He was taken by stealth, the Prince of Peace. He was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our selfish actions and by His stripes we are healed.

I wish to extend my honor and gratitude to those who have chosen to serve and sacrifice also for the sake of protection and peace. Thank You, and God Bless You!

Monday, December 19, 2011


"Peace on earth good will toward men." This popular phrase is often found in songs this time of year or read on Christmas cards. It is used to bring hope and encouragement to the minds of people worldwide. Yet, there seems to be little peace around the world or time for millions of people who choose to rush from place to place, spending more money on gifts for people who possibly have too much already. Most retail businesses and the entertainment world hopes to capitalize on the hearts of people during this season of giving and self-indulgence.

All the different religions of the world seem to find a reason to celebrate during this season of the year also, including the Jewish people with their Hanukkah. However, December 25th was originally the festival of Winter Solstice, a pagan holiday celebrating their gods and the beginning of the winter season. But Christianity decided to make it the birthday of Jesus, needing a reason to celebrate along with the pagans. Then Santa Claus arrived with his eight reindeer to bring gifts to all the children of the world to compete with Baby Jesus. Later three wise men showed up, a little late as usual. Then Ms. Claus and the elves got jealous along with Frosty the Snowman, who came bopping onto the scene. While everyone was dreaming of a White Christmas, and children were counting the presents under the decorated Christmas tree; the homeless people just hoped for a warm meal and a warm place to sleep.

Every year Christmas just keeps growing like the proverbial snowball rolling down a gigantic hill, collecting input from the cosmos and every religion of the world as it continues rolling through December. Faster and faster, bigger and better—when and where it stops, God only knows. But we must understand that He never started it in the first place; man did. Somehow God's Holy Days have been forgotten by most people and replaced by man's holidays. But that will change in due time; God is no fool.

I didn't always feel this way about Christmas. As a child growing up in California, I used to love all the decorations and the presents. I enjoyed all the songs and the spirit of joy people seemed to express. Most people seem to forget their cares and enjoy just being with each other. When I became a Christian, I focused more on the Christian view, and left Santa looking for his way back to the North Pole. After getting married and having a daughter, my focus changed again. I had someone to share memories with; seeing the joy on my daughter's face was our delight. 

After I built my dream house, I started decorating it with Christmas lights, more and more each year, and the neighbors loved it and I enjoyed it too. But something was changing. I found myself trying to make myself happy, instead of being happy. There was no peace inside me. I appeared to have everything and yet I wasn't really happy. My marriage and my faith had gone south for the winter, and stayed. Everything from then on became a show or a pretense, like the snowman we made in the front yard by the decorated trees.

By the time I was almost 40 I was miserable; I could have played the role of Scrooge. I was determined to be happy, doing things I never thought I would do. It didn't help either, it only made me feel worse. Finally one night, when I was indulging in my selfish behavior, an old friend came knocking on my heart's door. It was the Prince of Peace, and he said to me, "It's now or never!" I knew what he meant and I immediately got up and left with my Prince—Jesus Christ.

Things have not been the same since then. Everything began to change, even my thoughts about Christmas. That year we took the money we would normally spend on ourselves and on family members, and purchased gifts of food and warm clothes to give to the homeless people is downtown Seattle. It was the best experience we ever had, seeing the expression of joy and thankfulness on the faces of people who had nothing; yet they were God's children too. Then God stripped away many of my possessions, including my dream house. He then taught me how to really trust him for everything and be grateful.

A few years later, God gave us a new home in the foothills (wilderness) of the mountains. As I spent more time with Him, He taught me things I never realized. He also gave me a special friend, Sheldon David, who also greatly helped me in my walk of faith. A couple years later I realized why I wasn't happy anymore at Christmas time. It was because Jesus wasn't there. 

God never intended for us to celebrate Jesus' birthday. It was just another religious concept for many Christians to celebrate along with the world. This revelation did not go well with the rest of my family. Even though they understood the facts (previously stated), they saw no harm in celebrating it; besides many popular ministers and ministries continued to believe it's OK. Not to mention, a whole lot of emotions that are tied to the sweet nativity scenes, the memorable songs, and the beautiful decorations, all of which are just too much for most Christians to give up—but others have, and even more will as they fall in love with Jesus (and no longer with the holiday). I believe it is God's desire that we love all people, spend less on ourselves, and give to the needy all year around, and to celebrate life with Jesus everyday. (Jer. 10:2-4) God also hates our religious festivals/holidays. (Amos 5:21 NLB). Jesus taught us that narrow is the gate to life and broad is the path that leads to destruction.

Unfortunately, many don't see it that way when they're on the broad path—choosing to ignore scriptures and warning signs (some just don't care). I'm not saying that anyone will go to hell for believing in Christmas or by celebrating it. However, Jesus did say that he only did and said what he saw the Father doing. (He never told anyone to celebrate His birthday.) It is also my desire; to serve God the best I know how by following Jesus' example. 

The one thing I have now that I never had before is PEACE. True peace of mind. Not as the world gives, but only as Jesus can give. Now I also don't have to rush around in traffic, looking for a parking space, trying to find the right gift in crowded stores; when I have the best gift—the Prince of Peace to share with others.

My prayer for you is that you will consider what I've said. Or maybe you too will want to know Jesus as your Savior and your Prince of Peace. It's never to late to start to know Him.

Note: I wrote this article a year ago, and had the most hits on my blog sight that day. But after they read the article, most no longer felt like reading further articles of mine, it only proved how strongly people feel about Christmas, one of their golden calves. The truth is many Christians and ministries still chose to believe in celebrating Christmas despite the facts and the truth. Old habits and man-made traditions are hard to break and very few are willing to break away from the crowd and the emotions tied to the Christmas spirit.

In the Old Testament some kings of Israel tried to restore true worship  by tearing down false gods and idol during their reign that people had made or brought in from other nations. But, the one area most of them failed to accomplish, was the removing of the "high places." Those places had become "sacred cow" to the people even though they greatly displeased God. People wanted to decide how and where they would worship God, instead of the other way around, and so the man-made traditions continued. 

