He was taken by stealth, the Prince of Peace. He was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our selfish actions and by His stripes we are healed.

I wish to extend my honor and gratitude to those who have chosen to serve and sacrifice also for the sake of protection and peace. Thank You, and God Bless You!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Son of a Rebel

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword," and furthermore, "I only do and say what I see my father doing." By making bold declarations like these, Jesus not only made himself a rebel to fallen mankind, but also made his father one. He also claimed he was sent with a mandate from his father, Jehovah; and that mandate was to bring freedom and restoration to the Kingdom of God.

The arrogance of this man named Jesus was hard for many of his fellow countrymen to swallow. The nerve of him, telling people they needed to change their ways or suffer the consequences. Furthermore, by declaring God as his father, and by declaring he was the truth, the life and the way, he became the religious leaders' number one target. Jesus was a rebel on a mission; his mission was to destroy the works of the enemy, Satan, and to establish the Kingdom of God. He pursued his mission with a boldness and a tenacity never seen or heard before. At first many people thought he was just a young arrogant fool—a trouble maker. But later on some saw him as a serious threat, and even called him a demon. Others wondered and questioned whether he might be the answer to their prayers—a prophet, the promised one, or "The Messiah."

This rebel from Nazareth demonstrated passion and zeal regarding his Father's House by overturning the tables of men's minds and ways. Jesus was not your common foe, and his tactics were quite unique. He often taught the people or told them stories about the Kingdom of God and what it was like. However there were certain requirements that were necessary if they ever hoped to enter—requirements that some felt were too harsh. This rebel had not come to deliver them from the tyranny of the Roman Empire, as many had hoped, but to bring freedom by breaking chains of sin (something definitely more important to God). This would be a challenge indeed, for most of these people had been obsessed with idolatry or were suppressed by the religious leaders who spent their lives making up new laws, traditions and building mindsets regarding the God they thought they knew.

But this bold rebel, Jesus, also had a soft spot in his heart for the poor and needy, the widows, and the orphans. He also had little interest in money or the things of the world, and he often criticized those who did. He offered mercy, when others wanted to see judgment. This man was not your typical rebel; he even loved children and spent most of his time talking with and helping others. His fight was not so much against men as it was for the truth, justice and the Kingdom of Heaven (the ways of God). He also encouraged others to follow him; and some did. In fact he chose twelve low-lifes who were expected to learn from him, and then do everything they were shown and told.  Jesus was very patient with them and others, for he knew their strengths and their weaknesses.

Jesus the rebel was a expert with the sword—his words could cut through all the bull coming from his opposers, religious men with "holier than thou" attitudes. There was no fear in his eyes but only kindness. Even his anger was tempered with grace. He used the simple things in life to confound men's wisdom and knowledge, so that it was impossible for anyone to defend himself. His sword cut to the quick of people's hearts, exposing the roots of their carnal and selfish thinking. His opponents tried to stay out of arm's reach, after suffering numerous blows to their egos. But, there was always some new hot-shot who thought he could trap him, only to leave confused and disarmed. But, they all agreed on one thing: Jesus spelled trouble for them. And some were determined to get rid of this rebel—one way or another.

His teachings were considered foolish by many—he exalted humility, giving and sacrifice. And the idea of loving and praying for your enemy was something they would never have considered. But wherever Jesus went he told the people how much God loved and cared for them. And he also encouraged them to pray, forgive one another, and surrender to the will of God; something Jesus always did himself.

Jesus also demonstrated an incredible power and authority that caused some people to fear and tremble. Others wondered and questioned where he got his power and authority. Just by a simple touch of his hand or by a few words he could heal the sick, cast out demons, or raise the dead. It was even reported that he caused a storm at sea to cease. There were other reports of miracles that were hard for many people to believe. This rebel seemed to have a secret weapon that enabled him to penetrate people's thoughts in a way no other person could. He would say things that kept the listener in suspense (or sometimes confused them). How can a person fight against a man who knows you better than you know yourself? He knew every move a person would make. Sometimes when he looked at someone, he or she would either want to surrender or run away and hide.

And Jesus was not your handsome rebel. However his mannerisms and words were quite captivating—but sometimes offensive. Still many people followed him just to see what he would do next, or if he would perform other miracles. It wasn't surprising to see many of the women falling for this young rebel with his message of LOVE, something most men don't think much about, except maybe the twelve men who were willing to leave everything and follow him. But Jesus' agape love was a different kind of love than what the people had known or heard of before.

For over three years this rebel and his little band of renegades traveled the countryside going to villages and cities in search of "lost sheep," hoping to free others who were bound by demons, sicknesses and diseases. He often encountered large crowds along the way, but he seemed to prefer the smaller groups or home settings. He liked talking to individuals on a personal level; more like heart-to-heart. He loved to tell them about his Father. He also told them about the peace and joy and rewards available for those who would place their trust in him. But, this rebel (with a heart of gold) would one day pay the ultimate sacrifice for the cause he was sent to the earth to fight. To the horror of many and to the joy of others he was nailed to a cross, then died and was buried. (Even from the cross there were no words of anger or bitterness, only kindness and forgiveness.)

