He was taken by stealth, the Prince of Peace. He was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our selfish actions and by His stripes we are healed.

I wish to extend my honor and gratitude to those who have chosen to serve and sacrifice also for the sake of protection and peace. Thank You, and God Bless You!

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Ten Outcasts

There were ten of us—the outcasts of society that nobody wanted to touch, talk to, or associate with. It was like we didn't exist. We wandered around through life aimlessly, with no place to call our home, with very few people who cared about us. We were the walking dead, living from day to day in our pain and sorrow, awaiting the day when it would all be over. And that couldn't be to soon. The only thing that seemed to keep us from killing ourselves was a small ray of hope, very small.

We had made our share of mistakes in life, and now it seemed God was punishing us for them. Though at the time our actions didn't seem so bad to us, one mistake led to another and then things just seemed to get out of control. Now it seemed we were paying the price for all our sins. We spent most of our days begging and looking for food that people would sometimes leave out for us. Other than that there wasn't much to do, or much to live for. That is until one day when we heard rumors about a man named Jesus, who lived by the sea. People were saying that He was a Prophet sent by God. It was reported that he could even help or heal people just by speaking to them or touching them—even people just like us. We all had heard stories of things like this when we were children, but I personally didn't believe them. However, I may be reconsidering my thinking now, considering my present situation. Could they really be true?

Some time had passed when we heard that Jesus was in the area. We also learned a little more about him, that he was a kind and loving man—yet at the same time he didn't seem to be very fond of religious leaders. That was OK with us; we didn't like them either because they despised us and believed we deserved our punishment. Maybe we did, but we were sorry now and hoped somehow God could find a way to forgive us, if that were possible.

One day the ten of us had just come around a curve on the hillside outside of a small village when we saw a group of men coming toward us. There were about twelve of them and the one leading seemed to fit the description of the man named Jesus. Was it really him? Some of his men seemed startled when they first saw us, but before they could say anything, we cried out together, "Jesus, Master have mercy on us!" Then Jesus stopped, looked around and saw us standing there in our ragged and dirty clothes. Then he said, "Go, and show yourselves to the priest." That was it; nothing more; not a single question was asked.

At first I was shocked. That's all he had to say. I thought...but the smiling expression on his face and his eyes seemed to indicate "trust me." It was not at all what we had expected, but then what choice did we have? Some grumbled, but we all obeyed. We turned and headed back to find a priest, as Jesus and his disciples watched us leave. Nothing happened at first. However, as we continued walking my heart started beating faster, and not from all the walking but from the anticipation that something good was about to happen. The further we walked the more foolish some of the men felt, but we all continued walking.

We were almost to the gate when I felt a surge of power go through my body. I looked down at my hands and saw that they looked different, normal again, and I didn't feel any more pain—anywhere. I was healed! Then I looked at the others and heard them shouting excitedly, as we looked at each other in astonishment. I joined them in shouts of praise to God for His mercy. Joy and laughter filled our empty souls. Then the others joyfully continued on their way, but I was over taken by weeping and gratitude. I decided I had to return to Jesus to thank him, the one who made all this possible.

When I finally found Jesus, I fell at the Master's feet thanking him for healing me, for I was an outcast that no one considered worthy of helping, much less talking to (because I was part of a despised race). Jesus was surprised when he saw only me; He asked where the other nine men were. But, I had no answer to give him. He paused and then reached down and touched me saying, " Stand up and go; your faith has made you completely whole."— end of story.

Do you feel like an outcast or a reject? Someone's mistake or an accident? Maybe because of where you were born, the way you look, your race, or how you were conceived? Or possibly because of some big mistakes you've made? Were you abandoned by parents as a baby or a child? Or was there a tragedy that left you in the care of others or of the Foster Care system? 

Many people are trapped in prisons and in refugee camps, others are homeless, and many are stuck in ugly situations struggling to survive from day to day. Life can seem very cruel and unfair. There were times in my life that I felt that way too—like an outcast—even when I was a Christian. But I found hope; and there is still hope for us all.

Despite our situation or sins, we have been given "a birthright" that allows us to be adopted into the family of God, a birthright with many benefits and blessings—health, prosperity, eternal life and so much more. We are given this regardless of our age by accepting God's forgiveness and obeying him. When we obey him, miracles can happen. However, the choice is up to us. If you don't know Jesus, I encourage you to cry out to him; ask him for mercy, listen to him, then do what he tells you to do.

There are several truths we can learn from this story from the Bible (Luke 17:11-19). One is that there are many things in life that we take for granted until they're gone, such as health, freedom and the ability to enjoy life. Another truth is that the ten men didn't question Jesus; they just obeyed him. We should not try to presume on how God will work, based on how he has done something in the past. Furthermore, his words are sufficient. They didn't look for confirmation, discuss the matter or get another person's opinion. 

The ten men all had enough faith and they all praised God because they were healed. But only one man took the time and effort to demonstrate his gratitude; because of that he received an extra blessing. If we will begin to thank Christ for what he has already done we will be blessed. However, if we give thanks for what he is going to do, we will see extraordinary blessings in our lives. And finally, if any of the ten men had not had the faith to continue walking in obedience to JESUS' WORDS, they would not have been healed.

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