all of God's sons, the spiritual seed of Israel.