Have you ever felt like killing yourself? Have all your hopes and dreams been crushed to the point where you see no reason to live? Does ending it all, seem to be the only option you have left? You do have a choice, and I'm telling you now. God does make a difference, and you can trust Him, even if there is no one else. Call out to Jesus and He will answer you and help you through your situation. There is nothing, absolutely nothing impossible for God, that He can't change for the better.
Awhile back, I learned that another relative of mine had committed suicide. He was in his early twenties and his wife had just left him taking their only child. He was the fourth male member to kill himself in less than twenty years. The other three were over health issues. I was not real close to any of these family members, because we lived so far apart and didn't see each other very often. But, it still grieved me just the same that someone had become so depressed and perceived their situation as hopeless.
God doesn't always give other family member incite to these situation and their hidden emotions. It would be nice, if it had been possible to change the outcome of their desperate act. Sometime God does this and other times He doesn't. Sometimes He stops their attempt or foils the outcome by human intervention. However, God is still the one who make the final call as to when their time is up, even though it still grieves His heart.
I also don't necessarily believe that everyone who commits suicide is going to hell. It may look like satan has won, but I don't think it's always a fact. God knows the heart, despite the circumstances. Especially in the case of accidental drug overdoses, but they all must have met Jesus at some point in their life and had some relationship with God. Being weak in faith doesn't stop God's grace. They may have started something they later regret, but don't have the spiritual strength or courage to callout to God, because satan has so bound them with guilt, shame and/or self-hatred. That everything is futile.
Each individual is still responsible to a large degree for their actions and often they gotten themselves into these situations through certain weakness, also others can greatly influence, but you still have choices. One should try and find someone to talk to or authority figure, but that doesn't always work. There are also those who are spiritual authority (the strong man) such as a minister or a godly man who should to protect their family and help others in need. Rebellion also has certain limitations, but nothing that God can't change if the person is willing. Many Christians don't know the authority they have or how to use it. Sometimes those around you don't see the problem the way you do or feel, and sometimes others don't care enough to really help, but God does. He really does care.
God knows all the variable and issues involved and there is nothing He can't change or fix for the better, even what may looks impossible to you, including yourself image. You don't have to run or hide from Him, God doesn't hate anyone, except satan and his helpers. You can come boldly to Him or you can crawl, but do whatever you do, reach out and take hold of His hand that's reaching out to you. He will never let you go. You can trust Him, even in your darkest hour. And God will never let go of you, even when you slip or make lots of mistakes. Nothing can separate you from the love of God. After you ask Jesus for help, invite Him into your heart. Then seek to make Him the most important person in your life. It doesn't matter what others say, even if they're bullies.
Satan is the biggest bully along with his demons, and sometimes he uses foolish kids or adults to torment others. They will try to convince people that they are pathetic, loser, failures and worthless—that all is hopeless and no one cares. But they are all liars and satan is also deceiver and tries to make thing look worse than they really are. The most important thing you or anyone else needs to know who feels this way or greatly depressed, is to remember that God love you and you are precious and special to Him, no matter how you see yourself or what you've done. And most of all He will never leave you or forsake you, and you can bet your life on that.
Note: It does help if you can find a spiritual friend to talk to. Also listen to praise and worship music as much as you can. And read or find a Bible to read–it contains the words of Life. Start with the Gospel of John, in the New Testament.
Jesus said, "I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly." And Jesus doesn't lie!
Note: There has been times in my past that I wished I were dead, or thought what it would be like just to end it along with all the sorrow, but I always found hope and strength in the Lord. And that He would be the one, who gave me the peace I longed for. I have always found Him to be my true friend regardless how hopeless things looked at the time. And I'm glad He is.
Note: There has been times in my past that I wished I were dead, or thought what it would be like just to end it along with all the sorrow, but I always found hope and strength in the Lord. And that He would be the one, who gave me the peace I longed for. I have always found Him to be my true friend regardless how hopeless things looked at the time. And I'm glad He is.