Today, most Christians still think and act the same way. They want to celebrate, the "high places" of religious traditions and where they worship. Only a few are willing to walk away from them and follow God as maturing sons. Yet, God continues to give grace to all of His children. 

I will continue to speak the truth and encourage other to follow Christ alone without all the religious stuff. I love all of God's children, I was one, once myself. When I was young I thought like a child, acted like a child, now that I'm older I put away childish things. (1 Cor. 11:13)

* Enjoy colorful lights if you want—God is the Light of the World. And if this season helps someone find or focus more on Christ, I am thankful. If you disagree with me about Christmas that's fine too. I still love you, and I will have many other things to share that are far more important than Christmas.

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Talking Donkey?

In the movie Shrek there is a lovable and loud mouthed donkey, played by Eddie Murphy, who almost steals the show. The story is about two unique characters that become friends in search of true love. Toward the end of the movie, Shrek overhears part of a conversation and comes to a wrong conclusion and didn't want to talk to the donkey. The rejected donkey steps up to the plate when all the chips are down in their relationship to help, because he said, "that's what friends are for." Then everyone's misunderstood and hurt feelings, including Fiona's were restored once again.

In the Bible we have a similar situation involving a man and his talking donkey; but with a different ending. Balaam is a prophet for the Moabite people who are fearful of the children of Israel as they march toward the Promised Land. The King of Moab is also fearful and asks for the prophet Balaam to speak to God and find a way to curse and destroy the children of Israel. However, when Balaam talks to God he finds out that God intends to bless the Israelite people, not curse them. Balaam must speak the same blessing over them, despite the King's wishes. (Numbers 22 & 23)

Balaam relays God's message to the king, but the King refuses to give up and tries to bribe Balaam. Escorted by the King's servants, the prophet proceeds to meet with the King, despite knowing God's will regarding Israel. On Balaam's way to the King an interesting situation occurred. Balaam was about to be ambushed by an angel of  Lord. Three times the female donkey Balaam was riding refused to go the way her master wanted her to go because she saw an angel with a drawn sword blocking the path. Balaam didn't see the angel and assumed the donkey was just being stubborn. So he struck the donkey with his stick each time she refused. But the third time the donkey just laid down. Here is where we will pick up the story:

"And the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, 'What have I done to you that you should have struck me three times?' Then Balaam said to the donkey, 'Because you have made a mockery of me! If there had been a sword in my hand, I would have killed you by now.' The donkey said to Balaam, 'Am I not your donkey on which you have ridden all your life to this day? Have I ever been accustomed to do so to you?' And he said, 'No.'

"Then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way with his sword drawn in his hand; and he bowed all the way to the ground. The angel of the Lord said, 'Why have you struck your donkey these three times? Behold, I have come out as an adversary, because your ways are contrary to me. But the donkey saw me and turned aside from me. I would surely have killed you just now, and let her live.' Balaam said to the angel of the Lord, 'I have sinned, for I did not know you were standing in the way against me.'" (Numbers 22:28-34)

There may of been times in our life when God sent an angel to block our path, because we were going a direction God didn't want us to go. Other times the angel may have come in the form of a friend who tried to help us when we were headed off course, when we were determined to do something we shouldn't. Yet we often get angry and snap back with something like, "mind your own business." Sometimes we might have thought the friend was acting like a jackass (donkey) for "butting" in, when all they were trying to do was to help and be a friend. Sometimes we need to swallow our pride and really listen to what they're saying. And both of us would benefit in the long run. It is also important and smart to bless them that help us as well as those whom God is also blessing, if you want to be blessed too.

"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."  (John 15:13)

Be grateful for every true friend you have; they're hard to come by. Let them know how much you appreciate them.  And thank God for the angels that block our path or paths when we're heading off course. Don't force something to happen out of your own stubbornness. You may not live to regret it.

Monday, October 24, 2011

In A Pig's Trough

Have you ever eaten out of a dumpster or a garbage can? Many people have. All around the world there are millions of people who are hungry. But then, maybe you're not that desperate yet. The fact that you're reading this article on a computer screen shows you're better off than millions of others. However, it doesn't mean you won't face desperate situations in the future, hopefully not. Even though you may never eat from a pig's trough or out of a garbage can, it doesn't mean you will be exempt from hard times. To help you avoid such a situation, let me share a short story with you. So take another sip of your coffee latte and read on.

There once was a very wealthy man who had two sons. The wealthy man had a very big company and thousands of people who worked for him. His two sons also worked for him as managers of several major departments within the business. However, one day the younger son was tired of working for his dad, and wanted to enjoy life a little more. He was tired of working six days a week, and ten hours a day. He had worked for his father as long as he could remember. He had come to work with his father, when he was a boy, and his father would walk him around the factory. The business expanded over the years, and as the younger son got older he started working in various departments. But now in management, his job was less physically stressful. Yet he wanted to see the world and do some other things, not unlike the other men his age who didn't work for his father's company.

So one day he asked his father for his portion of his inheritance. His father was very disappointed with his son's request and was unable to change his mind. So reluctantly the father gave his youngest son the money the son thought to be so important. Then they said goodbye, and the father asked the son to keep in touch. The son had promised to do so, but once he was out on his own he never gave it another thought—until many years later.

During those years the young man did whatever he wanted. He traveled the world and stayed in the best hotels and resorts; he ate the best foods and drank the finest wines. He even had many lavish parties, which never lacked for friends, as long as he was footing the bill. However he didn't mind because he was rich. But, over the years, the money was going faster than expected. So he made some investments, but they didn't work out for him.

Eventually, the money was all gone and so were his friends. No one would even give him a place to sleep or food to eat. He tried to find work, but it was difficult because there was a recession now and he had few useful skills. He begged for money on the street corners, and slept in doorways of buildings and old abandoned houses; but winter was coming soon and he was getting cold during the nights. He barely found enough food to eat and he wasn't feeling very well.

Finally, he found a job cleaning stalls at a ranch; he slept on the hay inside the barn and was allowed to eat whatever they fed the animals. He took the job because he was starving and freezing, but after a few weeks of eating from the pig's trough he came to his senses. He said to himself, "Why? Why am I doing this? I could be working for my father in the lowest position and be living better than this. I will go to my father and beg for his mercy".

