He was taken by stealth, the Prince of Peace. He was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our selfish actions and by His stripes we are healed.

I wish to extend my honor and gratitude to those who have chosen to serve and sacrifice also for the sake of protection and peace. Thank You, and God Bless You!

Friday, August 17, 2012

More About Jesus

After posting my previous article Desperate For God, I felt that something was still missing. The next morning as I laid in bed I started thinking about it again. Then I read it again and realized it had not been finished quite the way I felt God would have it. It was like the last chapter in a book was missing or the summery in an article. Can you imagine what the Bible would be like without the last book, Revelation—the end of the story with the coronation of Jesus? That's how I felt. I needed to say more about Jesus.

So often in churches or on TV, we hear incredible sermons about the Bible characters that God and Jesus 
dealt with. We sometimes hear about their faith but more often about their sins and downfalls, such as Samson and Delilah, David and Bathsheba, Peter's denial of Christ, doubting Thomas and many more. (Too often ministers within Christianity focus on the sins and faults of people. Many of us are guilty of that too.) Unfortunately, by the time we leave church, all we remember are the supporting characters, their actions, and not The Star, Jesus.

However, that should not be the situation nor the norm. The Bible is not just a book of history or the stories of people. It is an incredible book that portrays the wonderful and awesome love of God and Jesus, their power and faithfulness and emotions for the human race (you and me). Frankly, I doubt if anyone will ever be able to comprehend the immensity of God's love.

In the article about the Phoenician woman, I felt something was missing. And there was. I wanted to bring people back to Jesus and his love. Jesus is the main character that I would prefer people to remember at the end of my articles. Without Him all the supporting characters mean nothing. Yes, the faith of the woman got her past the issues of pride. But, it was the incredible love of Jesus that drew the faith from her. She could not have done it without Him. Jesus might have easily have granted her request and been done with her, but he didn't. In this situation it might have even looked like Jesus was being cruel, but in reality he was demonstrating great love. He was patient and 
waited for her to come to the full realization of her need. He carefully chose his words to deal with the real problem: her heart. Jesus desires to do the same with each of us.

We often want God to fix our problems quickly, and that would be the end of things. However, if Jesus were to always do that, there would still be the spiritual problems and possibly no real relationship with him. In actuality, we seldom see the power of God move in our lives until we do our part, which starts with humility, honor and/or repentance—just as this woman did. Yes, there was repentance, even with the thief on the cross hanging to the right of Jesus. Jesus saw both their hearts. His desire is for an intimate relationship with no pretenses or hindrances.

Unfortunately many people don't wait long enough for the disciplines of Jesus, or to acknowledge the possibility of sin in their own hearts. They often choose to look for help from someone else or something else that will satisfy them quickly or more comfortably. But, to the Heavenly Father his loving discipline is paramount. (Read Heb. 12:8-11) Without it, it is 
impossible to be his son. We need his correction, lest we wander this world aimlessly and ignorantly. He loves us so much and he doesn't want to see that happen to us.

A true relationship between the Father and his sons and daughters is built on Jesus Christ. Discipline, obedience and trust are all parts of the building process of agape love. That relationship is held together by the blood of Jesus and a covenant, not by human emotions. This is accomplished only when we submit to his will, his disciplines, and place our focus (our desires) on him. Jesus is all we really need and he is worth all our effort—whatever it takes to get it right. Otherwise we might not become his mature sons in His Kingdom.

In the future, if I write an article and you don't see the awesome love or faithfulness of Jesus and/or God, please forgive me. Such is not my intention; after all He is the Morning Star. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Dream Maker

Many people seem to have wandered through life with little or no sense of purpose, just existing from one day to the next. Yet, if you watch most children playing, they seem to be so happy and full of life, imagination and dreams. They're always looking for some new adventure, or something that's would be challenging and/or rewarding. It's the way they were designed.

Yet, as many people grew up, things changed and they got busier, too busy in fact. Most become parents and/or joined the work forces of society. But the dreams and ambitions they once had now seem to be dead and buried in the past. Others are trying to be the picture of success, working longer and harder to fulfill their dream, going to the extreme, for what?   And a few seem will to do anything, just to keep from getting bored, including wasting more time watching TV or playing video games or going to sports events. In the process many have lost track of time and reality, watching others trying to fulfill their dreams. Most people have now giving up on having any dreams of their own.  

Some people no longer know what's really important to them. While other are busy trying to help or please someone else, such as their children, their spouse, their boss and sometimes even themselves. Some don't even know how to take time off, to rejuvenate their body, mind or spirit. Or even do some serious soul searching. (But, there's still hope for you, so please read on.)

