He was taken by stealth, the Prince of Peace. He was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our selfish actions and by His stripes we are healed.

I wish to extend my honor and gratitude to those who have chosen to serve and sacrifice also for the sake of protection and peace. Thank You, and God Bless You!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Who is My Neighbor?

Jesus tells us a story of a man who was attacked by thieves. The thieves beat the man, stripped him of his money and his clothes, and then left him half dead. On two separate occasions religious men passed by the wounded man, but they were too busy or didn't care enough to help or even stop. Later on, an outcast went by and became the hero of the story. He stopped and helped the helpless man. That's where we will pick up the story:

"But a Samaritan came upon the injured man. When he saw him, he felt compassion, and came to him and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own beast, brought him to an inn and took care of him. On the next day he took a couple of denaris and gave them to the innkeeper and said, 'Take care of him, and whatever you spend, when I return I will repay you. (Luke 10:33-35)

Wow, that is what you call true compassion and going the second mile! Many people today are like the first two men, they're too busy doing their own thing or going to some religious activity. Today, it's easier for many to just put money in an offering plate, than to get their hands dirty or get personally involved.

A few years ago my wife and I were driving on the freeway to go to Home Depot in the next city. I had just passed a scruffy young man standing by his broken-down truck on the shoulder of the freeway. I usually don't pick up hitch-hikers when my wife is with me. But for some reason I felt led to stop and help this man. So I pulled over and backed up. The man explained that the engine had quit and he had been trying for two hours to get a ride and nobody would stop. He was heading home, another 100 miles away. I told him we were heading to the next city, that he could hitch a ride with us, and he could take the bus from there. He said he didn't have any money. I said that we would purchase the ticket.

When he got in our car, he explained that he had just prayed out of desperation that somebody would stop. I said, “It looks like God answered your prayer.” The man informed us that he was a war veteran and that it had been hard for him to get work. He had just started working for his uncle as a journeyman plumber, and was purchasing the truck from him out of his wages. He also told us he wasn't a religious man and that he was worried how he was going to work or solve his predicament. I said, “It's OK. I'm not religious either, but God loves you and wants to help you just the same.” We tried to share God's love and some encouraging words with him.

We arrived at the bus station just before the office closed, and purchased a ticket for him. It would be another hour before the next bus would pass through the terminal, so we took him to a restaurant and gave him some money to buy a meal while he waited. We said goodbye with hopes that everything would go all right. He thanked us, but I could still see the stress on his face.

After we left him, I told my wife as we drove away, "I wish we could have done more." She then suggested that I could give him my old van that a friend gave me. "You're right," I replied. We had just purchased a newer van for me a month before and I was waiting for the opportunity to give the older one to someone special because that van had meant so much to me. This scared young man was someone special to God. So we turned around, went in and ordered our meal. Then we went over to where he was eating and asked if he would like some company. He was surprised to see us again. We sat down and ate with big grins on our faces as he continued to talk about his problems and worries.

Finally I said you know things are never as dark as they may appear. More than that, God really loves you. He spared your life in a war for a purpose and we would like to help you. I have a white GMC van that we would like to give you, and it gets really good gas mileage, and it uses no oil. It has new tires, a new battery and nearly a tank of gas. He was in shock, but thought we were kidding and that there were some strings attached. I said, “It's really yours.” And if you want you can ride back with us after our shopping and we will transfer the title to you and you can drive it home tonight. He was stunned that a total stranger would give him a van. However, he gratefully accepted the offer.

The bus station was closed and we told him he could come back and get a refund later and keep the money. While we shopped he slept in our car like a baby, with no more worries, because his Heavenly father was watching out for him. Three hours later, when he left our house, he was one happy and grateful man. And we were glad to be a blessing to someone in need.

From God's Prospective: Jesus is the Good Samaritan who came down to help a lost, hurting and religious world. He saw our need and gave us his oil and wine to soothe our wounded souls and spirits. He picks us up and carries us to a place of shelter in his kingdom. There we recover with his help, others' help, and also the help of the innkeepers. Once we recover we too can become a new Inn Keepers, to take care of the next victim or victims that He brings across our path or into our home as to minister to. And whatever it costs us to help that person or persons, God promises to repay us when he returns.

Remember: Things can change quicker than we realize when we put our trust in Jesus. Also, when you help someone, consider going the second mile (Mt.5:41). God did it for us with a cross on his shoulder.