On the way back home, when the son could finally see his father's house in the distance, oh how the memories flooded his mind. How could he have been so foolish? What would his father say? Yet before he reached the house his father came running out, embraced him and kissed him with tears in his eyes. Then the son said, "Father I have sinned and I am no longer worthy to be called your son." Then the father told his servants, "Quick, bring out the best coat and put it on him, and put a diamond ring on his hand and a pair of Austin shoes on his feet; and tell the chef to put on the steaks, and let us eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found."

Today, many people think they can do better on their own. They don't want to listen to their Heavenly Father or take His advice. They take the gifts and talents and the money he has given them and use them to satisfy their own wants and desires. They make friends with the world, yet in the end they find it to be a harder taskmaster than their Father. Yet they usually don't realize it until it is too late.

I hope you will remember this little updated story from the Holy Bible (The Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11-32). Your heavenly Father is waiting for you to come home if you haven't already. He loves you and misses you very much. Don't wait until you end up eating from the pig trough to change your mind. He's
patiently waiting for you.

"I have never seen the righteous or his children hungry or begging for bread."

(Psalms 37:25)

Friday, September 30, 2011

I Was Blind - Part 2

Saul had just been knocked to the ground by the power and light of God. And Paul had studied enough Torah history to know that God does speak to men. Now he also knew his name, Yeshua (Jesus). Once the light was gone he was no longer able to see. So the men who were traveling with him, helped him to get to the city and get a place to stay. There, Saul fasted and prayed for three days, waiting on the Lord, the very Lord he had hated so much and wanted to imprison all those who followed him. During this time he also might have wondered what his punishment would be for hurting so many people. However, while he was waiting, he had a vision of a man coming to him to heal his eyes.

The Lord also spoke to Ananias, a disciple of Christ, and instructed him to go and pray for Saul. Ananias was afraid at first, but the Lord assured him that Saul was a chosen instrument to bear the name of Jesus to the world, also telling him that Saul would suffer for His name.

Finally, Ananias arrived at the place where Saul was staying and said, "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you were coming, has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit." And immediately Saul could see. At one time Saul was blind, both physically and spiritually. But now he saw and knew the truth, the truth that Jesus Christ is Lord.

After being baptized in water and filled with the Holy Spirit, Saul spent several days with some of the local disciples in Damascus. Then he started proclaiming Jesus as the Son of God in their synagogues. The people were amazed by such a change in the man, the very man who once came to arrest believers was now declaring Jesus as the Christ. All of Saul's teaching and training had been lacking one thing—Jesus. Jesus was the missing peace of the puzzle and now all the scriptures made sense.

The Pharisees and the enemies of the faith were shocked by this new outcome. They now had a new foe; one that had to be dealt with immediately. So the Jews and former friends of Saul now plotted to kill him also. The very man who was once viewed as their champion had become their greatest enemy. But, Saul escaped with the help of his new friends. As Saul grew in faith, he later changed his name from Saul to Paul, severing himself from the past.

Paul became a pillar of the faith and an apostle of the Lord after his vision of the Lord. He was also taught by the Holy Spirit in the wilderness for three years. Paul became the greatest missionary evangelist, spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the Roman Empire. He also suffered many, many times—for which he was glad—so that we could know the truth (2 Cor. 11:23-27). Knowing and serving Jesus Christ was worth everything to him.

While Paul suffered in prison on numerous occasions, he wrote many letters to the churches he established in various parts of the world. Those letters became books of the Holy Bible. They reveal the awesome and wonderful nature of Jesus the Son of God, who now lives within every believer. They also reveal that one day every knee will bow before Him, and declare that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Paul loved Jesus more than life itself. His other passion was in sharing the revelation of that love, Jesus Christ. Here are just a few passages from his letters. As you read them keep in mind that these were written by a man who at one time didn't believe in Jesus, and who hated Jesus' followers and disciples. (There is a difference between disciples of Jesus and those who follow Christianity, which I have written about in other articles.)

"Jesus Christ is the visible likeness of the invisible God, the first born of all creation. For by Him all thing were created, both in heaven and on earth...all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is the head of the body, the church...for it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him." (Col. 1:15-19)

Paul speaking of himself said, "Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake...I was made a minister...so that I might carry out the preaching of the word of God, that is the mystery which has been hidden from past ages and generations, but has now been revealed to his people...which is Christ in you the hope of glory." (Col. 1:24-27)

"For this reason I bow my knees before the Father...that He would grant you...to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith...being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend...the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge. Now...to Him be the glory...to all generations forever and ever. Amen." (Eph. 3:14-21)

"And although we hated him, Jesus suffered and died for us in order to present us holy and blameless and beyond reproach—if we repent and continue in the faith." (Col.1:21,22 PAR)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I Was Blind - Part I

Have you ever hated a person or a group of people because of their race or religion? It's not uncommon today to see or hear it in the news. There is so much violence in the world because of people's attitudes, beliefs and convictions. Feelings that one group is right or better than another. Who determines who's right or who's wrong? We see people who hate black people and others hate white people. Some hate Americans and other hate other nationalities. Many Arabs hate the Jews. Some people hate gays and others hate Republicans or Democrats. Some hate other people because of their religious beliefs. There are people who hate their ex-spouse or the neighbor's dog. And then there are those who hate everybody, including themselves.

There are spiritual forces behind angry words, especially the word HATE. Such forces want to steal, kill or destroy relationships. People should be embraced rather than hurt or eliminated. This is a very disturbing and angry world we live in, and people's hate often comes from
ignorance, because people don't fully understand or know all the issues involved or the source of those feelings. It is satan who wants you to hate, and he especially doesn't want you to know the Truth. Hate is a very strong word which blinds people to the truth, as we will see in the story of one man who hated Jesus, his disciples, and his followers.

The man's name was Saul, and he had a passion for his religious beliefs and the God he thought he served. He had been raised by his family to follow in the footsteps of his father as to be a religious leader in the community, but as he grew up his ambition and zeal took him well beyond the boundaries of his small town. He had the best of training for Pharisees, and his teachers knew this bright young man was destined to be a brilliant leader and a role model, one that even God would be proud of. He was bold and willing to confront those who would not obey the Laws of God. Even the laws his mentors had established were worthy of compliance, or face the disciplines of the Sanhedrin Courts or banishment from the synagogues. The threat of whippings or beatings usually kept most people in line, but sometimes Saul thought it to be necessary to set an example. After all, God and His Laws must be obeyed.