If I were to ask you. Are you fulfilling your dream? What would you say? Would it be something like, "Well, I'm too busy for that," or "What dream! I'm just trying to survive." Is that what life's all about, survival?

Do you know that God placed within you and every child of his, a dream? A dream to be fulfilled. Some are small and others are much bigger, but more importantly it was pacifically designed for you. He also gives everyone, the ability to fulfill their portion of that dream. It may not be the dream you once though of, such as a sport figure, or a celebrity, or being rich and famous. But, a dream just the same that is much bigger and grander than you could ever imagine. God is also able to provide everything necessary to get you started and help you fulfill your part. But, you will still have to choose and it will cost you to follow his dream. Even human's dreams require lots of time, practice, energy  and money. 

God's dreams don't come cheap either, but they are much more rewarding. His dreams are meant to give people a purpose or reason for living. Without a dream or dreams, your already dead, even though you may still be breathing and content with doing just that. Probably, because you may not know any better. The truth of the matter is, God loves you and he has a lot more in mind for you. Don't sell yourself short or believe the lies of others who will try to discourage you. You're never too dumb, weak, or old to begin your dream and pass it on. A dream(s) that make your life worth living. Yet, many times you won't be able to complete them, because they're much bigger than anyone realized.

There are two kinds of dreams, spiritual and carnal ones. The spiritual ones comes from God, your Heavenly Father and they are eternal. The others dreams often stem from our pride, greed and lust (or too much pizza) and then they're forgotten or fade as quickly as we had them. The same goes for all our carnal efforts or activities. They have no lasting value or eternal purpose even though they may be gratifying for some earthly goal. Or maybe helping a few people or some charitable act to save the animals or the earth from global warming. Some even dream of killing others over foolish beliefs or some other vile and vain imagination.

However, God's dreams have real meaning, and often they are life changing. They're meant to inspire, give hope or direction, sometimes they even warn us or others. Some may be just a simple gift to enjoy in our nightlife when one may be experiencing a difficult or stressful time. (God cares about every facet of our life, even when we're asleep.) Other dreams maybe grander in scope to pass onto another generation. 

Sometimes God's dreams show us how to accomplish certain task, or create or build. Others are for instructions or blessings or revelation knowledge to be shared with others. Other reveal some form of judgment that need to acted on through intercession. God's dreams are meant for LIFE, not death, even to save one poor lost soul. You may wonder, how and why God would do that?

There are no limitations to God's love, power, knowledge or abilities. He owns everything and knows every thought you have and what you will do next week, month and year—because God is LOVE and he cares for you very much. We just have to be willing to accept that and work with Him. That requires us to be able to hear his voice and do what he says so we will be ready when the time comes. That process can start now if you're willing. It may seem hard at first, but it's really not. Just spend more time waiting before him each day (talking if you feel that's necessary, remember he knows your heart and your thoughts). God is also very patient, but he's not a fool either. We need to be serious about our efforts.  

Let God know that you're willing to work with him, and that begins with repentance and more prayer time. Shed excess baggage, a clutter mind or life has little room for God's dreams. Fasting meals can also helps prepare our minds and bodies for His dreams to be revealed. God's desires will then becomes yours and you will want to see the dream he has planned lived out. He says, '"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans for good and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope ...when you seek me...and search for me with all your heart."' (Jer. 29:11-13)

God's dreams for us are much bigger than anything we could ever imagine. What we do and say can effect hundreds, thousands even millions of people lives, now and those who will live after us. God's dreams were promised to Abraham and his descendants for a thousand generations (that's a very long time). That's how big God thinks, his abilities (and ours) can go beyond time and space, because we too share in his power. These Bible character's dreams effected the lives of countless numbers. 

Noah was a righteous man and he found grace is the eyes of the Lord. God gave him instructions (a dream) to save his family and the generations to come, along with all the animals. King David was told to buy a piece of land, where the temple of the Lord was to be built, and he gave his gold and silver to help start it. Yet, the greatest example he gave us was the position of his heart. David loved God with all his heart. He was not a man with divided interests. When we're willing to prepare our heart the same way as David, God will help us fulfill our dream. Mary yielded her body and her dignity to give birth to the savor of the world, Jesus Christ.

