He was taken by stealth, the Prince of Peace. He was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our selfish actions and by His stripes we are healed.

I wish to extend my honor and gratitude to those who have chosen to serve and sacrifice also for the sake of protection and peace. Thank You, and God Bless You!

Monday, February 27, 2012

What's The Point

Many people have wandered through life trying to find meaning and purpose to it all. Some have sought to find it in power and making money, while others choose high adventure or life-daring risks. Some feel it is in causal relationships, only to see heartache and disappointment as they try meaningless sex for a temporary thrill. Many believe it is found in a life long commitment in marriage and raising children, only to struggle to keep it together. A few even try alternate lifestyles to satisfy their wounded spirit. Others try some form of drugs for a temporary escape from it all. And still many believe their religion has given them a sense of peace and hope. Most will try a combination of these experiences. Even many Christians say they love and trust God, yet they live pretty much just like the rest of the world. And some people will still live aimlessly, void of hope, dreams and expectations. So again, I ask, what's the point?

What are we wanting to accomplish and what will our last words be, if we even have anything to say about it all? What would you tell the next generation before your time has expired, if all that you believed ended at the grave? What did you learn from it all? Would you tell them to make the most of it while they are young, healthy and strong? What is "the most of it" mean anyway? Then, what is the point of living? Or, if you have a religious concept of the hereafter, would you say, "I hope I'm good enough to make it to the other side."

What final words would you want to share or give to encourage your children and grandchildren? And what if you never married or never had any children? What would you want to tell your friends if you had any? What would you want them to put on your tombstone— "I did it my way." And what would people say about you after you're gone? Did you contribute anything to society or to your fellow man while you were on earth? Would you even be missed? What would you want people to know before you die?

Most people don't even consider those kind of thoughts, until it's too late. Do you ever ask yourself, why you get up in the morning? Is it to get a education, punch a time card, pay another bill or give your boss a piece of your mind that you can't really spare? Do you find yourself chasing one dream after another, never catching one?

Do you ever just sit and just enjoy a beautiful sunset or walk on the beach with the creator? Have you ever just looked up into the starry night sky and wondered how awesome God must be? Did you take the time to find the real meaning to life? Was it the meaning of Life, perhaps? Did you ever really find what you were looking for? Have you taken the time to get to really know Him. If you haven't, then what is the point?

The point
is—Life without an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ is meaningless.

Friday, February 3, 2012

You're Fired

For about ten years there's been a TV program called
The Apprentice, starring Donald Trump. It features contestants who are unknowns and more recently a variety celebrities so I'm told, from many venues who compete as teams doing different work projects. Eventually, they are reduced to two finalists, of which the winner win cash and a one year contract to work at one of Donald Trump's new enterprises. (What the celebrities win I don't know. I quit watching TV years ago.) However, there was and still is a process of elimination at the end of each show by Mr. Trump, who say, "You're fired," to one of the contestants. However, each of the contestants that were fired were shocked when it happened to them.

That was a Television Reality Show, but when it happens to you in real life it can be just as big of a shock, especially when you have a family to support. Even losing your job because of business downsizing, or going out of business can have the same affect. Many people have experienced this at one time or another, especially the past few years with the current world recession. When it happens, it could have devastating results. Many people have lost their homes, their cars, or the family sometimes breaks up; even a few people have committed suicide or killed someone else. It can be quite traumatic on anyone, but not worth dying or killing someone over. The truth is, it can also be the best thing that ever happens to an individual or a family.

These experiences help us to evaluate our situation as to where we really place our values and trust. We have to decide what's really most important in life. As children of God our trust should be in God alone—and not our jobs—knowing that he is in full control. Unfortunately, most of the world doesn't know this, and even many Christians struggle with this.

I remember about twenty years ago when I was fired from a job I had only worked at for a week. It had been eight months since we had lost our house because of foolish borrowing and investing practices. Plus I had already worked at two other jobs that lasted only a short time. Now, I was hoping this one would last longer. I was working for another small company, painting the exterior of a shopping center. I had told the contractor over the phone my work experience, and that was good enough to get me hired. When I started working I gave 100% of my abilities, but at the end of the week it wasn't good enough for him. He didn't say anything negative until he handed me my paycheck, and then he added that he was going to let me go. I was shocked and nothing I said would change his mind. None of the jobs I did seemed to last, regardless of how hard I worked.

When I got to my car I was devastated and started to weep. On the way home, I cried out to God as I drove, "Why does this keep happening? What am I going to do?" Then I heard him say, "Don't worry. It will never happen again. From now on I will provide for you." I began to feel a little better as I pondered his words, even though I didn't understand the full meaning.

