He was taken by stealth, the Prince of Peace. He was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our selfish actions and by His stripes we are healed.

I wish to extend my honor and gratitude to those who have chosen to serve and sacrifice also for the sake of protection and peace. Thank You, and God Bless You!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Good and Evil

There have been two forces operating in the world that have influenced our lives and dreams from the day we were born. These forces are controlled by two diametrically opposed spiritual beings—one is pure Good and the other is pure Evil. They each desire to capture our hearts and minds. We can't see them, yet they are very real. The results of their efforts are seen throughout the world, mostly in the words and actions of people and in the way they choose to live. Some would say that these forces don't exist, but that only proves that one of the forces has already succeeded in deluding some minds.

One of the forces is led by Satan, the father of all lies (he wants to be like God). The other force is led by Yahweh, creator of the heavens and earth. The strategy of these two forces often appears to be the same, however the end result is not the same. In fact they are opposite. One leads to death and destruction, while the other leads to restoration and eternal life. Satan is the enemy of God and the enemy of our souls. He will deceive because he doesn't want people to know the Truth. Yahweh will love out of His Divine nature. The enemy's goal is to steal, kill and destroy what God created in people and for people; all under the pretense that he wants to help them to fulfill their dreams "because they deserve it." However, Yahweh wants to give people His eternal life with new hope, dreams and visions; to bless them abundantly, and most of all restore their relationship with Him—to completely heal people physically, mentally and spiritually.

Sometimes these forces speak loudly and boldly through people stating their convictions, to get people's attention, to choose or point a way to go. And with the aid of our conscience, which is still being influenced by the quiet voices of the forces, we make our decisions. Each serious choice we make can have long lasting consequences on our lives and on the lives of those around us. Other times these voices are more subtle and persuasive, a gradual process of luring or drawing people. And the last effort is by stealth—to go in and capture by surprise when the opponent is least expecting or looking for it. Both God and Satan use these tactics (and more tactics besides). But whatever avenue God uses, there will always be a deep sense of peace that follows after the right choice is made, a peace that the other can't give. Only God's dreams are eternal, so is His forgiveness.

When God breaks in unexpectedly to get our attention, he usually reveals Himself in a dream, a vision, or just by speaking. He does this because He has something planned just for you ( new dreams), that started just by clicking on this blog site. (I believe there is no such thing as an accident.) The Lord will also usually give us a choice that is hard to refuse. (That is how God got to me.) You also now have a choice or decision to make. Yahweh—whose love is powerful, unrelenting and wonderful—wants to have a personal and intimate relationship with you. I have learned that you can run but you can't hide from God. It usually takes time - a day, a week, a month or a year it doesn't really matter, He's very patient. And when you finally surrender, you'll be glad you did. You will never want Him to leave you, and He never will. If you want to know more about Him, click on Cloak of Zeal, or my other blog,
My Witness by Divine Appointment.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Conflict of Choice

"To be or not to be, that is the question?" A famous quote from a Shakespearean play that poses this thought provoking question. It all comes down to, who am I—really? What am I? Where did I come from and/or where am I going? If God made me, am I willing to be the person he designed and planned for me? Am I willing to listen and follow no matter what that may cost me, or will I be content to just take the easy way that pleases me the most? A way with little or no cost to my flesh, my conscience or my concern for others? Every choice we make reflects a portion of who we are and they often have conflicting thoughts.

Jesus spoke of two different ways. The wide road that many take, that leads to death and destruction. The others is a narrow gate, that few have taken which leads to the Heavenly Father, and His eternal life. It also leads to a cross and the death of our self-life. Thus, the main reason why it is often avoided or eventually abandon if taken. But, what a glorious experience and reward for the few that have persevered its narrow path and come to meet Him face to face.

Jesus also told a parable about two men, each one building a house. One man chose to build his house on a solid rock, but it was more difficult. The other man chose to build on sand, a much easier way. But, when the storms of life came, only one house was left standing; the house on the rock. The other man suffered and had a great loss. (Mt. 7 :24-27) How about you? What are you going to build your life on?