Sometimes we my have to be willing to sacrifice everything, to see a dream accomplish. Jesus did when he was only 33 years old, he chose to hang on a cross and die to save humanity. It was then, he was able to say, "It is finish." That was the dream set before him, to see us free from the bonds of sin, to make all thing new and gain access to the Heavenly Father. What would you be willing to do in order to see others set free from their physical, mental and/or spiritual bonds?

God's dreams are meant to go beyond ourselves, time and space. They are eternal, whereas mankind's dreams are small, usually selfish, and they have only temporary value or pleasure. However, there is no greater joy or reward than knowing that you have pleased your Heavenly Father, the Dream Maker.

Note: Every man and woman of God is given a dream and a role to play. Some may appear grander than others, but they're all have a significant part in the Kingdom of God.

A Time For War

Give me the money that has been spent in war and I will clothe every man, woman, and child in an attire of which kings and queens will be proud. I will build a schoolhouse in every valley over the whole earth. I will crown every hillside with a place of worship consecrated to peace. ~Charles Sumner

War does not determine who is right - only who is left. ~Bertrand Russell

It'll be a great day when education gets all the money it wants and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy bombers. ~Author unknown, quoted in You Said a Mouthful edited by Ronald D. Fuchs

I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, "Mother, what was war?" ~Eve Merriam

The release of atom power has changed everything except our way of thinking... the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker. ~Albert Einstein

What a cruel thing is war: to separate and destroy families and friends, and mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors, and to devastate the fair face of this beautiful world. ~Robert E. Lee, letter to his wife, 1864

Everyone has their own opinion about war because of what they've seen, heard or experienced as a result of them. However the Bible states in Ecclesiastes Chp. 3:1-8:

"There is an appointed time for everything."

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; A time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; A time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; A time for war and a time for peace."
As much as many of us dislike war, they do serve a purpose in God's greater design. Whether it is for judgment, blessing or discipline (correction and purification), God is in control and He loves all His children.

There are many of things that can be learned from war. Here are some of them:

- Trust in the wisdom of God.
- Evil must be confronted.
- Realize our own weaknesses and limitations versus God's strength and protection.
- The outcome of obedience is more important than our personal feelings or needs.
- Sacrifice is the foundation and the principle requirement for seeing others set free.
- The future and eternity have a greater reward than the present.
Wars are caused by people who chose to deviate from the will and plan of God. Satan looks for victims who show signs of weakness, of pride and greed and lust, using them to breed discontent and fuel hatred toward another person, a race, a religion or a nation. These fleshly traits are used by the enemy, satan, as his way of stealing, killing and hurting people. When men aspire to leadership they often have wrong motives. Some choose to set themselves up by force as superior to their neighbors and brothers, forcing their opinion and beliefs on others, insisting they submit or be destroyed. Regardless of their motive and actions, God is still in control. He is even the authority over satan, as to fulfill his greater plan.

Jesus' desire for us is to love God first and then our neighbors. Even if there are some losses or sacrifices, we must trust God for the full benefit of such battles.

God allows wars to be a tool to bring purification into the hearts of mankind. Wars often help us realize our own pride and depravity. Just as God did with the children of Israel; they were judged for their sins, but they were also taught how to conquer their enemies. But, in the New Testament Jesus taught people to fight the enemy with the power of love — to pray for and bless people that spitefully use us. We need to forgive, even from our greatest depths of pain (the cross). Anytime there is a war, it should be a time of prayer, intercession, an examination of the heart. People should expect to see sacrifices, even personal ones. Most wars often take longer than anticipated.

Wars are really fought on several fronts, not only where the action is but also on the home front and in the heart. Conflicts always heighten emotions, but we must not let them rule us. There are always differences of opinions from leaders, from neighbors, and even within the family. Questions and doubts about war, all the rights and wrongs, and thoughts and sides that can be taken. It grieves me to see the hate and division between people, races and nations as a result of war. Not only the current wars, but all wars.

The loss of life and human suffering not only grieves me but also our Heavenly Father. He is like a good parent and does not take pleasure in disciplining his children or seeing them suffer, but knows it is necessary at times for the good. He knows the benefits we may not see at the time; including the possibility of some of his children rebelling or dying. All of us need to understand this.

There is also "the fallout" or consequences of wars on individuals and families. Whether they have to deal with a death or a capture of a friend or loved one, wounded and/or disabled, there's a lot of emotion, pain and suffering. Often the emotional or mental pain is the worst. Bitterness and resentment can creep in and fester (poison) the mind. Many veterans and soldiers' minds are tormented by nightmares, being driven to despair and hopelessness because of what they have seen and experienced. As a result many marriages and families have suffered, and many have been destroyed.