His enemies thought they had won, but this rebel wasn't through fighting. To their shock, and to the surprise of his mourning followers, he appeared again—ALIVE! He demonstrated complete power over Satan, then shared some final words of hope and encouragement to his followers, before he made his incredible departure through the clouds. The mission he had begun was now entrusted to his disciples and followers to continue—the fight for their brothers, sisters and the restoration of all things. They to had now become rebels. He also asked them to wait for reinforcement of power that would come soon; and they did. They would be his witnesses also, and the truth of his words would set others free. The most important thing that Jesus would leave them was his message about the power of LOVE, and the emphasis on knowing the Father—the greatest Rebel of all.

Note—there are still followers and rebels with the heart of Jesus; they too have been sent by The Father. (The same problems and the same enemy Jesus faced then are still around today. However people are more obsessed with idolatry and suppressed by religion than ever before.) The newer rebels  will clarify the message of Jesus that has been distorted over the centuries by religion. You will see true love and awesome power demonstrated by them as never before. The truth of the matter is: God's sons only appear to be rebels because the rest of the world is out of order. If you wish to know more about this Rebel, check out Cloak of Zeal blog site.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

In a Pig's Trough?

Have you ever eaten out of a dumpster or a garbage can? Many people have. All around the world there are millions of people who are hungry. But then, maybe you're not that desperate yet. The fact that you're reading this article on a computer screen shows you're better off than millions of others. However, it doesn't mean you won't face desperate situations in the future, hopefully not. Even though you may never eat from a pig's trough or out of a garbage can, it doesn't mean you will be exempt from hard times. To help you avoid such a situation, let me share a short story with you. So take another sip of your coffee latte and read on.

There once was a very wealthy man who had two sons. The wealthy man had a very big company and thousands of people who worked for him. His two sons also worked for him as managers of several major departments within the business. However, one day the younger son was tired of working for his dad, and wanted to enjoy life a little more. He was tired of working six days a week, and ten hours a day. He had worked for his father as long as he could remember. He had come to work with his father, when he was a boy, and his father would walk him around the factory. The business expanded over the years, and as the younger son got older he started working in various departments. But now in management, his job was less physically stressful. Yet he wanted to see the world and do some other things, not unlike the other men his age who didn't work for his father's company.

So one day he asked his father for his portion of his inheritance. His father was very disappointed with his son's request and was unable to change his mind. So reluctantly the father gave his youngest son the money the son thought to be so important. Then they said goodbye, and the father asked the son to keep in touch. The son had promised to do so, but once he was out on his own he never gave it another thought—until many years later.

During those years the young man did whatever he wanted. He traveled the world and stayed in the best hotels and resorts; he ate the best foods and drank the finest wines. He even had many lavish parties, which never lacked for friends, as long as he was footing the bill. However he didn't mind because he was rich. But, over the years, the money was going faster than expected. So he made some investments, but they didn't work out for him.

Eventually, the money was all gone and so were his friends. No one would even give him a place to sleep or food to eat. He tried to find work, but it was difficult because there was a recession now and he had few useful skills. He begged for money on the street corners, and slept in doorways of buildings and old abandoned houses; but winter was coming soon and he was getting cold during the nights. He barely found enough food to eat and he wasn't feeling very well.

Finally, he found a job cleaning stalls at a ranch; he slept on the hay inside the barn and was allowed to eat whatever they fed the animals. He took the job because he was starving and freezing, but after a few weeks of eating from the pig's trough he came to his senses. He said to himself, "Why? Why am I doing this? I could be working for my father in the lowest position and be living better than this. I will go to my father and beg for his mercy".

On the way back home, when the son could finally see his father's house in the distance, oh how the memories flooded his mind. How could he have been so foolish? What would his father say? Yet before he reached the house his father came running out, embraced him and kissed him with tears in his eyes. Then the son said, "Father I have sinned and I am no longer worthy to be called your son." Then the father told his servants, "Quick, bring out the best coat and put it on him, and put a diamond ring on his hand and a pair of Austin shoes on his feet; and tell the chef to put on the steaks, and let us eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found."

Today, many people think they can do better on their own. They don't want to listen to their Heavenly Father or take His advice. They take the gifts and talents and the money he has given them and use them to satisfy their own wants and desires. They make friends with the world, yet in the end they find it to be a harder taskmaster than their Father. Yet they usually don't realize it until it is too late.

I hope you will remember this little updated story from the Holy Bible (The Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11-32). Your heavenly Father is waiting for you to come home if you haven't already. He loves you and misses you very much. Don't wait until you end up eating from the pig trough to change your mind. He's
patiently waiting for you.

"I have never seen the righteous or his children hungry or begging for bread."
(Psalms 37:25)

Friday, August 2, 2013

3-D Jesus

Hollywood has made a number of movies into blockbuster hits by adding three-dimensional special effects (3-D). This third dimension is created by wearing special glasses that makes you feel like you are almost there where all the action is taking place. The characters are so real that you feel you can reach out and touch them or even get killed in some of the action scenes.