Saul was also a citizen of Rome because of where he had been born, and this gave him an extra clout that was useful at times even though he hated the Romans for what they had done and continued to do to the Jewish people. The suppression was offensive, but he was determined to see that his people would not forget to obey God, by whatever means he believed was necessary. And God would someday free them from the grip of Roman tyranny. The Greeks had their gods, and so did the Romans, also the other nations. But, his people and countrymen needed to know and serve the one true God, YHWH.

Saul had been raised in another country, far from the city of Jerusalem and the land his forefathers were promised by the Lord. And news from the Holy City often took a long time to reach the land of
Cilicia and the city of Tarsus, where Saul lived. Word had reached him that there was a man named Jesus who had been going around the land of Israel doing signs and wonders for some time. And many people were beginning to follow him, even though he claimed that God was his Father. Some of these people were even calling him a Prophet or possibly "The Messiah."

This was an outrage to Saul; something had to be done and he was just the man to do it. It took some time to clear some family matters and finish his schooling, but he was finally ready for the trip. He had always wanted to go to Jerusalem but under different circumstances. Maybe this was to be his mission—to confront this impostor, Jesus of Nazareth. Who does he think he is? Just saying the name was already leaving a bad taste in his mouth, and he was reluctant to even speak it and wondered how he could destroy this trouble maker.

The voyage was long, but he finally reached the fatherland of his faith. Moses and Abraham would be proud of him and his goal. But, he had not even been on dry ground a day when he had heard that this self-proclaimed Messiah had been crucified months before by the Romans. Just his luck; now what was he going to do? But, there were also all kinds of rumors following his death, but none that made any sense to him. Jesus' death had taken some of the wind out of his sails. He had so long wanted to see the man and confront him, but now the Romans had ruined it for him. The good news was that some of his religious mentors were responsible for his death. It was good to know that there was some justice in Jerusalem, also some men who knew what they were doing. Anyway, Saul decided to take some time to see the country before going to the Holy City, now that he had missed Passover and the Pentecost Festivals.

By the time he reached Jerusalem, things had gotten out of hand. It seemed that many of the followers of Jesus were now increasing in great numbers and worst still, they were saying that Jesus was still alive. Impossible, he thought to himself. Surely, there must be some mistake. But as the days passed, he could see and hear for himself as some of the disciples of Jesus spoke openly about Jesus. Their message declared that Jesus had risen from the dead, also that his death was the will of his Father in heaven, meant for the final sacrifice for their sins. He was the Lamb of God. Even some of the priests were now becoming followers. Had these people gone mad? This was preposterous and needed to be stopped! So Saul started making friends with some of the local Pharisees and began discussing what they could do to stop them.

Finally, a plot was presented to the High Priest to have some men lie and accuse a young man who was growing strong in his new faith. He was brought before the Council to defend himself. His name was Steven and he was a young and bold man, just like Saul, but different for obvious reasons. Steven in his defense gave an incredible Jewish history lesson, but at the end of it he accused the religious leaders of crucifying the Son of God. Then he claimed he saw Jesus in heaven standing at the right hand of God. At that moment, the High Priest and the council members covered their ears and rushed Steven and drove him out of the city to stone him. There they gave their robes to the young man Saul to hold during the stoning. While he was being stoned Steven asked God to forgive the men for what they were doing.

Saul couldn't believe what he just heard Steven say, but he was now glad Steven was dead. In fact it inspired him all the more. He wanted to see all the followers of Jesus punished or killed for turning their backs on Jehovah God by following this dead man, Jesus. Then Saul himself started persecuting these followers. He ravaged the believers, entered their houses dragging out men and women, then put them in prison. This young Saul thought he was doing God a favor by punishing these rebels, until that fateful day.

It was a beautiful day and everything was going according to plan. He had a letter from the religious authorities granting him power to arrest these followers of Jesus in the city of Damascus where he was heading. Saul was making a name for himself that would put the fear of God back into the people. He should have been feeling good about himself, but he wasn't. Something about these new followers of Jesus bothered him. They didn't react the way he thought they would. Some didn't even resist and others blessed him. They were definitely a peculiar people. So much for their leader, he's probably in hell now. Serves him right, who did he think he was?

The next thing Saul knew, he had been knocked off his donkey and was sitting on his backside staring up at a bright light. Then a voice came from the light and said, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" Then Saul replied, "Who are you, Lord?" And He said, "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting, but get up and enter the city, and it will be told you what you must do."

...to be continued.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Who is My Neighbor?

Jesus tells us a story of a man who was attacked by thieves. The thieves beat the man, stripped him of his money and his clothes, and then left him half dead. On two separate occasions religious men passed by the wounded man, but they were too busy or didn't care enough to help or even stop. Later on, an outcast went by and became the hero of the story. He stopped and helped the helpless man. That's where we will pick up the story:

"But a Samaritan came upon the injured man. When he saw him, he felt compassion, and came to him and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own beast, brought him to an inn and took care of him. On the next day he took a couple of denaris and gave them to the innkeeper and said, 'Take care of him, and whatever you spend, when I return I will repay you. (Luke 10:33-35)

Wow, that is what you call true compassion and going the second mile! Many people today are like the first two men, they're too busy doing their own thing or going to some religious activity. Today, it's easier for many to just put money in an offering plate, than to get their hands dirty or get personally involved.

A few years ago my wife and I were driving on the freeway to go to Home Depot in the next city. I had just passed a scruffy young man standing by his broken-down truck on the shoulder of the freeway. I usually don't pick up hitch-hikers when my wife is with me. But for some reason I felt led to stop and help this man. So I pulled over and backed up. The man explained that the engine had quit and he had been trying for two hours to get a ride and nobody would stop. He was heading home, another 100 miles away. I told him we were heading to the next city, that he could hitch a ride with us, and he could take the bus from there. He said he didn't have any money. I said that we would purchase the ticket.

