Have you ever eaten out of a dumpster or a garbage can? Many people have. All around the world there are millions of people who are hungry. But then, maybe you're not that desperate yet. The fact that you're reading this article on a computer screen shows you're better off than millions of others. However, it doesn't mean you won't face desperate situations in the future, hopefully not. Even though you may never eat from a pig's trough or out of a garbage can, it doesn't mean you will be exempt from hard times. To help you avoid such a situation, let me share a short story with you. So take another sip of your coffee latte and read on.
There once was a very wealthy man who had two sons. The wealthy man had a very big company and thousands of people who worked for him. His two sons also worked for him as managers of several major departments within the business. However, one day the younger son was tired of working for his dad, and wanted to enjoy life a little more. He was tired of working six days a week, and ten hours a day. He had worked for his father as long as he could remember. He had come to work with his father, when he was a boy, and his father would walk him around the factory. The business expanded over the years, and as the younger son got older he started working in various departments. But now in management, his job was less physically stressful. Yet he wanted to see the world and do some other things, not unlike the other men his age who didn't work for his father's company.
So one day he asked his father for his portion of his inheritance. His father was very disappointed with his son's request and was unable to change his mind. So reluctantly the father gave his youngest son the money the son thought to be so important. Then they said goodbye, and the father asked the son to keep in touch. The son had promised to do so, but once he was out on his own he never gave it another thought—until many years later.
During those years the young man did whatever he wanted. He traveled the world and stayed in the best hotels and resorts; he ate the best foods and drank the finest wines. He even had many lavish parties, which never lacked for friends, as long as he was footing the bill. However he didn't mind because he was rich. But, over the years, the money was going faster than expected. So he made some investments, but they didn't work out for him.
Eventually, the money was all gone and so were his friends. No one would even give him a place to sleep or food to eat. He tried to find work, but it was difficult because there was a recession now and he had few useful skills. He begged for money on the street corners, and slept in doorways of buildings and old abandoned houses; but winter was coming soon and he was getting cold during the nights. He barely found enough food to eat and he wasn't feeling very well.
Finally, he found a job cleaning stalls at a ranch; he slept on the hay inside the barn and was allowed to eat whatever they fed the animals. He took the job because he was starving and freezing, but after a few weeks of eating from the pig's trough he came to his senses. He said to himself, "Why? Why am I doing this? I could be working for my father in the lowest position and be living better than this. I will go to my father and beg for his mercy".
On the way back home, when the son could finally see his father's house in the distance, oh how the memories flooded his mind. How could he have been so foolish? What would his father say? Yet before he reached the house his father came running out, embraced him and kissed him with tears in his eyes. Then the son said, "Father I have sinned and I am no longer worthy to be called your son." Then the father told his servants, "Quick, bring out the best coat and put it on him, and put a diamond ring on his hand and a pair of Austin shoes on his feet; and tell the chef to put on the steaks, and let us eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found."
Today, many people think they can do better on their own. They don't want to listen to their Heavenly Father or take His advice. They take the gifts and talents and the money he has given them and use them to satisfy their own wants and desires. They make friends with the world, yet in the end they find it to be a harder taskmaster than their Father. Yet they usually don't realize it until it is too late.
I hope you will remember this little updated story from the Holy Bible (The Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11-32). Your heavenly Father is waiting for you to come home if you haven't already. He loves you and misses you very much. Don't wait until you end up eating from the pig trough to change your mind. He's patiently waiting for you.
On the way back home, when the son could finally see his father's house in the distance, oh how the memories flooded his mind. How could he have been so foolish? What would his father say? Yet before he reached the house his father came running out, embraced him and kissed him with tears in his eyes. Then the son said, "Father I have sinned and I am no longer worthy to be called your son." Then the father told his servants, "Quick, bring out the best coat and put it on him, and put a diamond ring on his hand and a pair of Austin shoes on his feet; and tell the chef to put on the steaks, and let us eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found."
Today, many people think they can do better on their own. They don't want to listen to their Heavenly Father or take His advice. They take the gifts and talents and the money he has given them and use them to satisfy their own wants and desires. They make friends with the world, yet in the end they find it to be a harder taskmaster than their Father. Yet they usually don't realize it until it is too late.
I hope you will remember this little updated story from the Holy Bible (The Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11-32). Your heavenly Father is waiting for you to come home if you haven't already. He loves you and misses you very much. Don't wait until you end up eating from the pig trough to change your mind. He's patiently waiting for you.
"I have never seen the righteous or his children hungry or begging for bread."
(Psalms 37:25)
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