 As incredible as 3-D movies are and the glasses that must be worn it see it, a person is still not seeing the real thing. It is an illusion that are mind accepts as real when in fact it's not. This is entertainment, not true life. Sometimes movies can inspire or inform us with facts  and truth, such as The Passion of the Christ. But, you still can't talk to Jesus or have any interaction with him or with  any other character in this movie, or any other movie, even if it is in 3-D.

While the world has been making advances in a number of areas, the church for the most part seems to be stuck in a rut with little life or power. Many churches still continue to portray Jesus as a two-dimensional character or a lifeless form. Perhaps if they put on their invisible 3-D glasses they can make their 2-D Jesus seem more real to them. But there is very little depth or power in their relationship with him. They seem to pretend he's real, like the movie Lars and the Real Girl, with a life-sized plastic figure.

Many things are said about Jesus' abilities, but many don't act like he is their Master or believe everything he says. Their Jesus has been stripped of much of his powers, authority and compassion, and he becomes just a part of their religion, leaving him with only the power to forgive sins and somehow get them to heaven after they're dead. Sadly, it seems to leave you feeling one can no longer reach out and touch Him. Therefore, many have chosen the company and help of others connected to the world and its systems. 

No wonder the world scoffs at Christianity. They call Jesus their Healer yet many are sick and still go to doctors. They claim Jesus is their Provider, Shield and Shepherd, yet many are in debt, fearful and discontent with what they have. They speak of love, yet there are just as many broken homes and marriages in the church as those outside the church. And some even claim that God hates certain individuals because of their life-styles. (Yet God's grace is there to meet the the hurting at whatever level of faith they may have in Him.) As the world sees it many Christians are just like them. But then they also thought the same thing about Jesus. (God knows the difference and that's what really matter just as he does for all His sons.) The world is not interested in their two dimensional (2-D) God or Jesus that looks like and is as powerless as a paper cutout for Sunday school lessons. Neither are they impressed with the examples demonstrated by so many Christians.

It's time for the church to take off the 3-D glasses and see JESUS Christ through spiritual eyes and a renewed mind. Then we will have a whole different perspective or dimension of Jesus. People will find Him full of life, love and power. The Bible tells us that all things are possible to those who believe. (Mat. 19:26) Also Jesus says, "Therefore I say to you, all things for which you ask, believe that you have received them, and they shall be granted." (Mk.11 :24). Jesus is more real, more powerful, more loving, and more caring than we could ever imagine, and he wants to be an intimate friend and not a social one we visit on Sunday or at our leisure or when it's convenient.

Jesus taught his disciples that the world would know Him by their love, and so it should be even today and into the future through all of Jesus' disciples. Nor does Jesus want to be confined to religious theaters (church buildings). In fact he refuses to be and that is why we are going to see him showing up in such places as beaches, parks, playgrounds, public schools, shopping malls, bars, worldly parties, gang meetings, street corners, stadiums, even at casinos and many other places. We are to be the hands and feet of Jesus, also speaking his words, healing the sick.and helping those who are in need of God's love, grace and mercy.

People want to see and feel his compassion and the warmth of his love. This is the reality they will see in his followers as we walk in his Word and in his humility. (Followers of Jesus still make mistakes, they are still human.) Jesus has also given us his authority as to establish the Kingdom of God, a kingdom of many more dimensions. I'm believing for the miraculous intervention of God, and we're starting to see it happening. Only when we open our eyes and ears to the truth and lead by His Holy Spirit will we see Jesus in all His fullness and glory. Jesus Christ is real and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

"Truly, truly, I say unto you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do because I go to the Father." (John 14:12)

Friday, May 10, 2013

God in the Rearview Mirrow

In today's hectic world people tend to get caught up in trying to stay ahead of everyone else. No one likes standing in lines at counters or waiting at stop signals or being patient in traffic jams. Neither do very many people enjoy driving in the slow lane. People often prefer to drive the fast lane and are often in a hurry for some reason or another. Unfortunately, at times I'm that way too, but I try to stay within the speed limits, otherwise I'm having to check my review mirror for flashing lights.

Many have made this their way of life. They race around trying to get the things done that they have on their already overloaded calendars. There are jobs, shopping, business appointments, church activities, school meetings, doctors appointments, kids sports and dozens of other things. Life is so busy that the only quiet time many people have with God is waiting at the stop light and listening to some Christian music while they drive—if that. Somehow the most important person in our lives has been forgotten or left back in the dust of our rush. If you're one of those person, may you should look more closely in the mirror and notice the tears in God's eyes.

God loves us, and he wants us to take the time to be with him, and not feel like we need to be on the run all the time. Jesus set the example by starting the day right, early in the morning with the Father. If he felt it was necessary for him, shouldn't it also be important for us?

Make time for God, throughout the day for just a moment or two, and tell him how much you love him or thank him for what he's done or going to do; it will be worth it. You may even need to eliminate some things or change your priorities. Make God first in your life, and everything else will go much smoother; you will be way ahead in what's really important in life. You might even try asking him what he would have you do. Life's much better when God is near you, than when he's in the your rearview mirror.