When he got in our car, he explained that he had just prayed out of desperation that somebody would stop. I said, “It looks like God answered your prayer.” The man informed us that he was a war veteran and that it had been hard for him to get work. He had just started working for his uncle as a journeyman plumber, and was purchasing the truck from him out of his wages. He also told us he wasn't a religious man and that he was worried how he was going to work or solve his predicament. I said, “It's OK. I'm not religious either, but God loves you and wants to help you just the same.” We tried to share God's love and some encouraging words with him.

We arrived at the bus station just before the office closed, and purchased a ticket for him. It would be another hour before the next bus would pass through the terminal, so we took him to a restaurant and gave him some money to buy a meal while he waited. We said goodbye with hopes that everything would go all right. He thanked us, but I could still see the stress on his face.

After we left him, I told my wife as we drove away, "I wish we could have done more." She then suggested that I could give him my old van that a friend gave me. "You're right," I replied. We had just purchased a newer van for me a month before and I was waiting for the opportunity to give the older one to someone special because that van had meant so much to me. This scared young man was someone special to God. So we turned around, went in and ordered our meal. Then we went over to where he was eating and asked if he would like some company. He was surprised to see us again. We sat down and ate with big grins on our faces as he continued to talk about his problems and worries.

Finally I said you know things are never as dark as they may appear. More than that, God really loves you. He spared your life in a war for a purpose and we would like to help you. I have a white GMC van that we would like to give you, and it gets really good gas mileage, and it uses no oil. It has new tires, a new battery and nearly a tank of gas. He was in shock, but thought we were kidding and that there were some strings attached. I said, “It's really yours.” And if you want you can ride back with us after our shopping and we will transfer the title to you and you can drive it home tonight. He was stunned that a total stranger would give him a van. However, he gratefully accepted the offer.

The bus station was closed and we told him he could come back and get a refund later and keep the money. While we shopped he slept in our car like a baby, with no more worries, because his Heavenly father was watching out for him. Three hours later, when he left our house, he was one happy and grateful man. And we were glad to be a blessing to someone in need.

From God's Prospective: Jesus is the Good Samaritan who came down to help a lost, hurting and religious world. He saw our need and gave us his oil and wine to soothe our wounded souls and spirits. He picks us up and carries us to a place of shelter in his kingdom. There we recover with his help, others' help, and also the help of the innkeepers. Once we recover we too can become a new Inn Keepers, to take care of the next victim or victims that He brings across our path or into our home as to minister to. And whatever it costs us to help that person or persons, God promises to repay us when he returns.

Remember: Things can change quicker than we realize when we put our trust in Jesus. Also, when you help someone, consider going the second mile (Mt.5:41). God did it for us with a cross on his shoulder.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Can You Imagine

John Lennon from The Beatles, wrote a popular song many years ago entitled, Imagine. In it he sings about many wonderful things from his personal point of view, including a world without God (Heaven), the consequences of man's selfish behavior (Hell); he also sang about peace and love and a world that will one day be as one. He was definitely a dreamer, and at one point he met Jesus. Mankind has tried to accomplish unity for over a hundred years, through a one world mindset. But it will never happen, because the world is not man's, but is God's. And it is God who will rule it through his sons and daughters. Can you imagine what such a world would look like? The Kingdom of God will be a lot better, that's for sure!

Three weeks ago on a Friday night, Sheldon David and I walked the streets of Portland again. We had just come from one of our regular prayer and worship meetings at his place, where it is often just the two of us. We usually intercede for people that the Lord lays on our hearts—whether it is a person, a city, the nation or the world. We also deal with a considerable amount of spiritual warfare, breaking bonds off people's hearts and minds, even as we walk. We pray that people's eyes and ears would be opened and their hearts would be softened and receptive to the truth. In these gatherings, God often speaks to us (mostly to Sheldon), but I enjoy getting to eavesdrop. And God doesn't mind because we're friends. Often God's words have been of a personal nature, but this time God was sharing more of a national and global perspective. The world is about to experience a mighty move of God. He mentioned cities, states and nations where His Spirit will have an incredible impact. There will be both blessings and judgments in the days ahead, and much of that will start within the next three years.

There will be a shaking in the earth and on it. We have already seen the financial markets shaken. Plus, we've seen the political, economic and governmental arenas shaken. The automakers have been shaking; some moving up and others going down. Many people are living in fear and desperation caused by many things including strong winds, blizzards, flooding and the shaking upon the earth.

Where pride is exalted or evil celebrated, it will be dealt with by the hand of God. The Word of the Lord tells us that God often uses nature to deal out his disapproval (judgment). Men's hearts will melt with fear, while others will rejoice in the days ahead. God is not through shaking the world; there is much to be corrected by the disciplines of the Lord, all for our good. Above all, the Lord will be feared and honored once again.

Haiti was just another example, along with Chile, New Zealand and Japan. The same go for all the damaged areas of flooding, hurricanes and tornadoes around the world and the United States. Out of the ruins will come forth his glory and people's salvation. So it will be with California. It is God's desire to bless that state abundantly, but it will come through discipline. The wild-fires have been a form of judgment and warning signs. There will be more suffering, but also an incredible blessing from a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit (a spiritual fire). This even happened back when Jesus died on the cross. There were earthquakes that caused the Temple Veil to tear in half and the graves to open. And in less than two months after his death, there was a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit with tongues of fire. In fact, God intends to bless California in a similar way. We will even see dramatic changes in Hollywood, also the gay community in San Francisco.

Jesus said, that many people were unable to read the signs of the times, so it is today. Can you imagine a quake hitting a major city in America, like the one in Haiti or Chile. God help us! I pray nothing that catastrophic will ever happen. Hopefully, the shaking will be more spiritual than physical. More people need to get on there knees and cry out to God and pray. One night the Lord said, what if it took 10, 20 or 30 million lives before people would truly humbles themselves and pray. I hope the church and the world are not the stubborn. However, God will not abandon us, but He is God and will do what ever it takes to see that His will is fulfilled. He will also prove Himself faithful to His promises of restoration. It is for His glory, and not for man's. We need to wake up and be ready.

