In the past century, the US Congress has passed many new laws to protect the rights of individuals. Our forefathers also wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for this very purpose. Their intentions were that the leaders of this nation would not infringe upon the freedoms, and the rights of the individual to live in peace and harmony. The leaders were also expected to set a good example for the people to follow. Our freedom in America has been the envy of many countries around the world. Our concepts of freedom were also based on the Holy Bible, and many godly men did their best to set our nation on that foundation. It cost most of them their life, family or possessions.
However, over the years more restrictive laws have been written and rewritten to protect everyone and everything it seems. Those laws also gradually moved away from original foundation based in God's precepts. In this process we have lost many of our rights and freedoms due to our apathy, pride, fears, and in not choosing Godly leaders. Therefore, we have failed to corporately and individually govern our own behaviors, the results is many of our leaders have not set examples of integrity for us to follow as well. The Supreme Court at times seems to have a mind that is shifting also, making laws based on the shifting sands of society rather than the solid foundation of God.
There needs be a solid foundation on which a government as well as individuals can build and stand on. But to build on human feelings or personal beliefs can only lead to disaster if they are faulty. Mankind is not perfect, he often make mistakes and compromises and man's bad habits usually just lead to more bad habits.
Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to have a plumb line or a standard that will stand the test of time, otherwise we will end up off course and often lost. Unfortunately, we have been off course for so long, that we can't even imagine what it is or what it looks like. It is the Truth and it looks like Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the "rock" of that solid foundation. Jesus is the example and the pattern by which everything and everyone will be judge. True freedom is found in Jesus Christ. He is the doorway to eternal life. And as far as laws go, he kept it simple, Jesus said,"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your strength. And the second is like it, love your neighbor as your self." Pretty simple, don't you agree? He summed up the fullness of freedom in those two statements.
When we receive God's forgiveness and walk in the law of His love, we truly will be (it's a ongoing process) set free from the bonds of sin, and when we individually learn to truly walk in love for our Heavenly Father and treat all others around us as we desire to be treated, we are free. We will no longer corporately need laws to tell us how to live or treat others, for the Lord God will write them on our hearts. When we live in The Father's love, nothing, absolutely nothing can then separate us from his great love for us.
The Father's House is the house of love and freedom.
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