Hollywood has made a number of movies into blockbuster hits by adding three-dimensional special effects (3-D). This third dimension is created by wearing special glasses that makes you feel like you are almost there where all the action is taking place. The characters are so real that you feel you can reach out and touch them or even get killed in some of the action scenes.
As incredible as 3-D movies are and the glasses that must be worn it see it, a person is still not seeing the real thing. It is an illusion that are mind accepts as real when in fact it's not. This is entertainment, not true life. Sometimes movies can inspire or inform us with facts and truth, such as The Passion of the Christ. But, you still can't talk to Jesus or have any interaction with him or with any other character in this movie, or any other movie, even if it is in 3-D.
While the world has been making advances in a number of areas, the church for the most part seems to be stuck in a rut with little life or power. Many churches still continue to portray Jesus as a two-dimensional character or a lifeless form. Perhaps if they put on their invisible 3-D glasses they can make their 2-D Jesus seem more real to them. But there is very little depth or power in their relationship with him. They seem to pretend he's real, like the movie Lars and the Real Girl, with a life-sized plastic figure.
Many things are said about Jesus' abilities, but many don't act like he is their Master or believe everything he says. Their Jesus has been stripped of much of his powers, authority and compassion, and he becomes just a part of their religion, leaving him with only the power to forgive sins and somehow get them to heaven after they're dead. Sadly, it seems to leave you feeling one can no longer reach out and touch Him. Therefore, many have chosen the company and help of others connected to the world and its systems.
No wonder the world scoffs at Christianity. They call Jesus their Healer yet many are sick and still go to doctors. They claim Jesus is their Provider, Shield and Shepherd, yet many are in debt, fearful and discontent with what they have. They speak of love, yet there are just as many broken homes and marriages in the church as those outside the church. And some even claim that God hates certain individuals because of their life-styles. (Yet God's grace is there to meet the the hurting at whatever level of faith they may have in Him.) As the world sees it many Christians are just like them. But then they also thought the same thing about Jesus. (God knows the difference and that's what really matter just as he does for all His sons.) The world is not interested in their two dimensional (2-D) God or Jesus that looks like and is as powerless as a paper cutout for Sunday school lessons. Neither are they impressed with the examples demonstrated by so many Christians.
It's time for the church to take off the 3-D glasses and see JESUS Christ through spiritual eyes and a renewed mind. Then we will have a whole different perspective or dimension of Jesus. People will find Him full of life, love and power. The Bible tells us that all things are possible to those who believe. (Mat. 19:26) Also Jesus says, "Therefore I say to you, all things for which you ask, believe that you have received them, and they shall be granted." (Mk.11 :24). Jesus is more real, more powerful, more loving, and more caring than we could ever imagine, and he wants to be an intimate friend and not a social one we visit on Sunday or at our leisure or when it's convenient.
Jesus taught his disciples that the world would know Him by their love, and so it should be even today and into the future through all of Jesus' disciples. Nor does Jesus want to be confined to religious theaters (church buildings). In fact he refuses to be and that is why we are going to see him showing up in such places as beaches, parks, playgrounds, public schools, shopping malls, bars, worldly parties, gang meetings, street corners, stadiums, even at casinos and many other places. We are to be the hands and feet of Jesus, also speaking his words, healing the sick.and helping those who are in need of God's love, grace and mercy.
People want to see and feel his compassion and the warmth of his love. This is the reality they will see in his followers as we walk in his Word and in his humility. (Followers of Jesus still make mistakes, they are still human.) Jesus has also given us his authority as to establish the Kingdom of God, a kingdom of many more dimensions. I'm believing for the miraculous intervention of God, and we're starting to see it happening. Only when we open our eyes and ears to the truth and lead by His Holy Spirit will we see Jesus in all His fullness and glory. Jesus Christ is real and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
"Truly, truly, I say unto you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do because I go to the Father." (John 14:12)