When I got home I told my wife what happened and what the Lord had said to me. She could tell I had been quite shaken, then replied, "It's OK, take some time off and then try again." I didn't think that was what God meant. But, after a couple of weeks went by, I looked in the paper and there were no want-ads for painters. And all other jobs I tried to pursue fell through, and then we had to move again. I even considered working at McDonalds
, but we didn't even know where we were going to live.

For the next fifteen years God provided in ways I never expected or planned. I had to die to my pride over and over again, and at times my wife had to carry the financial burden of the household. It was also a very trying time for both my wife and young daughter who saw me different than any other man they knew. I loved them, but I wasn't perfect and at times I disappointed them. I tried to help them understand my feelings towards God, but there were times I didn't even understand them myself. I did things others didn't, but knew it was something I needed to do. However, I tried to help out as much as possible. 
During this time I also built our home, my art studio. I spent time with God, and studied the Bible and read spiritual books. I did small jobs for friends who needed help with an extra hand and occasionally I sold a painting. Often I had to disregard people's comments and forgive their accusations and continued to do what I believed God wanted from me.

After that long season, God finally provided me with a steady job that I could handle. I worked a security job at a large resort for almost 3 1/2 years. Then God had me quit that job and leave everything to follow him into intensive training for my new job—working for Him.

Getting fired should not be viewed as a bad thing—even if one deserves it, because God disciplines those whom he loves. It's all a part of God's grace to help us or redirect our lives to something better, ultimately toward the plans he desires for each of us. Look at it as a promotion.

When God closes one door, he always opens another, but not usually before. We should be patient and wait on him to open the door or show us the next door. Be willing to let go of any material things or carnal baggage along the way, no matter how special it may seem to you. Some "doorways" are not very big, but God will make sure you get to where you need to be. He loves you and He will provide and restore all that you need on the other side of that door. You can trust him.


One night in prayer we had been taking to God about the way He had led our lives. For the past 22 years the Lord has made many requested, choices we had to make that were hard and sometimes very difficult. Sacrifices most others were not willing to make, but we did, because we loved Him. Over those years, God had also made many promises regarding our lives and our future. Our lives would be used to touch many others, bringing them salvation, healing and restoration; more than we could ever imagine. Plus, we would also see great prosperity from all of his blessings

However, living by faith over the years on nearly a daily basis can be wearing to the soul. Sometimes we've wondered how certain issue would get resolved, yet we saw his faithfulness in everything. A few times we felt like we were in a free fall expecting to hit bottom the next day, week, or month. Other times we're hoping to see some light at the end of the tunnel and wondered if God really cared about what we were going through.

We were not content with the status quo. I even told God, "We have given everything, all our chips were on the table and we were counting on You to come through. We sometimes felt God wasn't keeping His word, that He was just "all talk and no action." We cried out, "Where was the God of the miraculous?” Where's the God of Israel and the God of David." (This kind of feeling usually happen just before some big is about to happen. The old saying, it the darkest just before the dawn. And satan's just taking his best shots before he runs.)

We may of sounded a lot like Job to God. Yet when God started speaking to us, it wasn't from a whirlwind. Neither was He mad with us. The Lord informed us that our lives had been miraculous in many ways, just not in the way we had expected. Although we hadn't see the supernatural yet, we had been give much from the spiritual realm and much more was yet to come. He also said He intended to fulfill all his promises and blessings to us, but not necessarily in the way we thought. And it would also affect many generations to come.

God didn't even mind that we got "mouthy" because we were being honest with our feelings and we were friends. However, he did add that our problems didn't come from Him but from our doubts and fears, that caused us to "believed that God didn't care" at times. We both repented. Then God continued to speak encouraging words about our future, our feelings and our writings.

Life is very hard at time and often it’s because of our own mistakes. We often grumble and complain when there are many others who are much worse off than us. Yet, God still understand and gives out his grace for strength to everyone regardless of their situations. Just be honest with God and ask for his strength and wisdom. He is more than glad to help you, even through your darkest hours.

We tend to grumble when we think God doesn't care. People even thought Jesus didn't care. Nothing could be further from the truth. We must overcome our doubt and fears and trust God. He loves us more than we could ever imagine. However, he sees the bigger picture of a better ways that give Him the glory instead of just meeting our needs and desires the way we would want. We just need to be more patient and trust God. We'll see his way is better in the long run and thank him.