Recently, I learned that an average of 18 American soldiers and vets, after coming home from war, are committing suicide each day. I think that is horrible and unacceptable. What that does to families is devastating and unimaginable. We must pray for our soldiers and their families wherever they are. We have to give them HOPE, letting them know that not all is lost or in vain. We must let them know that there is a reason to live; that their sacrifice is appreciated.

All these service men and women have paid far too great a price to be ignored. God wants to honor them also, those who have been willing to sacrifice for their families, their country and were willing to stop evil from spreading in other parts of the world. But, most importantly that they come to know Jesus , the one who loves them and spared them for a reason. They need to know that not all is lost, and be encouraged to see the glory of God and the wonderful future he has in store for them.

We're reaching out to all of you now. Jesus wants to take your burden, whether you are a veteran or not, and give you a reason to continue to live a life full of hope and joy. In the days ahead God is going to demonstrate his love and mercy in a greater way than ever seen before. And you will even see it on the news (and reporters will be speechless). We are about to see the greatest move of God, where minds, lives and limbs will be restored—including body parts that were missing. There will be no question as to whether there is a God, and who he is. He will display his awesome and miraculous power through his sons and daughters (the army of God). The enemy will not prevail over this army, whose commander and chief is Jesus Christ the Lord. And the children will sing His praises. There will be signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. You and I will see the revelation of the Heavenly Father's love that will take away the pain and sorrow that have been in lives because of wars. (Even the ones we created by our own mistakes, including our personal and emotional wars.)

As a nation and as individuals we need to learn how and when to fight the physical and the spiritual battles. By reading the Bible, we gain wisdom by the examples given and knowledge by applying it to our lives. Unfortunately, many of us are slow learners; but God is very patient. Rather than seeking to be independent, we as children of God need to become totally dependent on him, understanding that he knows best.

Jesus told us that in the last days there would be wars and rumors of wars. But don't be afraid, for those things must happen. For nation shall rise against nation, brother against brother, and kingdom against kingdom. (Mt. 24: 6-7) He tells us this so we can have peace and not fear, for Jesus has overcome the world. (John 16:33) Don't fear Him who can kill the body, but fear him who can kill both the body and the soul. (Mat. 10:28)

God promises that the future will be better for the righteous. "Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. (Mt. 24:34) There is coming the time when the lion or wolf will lie down with the lamb. (Is. 11:6 and Is. 65:35) And a time when there will be no more tears, sorrow or pain. And no more wars. Swords will be hammered into plowshares, and the wicked will be no more. We will live in peace and harmony in the presence of Jesus Christ for eternity. Now that's Heaven on earth, don't you think? Hope to see you there!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Addictions and Deceptions

Many people today, are addicted to practically everything around them. Some more than others, here just a short list of some common ones; cell phone calling and texting, computer Internet, watching TV, video games, sugar, coffees, chocolates, junk food, over eating, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography, work and religion. The thought of going a week without one of these or other additions, would seem like the end of the world for many of these addicts (I had my share of addictions too). Most additions are harmful, some more so than others. There is damage is done whether we believe it or not, either to our body, our mind or our spirit.

In western civilizations, people take great pride in their freedom, when in truth they are not really free, they're just like many others in bondage. Most people don't realize what it is like to be truly free, because they have become slaves to their additions and sins. The majority are bound in their minds, by the lies and deceptions of their beliefs. Many people believe if others do it or think that way, it must be OK. It's part of their life style, even if its done in secret. When people compare themselves to others, they often feel better about themselves. And others just don't care anymore. Unfortunately, many of these people have no desire to be free of their addictions, unless a doctor or God says so; or until its too late. That in itself, shows the power of these addictions and deceptions have over people's minds.

God never intended for his children to be controlled by desires for things, habits or religion. In the beginning when he created man and women, His plan was that we walk together in freedom and contentment. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve's mistake changed that, but thanks to the cross and the blood of Jesus Christ we can still walk together in total freedom and power over our enemy and addictions. Satan would try to persuade us that he has a better alternative, or there is no harm by it. Compared to what Jesus offers and the guideline He has set. That guideline is agape love. We are to love God, love others and be kind to our body which was designed to be God's temple. How we take care of it is important to Him, and it should be important to us also. It's one way for us to show respect and honor to Him.

