Well once again the world has had it's laugh at Christians who have tried to predict or believe in foolish religious mindsets. The truth of the matter is those events have been taking place on a daily bases for thousands of years, but on a much smaller scale and without all the hype or hoopla. There is an appointed time for every man and women, a time to live and a time to die. For some they won't even get to take their first breath, and others will lived much longer than they ever expected. God determines the number of heartbeats of each person and nothing can change that. He has also determines where every person will lives on earth and where they spends eternity. God is the Righteous Judge, for He alone knows the heart of mankind and all their actions, even before they are born.
Everyday there is judgement—people die; men, women and children all for various reasons. Yet it is also a part of God's eternal plan, purpose and timing whether we like it or not. Some are whisked off to a much better place and some are destine to a place they hoped wasn't real. A place away from the grace, mercy and love of God—forever. They will never get to experience the peace, love and joy that was intended for them, because they refused God's ways nor sought His forgiveness. Judgement will continue on the earth until all is restored back to Him
Everyday can also be a "judgement day" for a person or a people across the planet, who have chosen to disregarded God's word and warnings. Ultimately, everyone as they get older becomes responsible for their own choices and actions. God honors the faithful ones and they should have no fear of death. And He will judge those who dishonor Him. Death is death no matter how it comes. We have all been judged and found in need of a savior. Jesus is the only true savior and the portal to eternal life.
Also unknown to most Christians is that Jesus has been returning to earth almost everyday since He left it. Jesus started returning ten days later on the Day of Pentecost and He hasn't stopped returning for those who receive Him into their heart.
Jesus Christ is the Kingdom of Heaven. Heaven is always found by being and living in His presence. Some get to experience a little of what they seek, others wait for it, and a few walk in what they know they have already been given.