So, as we were walking the city streets of Portland interceding, there were a lot of people doing "their thing," not realizing that this world is about to change and go a different direction—ultimately toward God. I commented to Sheldon that it was hard to imagine how this city and the people in it would look like a hundred years from now; not to mention the rest of the world. So much has changed in just the past 100 years, including building structures, technology, transportation and fashion trends. But, to imagine what people's heart would be like is even harder. Consider that a building of concrete and steel can be brought down in a matter of minutes, being rebuilt to higher heights in a year or two. But the stubbornness of mankind has been more difficult to change. However that will soon change, but will definitely take a move of God's supernatural powers.

This shaking and the moving of God's Spirit will get people's attentions. People will cry out to God, and as a result their hearts will change. There will also be a new sound of praise and worship coming from the most unlikely people and places. This is also hard to imagine because we will have not seen or heard anything like it before. There will be "Hot Spots" where the fire of the Holy Spirit will burn into the hearts of communities. There will be overturn in men's minds, but there will also be a greater distinction between black and white—good and evil, right and wrong. God is already starting to set the table back upright in the hearts and minds of others.

"Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all the nations; and they will come with all the wealth of the nations, and I fill this house with my glory... I will overthrow the thrones of kingdoms and destroy the power of the kingdoms of the nations.
" (Haggai 2: 6,7 and 22). The earth will shake until all that remains is that which can't be shaken. (Heb. 12:26). That place is a secure relationship only found in Jesus Christ.

I can't wait to see more people truly in love the Jesus, just like in the early church but only on a larger scale. I can't wait to see the miraculous on national TV and the Internet, proving once and for all that there is a God and His name is Jesus. Can you imagine seeing people set free from their additions, their wheelchairs, and their infirmities? But most of all, I can't wait to see people set free from their sins that have kept them bound in a life of selfishness, guilt and shame, now completely restored to the Heavenly Father. A wave of young people will be leading the way, leaving their rebellious nature and their idols behind as to follow the one and only superstar, Jesus Christ. Can you imagine?

"God is our shelter and strength, always ready to help in time of trouble. So we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken and the mountains fall into the ocean depths; even if the seas roar and rage, and the hills are shaken by the violence."
"There is a river [Jesus] that brings joy to the city of God, to the sacred house of the Most High. God is in that city and it will never be destroyed; at early dawn he will come to its aid. Nations are terrified, kingdoms are shaken; God thunders, and the earth dissolves." (Psalms 46:1-6, brackets mine)

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Rapture and Judgement Day

Well once again the world has had it's laugh at Christians who have tried to predict or believe in foolish religious mindsets. The truth of the matter is those events have been taking place on a daily bases for thousands of years, but on a much smaller scale and without all the hype or hoopla. There is an appointed time for every man and women, a time to live and a time to die. For some they won't even get to take their first breath, and others will lived much longer than they ever expected. God determines the number of heartbeats of each person and nothing can change thatHe has also determines where every person will lives on earth and where they spends eternity. God is the Righteous Judge, for He alone knows the heart of mankind and all their actions, even before they are born.

Everyday there is judgement—people die; men, women and children all for various reasons. Yet it is also a part of God's eternal plan, purpose and timing whether we like it or not. Some are whisked off to a much better place and some are destine to a place they hoped wasn't real. A place away from the grace, mercy and love of God—forever. They will never get to experience the peace, love and joy that was intended for them, because they refused God's ways nor sought His forgiveness. Judgement will continue on the earth until all is restored back to Him

Everyday can also be a "judgement day" for a person or a people across the planet, who have chosen to disregarded God's word and warnings. Ultimately, everyone as they get older becomes responsible for their own choices and actions. God honors the faithful ones and they should have no fear of death. And He will judge those who dishonor Him. Death is death no matter how it comes. We have all been judged and found in need of a savior. Jesus is the only true savior and the portal to eternal life.

Also unknown to most Christians is that Jesus has been returning to earth almost everyday since He left it. Jesus started returning ten days later on the Day of Pentecost and He hasn't stopped returning for those who receive Him into their heart.

Jesus Christ is the Kingdom of Heaven. Heaven is always found by being and living in His presence. Some get to experience a little of what they seek, others wait for it, and a few walk in what they know they have already been given.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Faith, The Final Frontier

Mankind has searched the ocean depths and the far reaches of space for many reasons: looking for answers to their questions. But, there is one complex question most of them seem (and sometimes try) to avoid in that search. Is there a God and how can I find and get to know Him? Finding the answer to that question is the only thing that can fill and satisfy their hunger and search. But, what they're really looking for can't be seen. It is invisible and it's spiritual. 

Man will have to venture into that "forbidden" realm of Faith to find it. And the enemy absolutely doesn't want them to go there. He has convinced many people that it is foolish and dangerous. However, it isn't and it's meant to be easily accessible; but because of the fallen nature of mankind, it has become the final frontier for most of humanity. It also seems to have become the last place he will look. Yet, those who have been there come back much different than they were before.

If you were to ask most people if they believe in God, the majority would say, "Yes." If you asked them if they love God? Many would still say, "Yes." But, if you asked them whether they have faith in God, then you would start to get a lot of different answers and/or excuses. Some may even ask, What is faith? Believing there is a God is one thing; knowing him is another. It's not that he tries to be elusive, but the mode of faith is the mode that one must use in order to reach and understand Him. Faith is not natural but spiritual.

Man has five basic senses; sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. We also have spiritual senses that operate in the spiritual realm that are normally accessed or reached through faith. It is our Life Support system that enables us to function in that realm. So what is Faith? Here are a few verses from the Bible to help us:
"Faith is...the evidence of things not seen made visible." (Heb 11:1)
"By faith we understand...that what is seen was made out of the invisible." (Heb.11:2)
"But my righteous ones shall live by faith." (Heb.10:38)
"And Jesus said...All things are possible to him who has faith." (Mark9:23)
"Without faith it is impossible to please God." (Heb.11:6)
"Faith without works is dead." (James 2:20)
If you ask most Christians if they have faith, most would respond "most defiantly!" But if you asked them, How do you express or demonstrate your faith? You would probably get a lot of varying answers; such as, Well, I believe in God, and I believe Jesus Christ died for me; I read my Bible; I go to church. (Or other things they might think or believe.) Or they might quote some of the previous scriptures. Or they might try to be good and not sin. However, believing things is not FAITH, and neither is being good or doing religious activities. Obedience and trust is the essence of faith. Abraham is the father of our faith, he demonstrated it by his obedience and trust in God's words. Sadly, that kind of faith is missing in many churches and in many Christians lives. How does a person demonstrate his or her faith? Would you like to have faith?