God has given us the power to break the chains and set us free of all addictions (both physical and spiritual addictions). Physical addictions effect our body and religious addictions effects our spiritual body. Both will harm and some will kill you but the latter is eternal. (Rom. 8:12-17). But, it does requires an effort on our part and faith in his love for us. Often, this is can be made easier with the aid of another brother or sister in Christ, to help and encourage, but not necessary. We should all desire to live as long and healthy as God intended for us, to serve His purpose on earth and when our time up, he will call us home. Once we really begin to understand God ways we will see how foolish we were, but grateful just the same for His patience. Jesus should be our only desire everything else will find its proper place in him. He satisfies all our needs.

"Oh taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusts in Him."
Psalms 34:8

Free Indeed

"Can you think of the way that we used to be
We were young, full of hope and full of dreams.
Look around what has happened in between
Living life can steal your hopes away it seems.

Dream again
Oh, your like a child who's waiting to become

The Son has come to free us
So set your eyes on Jesus
Your free now

To love as He has loved you
To live like He's among you
To dream now
Know that you are free indeed

When your world is a dark and lonely place
Turn your eyes from yourself and seek His face
There's a hope in His open arms you'll find
And a peace that gonna free your heart and mind."

Written by; David Cleveland; Grant Cunningham; Mat Huesman
Sung by, Point of Grace

Monday, April 2, 2012

Looking for True Happiness

Are you still looking for true happiness? What motivates you to get up each day? Have you found in life what you are looking for? Or have you given up the search like so many others who have become content until something upsets their mundane lives. Others often fear something bad could happen at any moment like a tornado or loosing their job. What are you looking for?

Older people are just happy to be alive. Some of them live alone or are abandon in rest homes. Others have pets to keep them company. Young people used to have dreams or ambitions, many still do, but that too is changing as some see what appears to be futility ahead. Many are choosing to live for the moment, not caring about the future.

Then there are the children who go hungry and are scared as they see their homes, families and relationships break up. Many have no idea of what true happiness is or a sense of security. While other people will be stuffing their houses, minds and bodies with things they don't really need, and they don't seem to care about the waste or the damage it causes them. At times life just doesn't seem fair, as people struggle to make sense of it all or find some kind of happiness.

Government leaders and officials seem to be at a loss also as they search for answers for how to solve the ever-growing problems and corruption in their countries, or how to correct the hurting lives and wasted resources that they have been entrusted with. Many people have less and less hope or confidants in Government being able to help them or others resolve or deal with the real issues of life. Some are wondering whether there is such a thing as true happiness.

True answers and happiness seems to be an illusion along with most people's dreams. So in the meantime, they try to have a little fun along the way to give their emotions a boost. Whether it is an affair, exploits on the Internet, beer parties or making a little extra money on the slide, people continue to do foolish things in meaningless searches for true happiness.

Religious leaders struggle with the same problems as do many of their members, as they try to encourage one another. Yet, it seems everyone is pretending that everything will be alright. Even though they have seen thousands of unanswered prayers go by the wayside, and don't know or understand why. However, their hope is still in heaven and it seems to be their ultimate goal, eventually.

As King Solomon said, "Vanity, vanity all the ways of man are vanity!" (
Eccles. 1:2)

If we want to see change, restoration, fulfilled promises and dreams for a better and happier future, then the Heavenly Father has and is the answer. He is determined to bring true happiness to this world. He's waiting for us and wants us to
seek him with all our hearts, but most of all he desires a simple and honest relationship with Him. We need to come to realize who he really is, the all loving and powerful Heavenly Father. Then we will see answered prayers and experience true happiness that only the He can give.

There is soon coming a mighty move of God. When you see it, jump in and grab it with both hands, for it will be an experience that can last for eternity. Don't miss it! When all you see are problems or feel life is hopeless, you need to change your focus." Look up, lift up your hands and cry out to God, because your redemption draws near." (Luke 21:28) Why are you still looking and waiting?

Jesus said,
"I have come that you might have life, and that you have it more abundantly." (John 10:10). And God doesn't lie. (Num. 23:19).

Monday, March 19, 2012

March Madness

Do you hear it? Do you hear the sound of marching? My army is marching around the walls. Those walls that divide my Kingdom and my people. I'm destroying the walls that separate my brothers...and my sisters. I'm also smashing those walls that intimidate, hinder and confine you. And I will even expose and crush the walls that come between you and me, if you will let me, says the Lord. 

So don't despair, I'm answering your spirit's cry. Your prayers are bring down walls. So don't give up the victory is near. The victory is yours—the victory is mine.