Over the years we have seen on the news where thousands of homes, business and building are destroyed by natural disasters. As awful as that may have been for those people, there is a far greater loss for those who died, not knowing Jesus Christ. The Bible says,
"What does a man profit if he gains the whole and losses his own soul." (Mark 8:36) Also,"There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end is death." (Prov. 14:12) Jesus Christ is "The Way" and He is "The Rock" upon which everyone should and must build upon. We need to learn to trust Him as if our very life depended upon it, which it does.

In the Old Testament, God posed this most important question to the children of Israel,
"Chose you this day whom you will serve." (Joshua 24:15). It is also a choice and a decision everyone has to make. In fact, it is a daily choice. Whether we choose to obey and follow Jesus or follow our fleshly desires and the way of this world. Are we going to choose to love the Lord (today, tomorrow and the next) with all your heart, mind, soul and strength? Or are we going love ourselves more, making our pride, desires and pleasures a #1 priority? Why is there such a conflict? The real reason stems from apposing spiritual forces.

The conflict of choice is between our flesh and our spirit. Yet, if our desire is to please and follow God, we must learn to listen to God's voice and not the voice of our flesh or the enemy, satan, who would try to influence our fleshly thoughts. He also seek to separate from the love of the Heavenly Father, by our doubts and fears and thus making us miserable along the way. Satan's goal is to destroy our life and the lives of others. The conflict is a matter of life and death.

Sure the way of the cross is difficult and costly, but the other way is far more costly is the long run. Listening to other voices than God's is vain and foolish. Nothing the world has or that our flesh could desires can compare to the love of the Heavenly Father and his embrace.

Joshua didn't hesitate to answer God's voice and question and neither should we. He said, "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord," (Joshua 24:15). And so I have chosen, along with all the other sons and daughters of God. Once you've met the living Jesus, the conflict of choice shouldn't seem so hard or difficult, because he's always there to help and comfort. And the Father's love keeps getting better and better everyday and in every way.

"Chose you this day whom you will serve."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

More Laws, Less Freedom

Too much freedom can also have its dangerous side if certain guideline were not followed. But many leaders over the years in government, corporations, business and organizations have taken it upon themselves to add more. Thus they have slowly increased their control over the people "for their own good," even in the religious systems. To them too much freedom is not seen as good thing. And so it was in Bible times. The priests along with others man-made religious orders or groups such as the Pharisees, Sadducee's and Essenes were formed to help govern the people and their actions—to protect "their" religion and made sure they obeyed God's law as well as their laws too.

These religious leaders took it upon themselves to "assist" the Levites, who were not doing a very good job of keeping the children of Israel in line. They believed in the evolution of the law, making changes they felt were necessary to help control the people. In the process, God's basic commandments got overlooked by all their additional laws. God's commandments started first with loving the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. (Deut. 6:5). And ended with loving your neighbor as yourself. (Lev.19:18). Both repeated later by Jesus as the basis for all commandments. (Mt. 22:36)

Over the centuries these religious leaders added hundreds of new laws to the Commandments, precepts and statutes of God. Their laws may have seemed good to them at the time. Yet, many were done in subtle ways in order to avoid the intent of the Father's heart, thus making worship an external change, rather than an internal one. Most, men probably didn't realize the dangerous outcome of some of their "good" intentions. Yet, satan accomplished exactly what he intended, and that is to divert the attention away from God and onto works and ourselves. (Satan has always had his accomplices and many others through lack of knowledge.)

Jesus set the example for us to follow. Yet, many man have felt it still necessary to add their own ideas or opinions. Religion has also added many other objects, symbols, programs, and songs to support their beliefs and preconceived views of God. All those laws and things have also created more division and damage to the Body of Christ than we can ever imagine. There is now over 38,000 Christian denominations around the world. Where is the "unity" of the church? However, organized religion does seem to provide some order that many seem to be unable to do on their own. And so God's grace is there also. Yet, every religion is the world will have to eventually bow their knee to Jesus Christ.