There are two kinds of faith. One is natural and works like this: if you do certain things you can expect certain results; such faith is based on mental knowledge. It only works in the natural world. It's like turning on a light; you have faith that the light will come on if you flip the switch. The other is spiritual faith and works like this: you have to do something you have not done before, based on the word of God (or a rhema word) and continue to do it. In the Bible you will find many examples of people demonstrating their faith, obeying and trusting God. This trust comes from our heart (spirit), and we apply it to our mind to take steps and actions every day until it becomes a way of life.

All people have the first type of faith. The second type you receive when you ask Jesus Christ into your life, and he fills you with his Holy Spirit. But that faith has been compromised over the years by men preaching and preaching to the point where there is not much life left in it. God is looking for the faith of Abraham and there is very little these days. Many operate it mostly by head knowledge in things that they have taught. To find and know God requires true spiritual faith. We definitely need God's help to energize that measure of faith that has been given to very believer. We need to get our minds renewed.

Thank God we are headed for an encounter with our Creator, and He will restore that avenue and connection that can only be achieved by Jesus' faith that was in Abraham. It is simply impossible to know God without such faith. Jesus' Faith is the catalyst that will enable us to go where no man has gone before. By it we can enter the realm in which Jesus walked, lived and did many wonders. God has intended for all His sons and daughters to live in the miraculous realm, where the impossible is made possible by Jesus' powers. But, much of it has been lost through Satan's deceptions over the centuries. But, true spiritual faith is being and will be restored to a greater level than ever before.

Most children and young people like adventures and exploration, and that is what God desires to see in all his children—even the "big ones." Man was made for adventure, romance and to pursue the unknown. In the future we will see more people venture into the unknown realm where God can be found and known. God wants to see all of us explore the depths of his love, and reach for the stars (the future) by the power of Jesus' faith, the final frontier. Once there, we will never be the same. Neither will we desire to return to where we were before, or desire to go anywhere without Him. With faith you enter the Kingdom of God, the final frontier.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Getting It Right

I was writing another article when I remembered a funny movie called Groundhog Day, starring Bill Murray. It's been around for awhile and many people have seen it. But, I still enjoy watching it, usually once a year around February 2nd. I missed it this year probably because I'm not crazy about man-made festivals, even though it's not a big hoopla except maybe in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. However, this movie has a special meaning to me that I would like to share. Even though it's an old movie, the truth in it remains.

It was about fifteen years ago and I was asleep. I was awakened by someone or something shaking my foot. I looked around but didn't see anything. Then I noticed the clock read 2:02, and went back to sleep not thinking too much more about it. However, the next night I was awakened again in the same manner; I looked at the clock, it read 2:02 again. I thought to myself this is strange. What did 2:02 mean? was God trying to tell me something? Maybe it was a verse in the Bible; but what book? Or was it a month and a day? But, it was already the last of February, however I still wondered if 2:02 had to do with Groundhog Day, which I thought was on the second. So I got up and went to the kitchen to look at the calender; I saw the space of the 2nd and looked down in the lower corner. There was nothing there, so I headed back to bed; then I felt that I was to go back and look again. I did, but this time I noticed in the upper corner in small print, Groundhog Day. (Remember, I was sleepy.) Okay God, I'm tired and it's Groundhog Day; what about it? I looked out the window and there was still snow on the ground—which is nothing new for Cle Elum, where there is usually some snow on the ground for three months in the winter. Did it mean six more weeks of winter? February 2nd had already passed, but I still felt it had to do with that name. Then I remembered the movie, Groundhog Day, that we had purchased a year before. I decided to see it again in the morning. So I went back to bed and fell asleep trying to remember what the movie was about.

The next day after I saw the movie, I realized why God wanted me to see it. For some time, I had been doing and saying things to get my family to follow me with Christian principles, but I had either tried to force my wife and daughter to go along or I criticized or gave looks of disapproval when they didn't follow, giving them a feeling of a holier than thou attitude. They were not happy, and especially not happy with me. But, somehow I felt justified. I was definitely not demonstrating Christ's love, patience, encouragement and appreciation. And that was not pleasing to God; nor was I going anywhere until I got it right.

So I asked my family to watch the movie with me. The movie was about a weatherman who had an attitude of feeling he was better than everyone else. He ended up getting stuck in a time warp on the worst day in his life, Feb. 2nd, Groundhog Day, repeating the same day over and over again along with the same mistakes, attitudes, and the misusing of people. After numerous miserable repeated days and inability to kill himself, he eventually began to see that he was the problem. He realized he needed to change and everyone would be happier, including himself. He started to demonstrate true appreciation, love and kindness to others regardless of their lifestyle. He also showed interest in other people's needs, including one old beggar. In the end he finally woke up on a new day, because he finally got it right.

After the movie I asked, my wife and daughter what they thought of the main character. They thought he was a jerk in the beginning. I agreed with them and then added, I too have been a jerk just like him. Then I made a sincere apology for my attitude and behavior lately, asking for their forgiveness. They were surprised by my confession and then forgave me. We were all happy again. From then on I tried to let them do their thing and I did mine, but without the bad attitude.

The next day I felt that things weren't over regarding 2:02. I felt I was to share this lesson with my friends in Longview, Washington, that we're not going anywhere until we get it right. (But My mind still had not grasped the whole meaning. I was still thinking in terms of doing the right things.) However, I didn't want to do this unless it was God's will. So I asked God if I was to speak, then He would needed to wake me up at 2:02 again. That night I woke up, but this time a voice in my mind urgently demanded, "Look at the clock!" When I did so, it was 2:02. Well that answered that question!