Jesus last commandment to his disciples was to love people as he loved them. His desire was to see people set free from the bondage of religious laws and live together as one body. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice to do away with all external laws, including animal sacrifices. The only sacrifice necessary is to our self-will. When we give, it should come from the heart, just as our love and foregiveness should be. And when we worship God it should be in spirit and truth, from an honest seeking heart and an open mind. (Broken spirit and a contrite heart, Psalms 51:17)

By Jesus' sacrifice, we are also free from the law of sin, guilt and shame. All this freedom God desire for us to experience as we walk with him and fellowship with one another. We are to share what the Lord has taught and given us with others. We are to honor our spiritual leader and the Body of Christ with respect and with our tithes, and to give to the poor and the needy. Lets open up our homes to true hospitality, freedom from pride, greed and lust. We need to really understand that everything we have belongs to God. We are the stewards of his blessings, to give and to share.

Jesus offered us freedom in every way, knowing that the Heavenly Father will provide without limits for those who trust him. There is also freedom from every forms of fear, knowing he will guide, heal and protect us, because Christ lives in us. Freedom to worship Him, when, where and how he wants us to. That is why the early church grew so fast, everything was about Jesus and His love.

The Church was fellowship, "Party's" at each others house. There was eating, laughing, praying, singing and worshiping God together. They shared their personal experiences with God and the testimonies others. They would often read the Word of God from scrolls or letters from apostles who helped established them. These letters helped encourage and guide them in God's love and ways. And if there were any special needs, they would come together believing that God heard and answered their prayers. They saw miracles and God faithfulness all the time.

True worship was also helping each other as one big family. Everyone was accepted despite their clothes, occupations, background or their nationality. There was music, dancing and hymns as they soaked in the presence of Lord. For where two or three were gathered in His name, His Spirit was with them and that was his promise. They were trusting God for everything and being diligent about their efforts. There were no clocks or schedule to keep, just being lead by the Holy Spirit. Everyone submitted out of love and respect for the other.
There was also forgiveness for all those who had failed. This was church life and worship the way it was meant to be (home church). On certain occasion they gather together in larger groups for The Festivals of the Lord, known as Love Feasts. This is the freedom the world is longing to see. And so it will be again, it just a matter of time. Jesus Christ is leading his people back to true freedom.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Shifting Sands

In the past century, the US Congress has passed many new laws to protect the rights of individuals. Our forefathers also wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for this very purpose. Their intentions were that the leaders of this nation would not infringe upon the freedoms, and the rights of the individual to live in peace and harmony. The leaders were also expected to set a good example for the people to follow. Our freedom in America has been the envy of many countries around the world. Our concepts of freedom were also based on the Holy Bible, and many godly men did their best to set our nation on that foundation. It cost most of them their life, family or possessions.

However, over the years more restrictive laws have been written and rewritten to protect everyone and everything it seems. Those laws also gradually moved away from original foundation based in God's precepts. In this process we have lost many of our rights and freedoms due to our apathy, pride, fears, and in not choosing Godly leaders. Therefore, we have failed to corporately and individually govern our own behaviors, the results is many of our leaders have not set examples of integrity for us to follow as well. The Supreme Court at times seems to have a mind that is shifting also, making laws based on the shifting sands of society rather than the solid foundation of God.

There needs be a solid foundation on which a government as well as individuals can build and stand on. But to build on human feelings or personal beliefs can only lead to disaster if they are faulty. Mankind is not perfect, he often make mistakes and compromises and man's bad habits usually just lead to more bad habits.

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to have a plumb line or a standard that will stand the test of time, otherwise we will end up off course and often lost. Unfortunately, we have been off course for so long, that we can't even imagine what it is or what it looks like. It is the Truth and it looks like Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the "rock" of that solid foundation. Jesus is the example and the pattern by which everything and everyone will be judge. True freedom is found in Jesus Christ. He is the doorway to eternal life. And as far as laws go, he kept it simple, Jesus said,"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your strength. And the second is like it, love your neighbor as your self." Pretty simple, don't you agree? He summed up the fullness of freedom in those two statements.

When we receive God's forgiveness and walk in the law of His love, we truly will be (it's a ongoing process) set free from the bonds of sin, and when we individually learn to truly walk in love for our Heavenly Father and treat all others around us as we desire to be treated, we are free. We will no longer corporately need laws to tell us how to live or treat others, for the Lord God will write them on our hearts. When we live in The Father's love, nothing, absolutely nothing can then separate us from his great love for us.

The Father's House is the house of love and freedom.