A couple weeks later I was in Longview sharing the 2:02 experience and the movie. When I was through someone asked me what I thought it meant. I told them that we're not going anywhere until we got it right. I then started to bring up some Christian principles; some agreed but something was still missing—the true message. Then someone added, "we need to love," and I agreed.

I enjoyed my visit, but it wasn't until a few weeks after I left Longview that the full message began to sink into my thick head. This would be a life long project. It isn't about principles at all, but about allowing Christ's love to flow through me and us daily, regardless of what others say or do, even if people don't conform to what I do or believe. I am to love them unconditionally (every time I see 2:02 on a clock I'm reminded to love), just as Christ loves me. It's a lesson we all need to learn.

P.S. I just watched the movie again with my wife. We both enjoyed it. Maybe you should see it too if you haven't (or perhaps see it again). You'll notice the clock is used to get your attention, it is also
the turning point in the movie. Time is running out for many to get it right.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Desperate for God

Help me God!... Are you listening? Can you hear me? Please God! I beg you! I need your help. Have you ever said words similar to those? I'm sure you have. We all have, regardless of what religion or belief you side with. But there is only one God who can answer us; his name is Jesus; and he wants to help more then you realize. But, he is also waiting for people to see if they're really serious. God is not being mean, however he's neither a fool.

Many people often want help, but once back on their feet they're off doing their own thing again. They're not interested in a commitment or a relationship with their benefactor—which is what God wants. However, the Lord still has helped them at times even though most don't realize it—just because he's a loving Father. But he wants to be more than just a helping hand. And for some other people it is often their pride keeps them from asking or receiving help.

People all over the world have been caught in predicaments, a situations, in illnesses, accidents or disasters, where they need help. Where's that person, that friend when you need them? In some situations it may be a phone, to dial, 911 to get help. Other times they call out to God (God as they know Him) or consider alternate options.

Lately, there have been lots of people who have been caught in natural disasters. Those things happen for a reason (whether known or unknown by us), and God uses this stuff to get our attention. He wants us to turn to him for help, but not only when we're desperate. Many lives have also been spared in these disasters for reasons that include God's mercy; to give people a second chance, and for others an opportunity to share the goodness of God's protective power. But, even with those second chances there are physical needs that need to be met in order to survive. Others have emotional needs or maybe a family member who needs help, as can be seen in this event in the New Testament (Mat. 15:21-28):

"And a Canaanite woman from that region came out and began to cry out, saying, 'Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David, my daughter is cruelly demon-possessed.' But, he didn't answer her a word." Let's stop there for a moment. Have you ever felt that God wasn't listing to your prayers when you were crying out to him? Many times it may seem like it, but Jesus is not ignoring you, nor was he ignoring this woman. He's waiting, waiting to see how desperate we are and what our response will be. And so Jesus hesitates. Even the disciples were getting frustrated waiting; they finally stepped in and implored Jesus saying, "Send her away, because she keeps shouting at us." Finally, Jesus spoke up and said, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Notice, this was not total rejection, but only a statement. He left the door open a little as to see how she would respond to his exclusionary comment. Just like he would say to us. God often listens only to the prayers of his selected children who are willing or ready to obey and/or come to Him with a right attitude. Such is the case we see here, with this desperate woman:

"But she came and began to bow down (worship) before Him, saying, 'Lord, help me!' Now that got Jesus' attention. It's hard for most men to refuse a women who is desperate and crying, but Jesus is not moved by human emotions. However, He was intrigued by her words and actions. Sure, she had honored Him and her actions showed respect; but where was her heart. And Jesus was not through or ready to help; at least not yet. He wanted to deal with her in another area, rather than her concern for her child's welfare. I don't believe there was something in her past that needed to be dealt with that made her any more sinful than the rest of us. But, there is often one big stumbling block for most if not all of us. That stumbling block is pride.

And Jesus answered her and said, " It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." Pow! Pow! A double punch, one to the head and the other to the stomach of this women. In today's language, that would of been like calling her scum. But he also said that she wasn't even worth throwing the bread too. What did Jesus know about her, to respond with a such degrading statement, even though he did love her. He knew something and that is why he waited. Jesus had already helped others that were not Jews. Surely this Canaanite woman from Phoenicia had some issues with pride, possibly regarding her nation's attitude toward the Israelites, or somethings she may have said or thought in the past. Whatever it was, Jesus wanted to deal with her heart before helping this woman and her daughter.

Then the woman replied, "Yes, Lord." Wow, what an incredible comeback (answer) and then she continued, "But even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from their masters' table." This woman didn't argue. She humbly acknowledged that she was a dog who was unworthy to be served; but she believed she could still benefit from the mercy of being near her master's table. I believe she saw herself as one of those lost sheep, in need of help. She also called Jesus, who was a Jew, her master. Recognizing he was the only one who could really help her,

Then Jesus said to her, "O Woman, your faith is great; it shall be done for you as you wish." Oh how Jesus' heart must of swelled with delight for her. She passed the test and took the blows because her faith was greater than her pride. Her humility was real and her pride was no longer an issue; it was her faith in Him that enabled her to move forward to her new master who she would also learn to love. The term master means "bread giver"; and Jesus is the Bread of Life.

This world is in desperate need of God. Don't wait until you're at the end of your rope to cry out. How desperate do you have to be before you call out to Jesus? What will it take in your life to be able to see your need and humble yourself? Is it your pride that keeps you back? You are not alone in that area; God deals with me regularly about pride; but it's best when we surrender to him.

All mankind were formed by God in his likeness, but many people and nations have not chosen to or even tried to acknowledge Jesus as God. Their rebellious cries for help will fall on his covered ears, because he knows they're not going to change or because of their cries to other gods. However he does listen to the cry of the poor and the prayers of his children, and the prays of his sons and daughters who intercede for the people of those nations, cities and peoples "to rise up and come forth." And life will spring forth out of the dryness of those nations. Just as we seeing in the middle east. God is stirring their hearts they want to be free. God desire to reveal himself as the true source of freedom, love, grace and mercy. Then their false pride will be broken. God does listen for brokenness and humility in those who are desperate, just as we saw in King David's prayer in Psalm 51. Please read it and let it be your prayer. And let faith and new life spring forth from your desperate cries to the Heavenly Father.