Are you ready? Are you ready to shout? My army is marching, and the walls are coming down. This is not madness, this is the power of my love, grace and mercy for you, my church and my bride, says the Lord.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Burning Bridges

Hi, what's your name? That's probably the most common question asked after a greeting. The next is probably, What do you do for a living? But, who are we really? Is who we are a title, an occupation or something else?

Whether it is an informal meeting, business meeting or a date, it's one of the ways we get to know others after the visual assessment. However, how we look or act sometimes speaks louder than our words. Sometimes we can tell what a person is or does by the way he or she dresses.

Many people like to be known for what they do, especially men. Even some women do, including some married women who want a title beyond just "wife" or "mother." So now they're homemakers or career mothers. But, is that who they really are? Appearances and occupational status can be too important in much of western society, but it's not at all important to God.

Jesus chose fishermen, a tax collector, a zealot and various "nobodies" as his first disciples. He also associated with the poor, the weak and sinners. He also had a few rich friends. But, Jesus cautioned people not to judge by outward appearances, and not to show partiality within the church (the body of Christ). He rebuked the Pharisees for the clothes they wore as to draw attention to themselves, also how they wanted to be greeted by others, also their work habits and ethics—
making themselves special and above others. Maybe we should keep that in mind the next time we go clothes shopping or job hunting. Mostly, we should be ourselves and find pleasure in just being a child of God. Just like a snowflake, no two alike, yet we all have specific purposes and beauty in life to express in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our identities must be found in him, for "what does it matter if we gain the whole world [possessions and human attention] and lose our souls."

Jesus cautioned his disciples after their experiences with the power to deliver people from sicknesses and diseases and the raising of the dead. He said, "It is better to glory in the fact that your name is written down in heaven, the Book of Life." (Luke 10:20). Jesus also mentioned,
"Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and cast out demons in Your name, and done manywonders in Your name?" And He will reply, " Depart from me, for I never knew you." (Mat.7:22,23)
In the area of true importance and eternal values, it's not what we say, what we do, or who we know, but who knows us that really matters.
At one time in my life, painting and being an artist was both enjoyable and very important to me. I liked seeing people's reactions and pleasure when they looked at or purchased a painting of mine. I had invested over 20 years of my life improving the talent God had given me. My work was impressive to many people, and I received a lot of recognition even though I didn't really seek it. However, it is an occupation where many artists hope to be recognized and become famous because of their work. I wasn't much different.

At forty years of age, God saved me from myself and gave me a new interest in Him. A couple of years later, after reading a passage in the Bible (1 King 19:19-21, about the call of Elisha), I felt God wanted me to follow Elisha's example. So I had a Burning Bridge Party at a church where I displayed 30 of my paintings of all sizes and shared the new direction God was taking me to a group of friends. I wanted to show my appreciation to all them by giving each of the 12 couples, one of my paintings. They were very pleased with my offer. I told each couple why I appreciated them and then asked them to go up and picked their favorite one off the wall and returned to their seat with their gift. When the last couple had picked, I asked them to stay and visit, and have some cake and refreshments that we had brought.

While they were enjoying their gift, talking and having some refreshments, I gather the remaining paintings and took them outside. Then I went back into the fellowship room and asked my guests to come outside with me for the rest of the party. When we had all gathered outside, they stood there watching in disbelief, as I set fire and burned the remaining paintings worth thousands of dollars. Along with my easel and display panels, all in one big blaze
out on the gravel parking lot. Most could not believe their eyes or comprehend the full meaning of what they were seeing, but God did. Even though I shared it was my way of demonstrating how much God meant to me and how he had changed my life. I was ending my profession by burning the bridges to my occupation and my past way of thinking, and choosing a life and career with Jesus Christ. Ten years later He had me change my name. Another 10 years have gone by and now I'm starting a new ministry with His name tag, Israel David—a friend and a son of God.

Note: As Christians, even if you don't have a prophetic calling on your life, one should still consider separating themselves from their past lifestyle, things and relationships that hinder your walk with the Lord. Have a burning bridge party with some new and maybe some old friends and let them know the new desires of your heart or just be by yourself, with God, and then present yourself a living sacrifice in love and obedience to God. The most important thing is to be known as a son or daughter of God, regardless of your calling.

Monday, February 27, 2012

What's The Point

Many people have wandered through life trying to find meaning and purpose to it all. Some have sought to find it in power and making money, while others choose high adventure or life-daring risks. Some feel it is in causal relationships, only to see heartache and disappointment as they try meaningless sex for a temporary thrill. Many believe it is found in a life long commitment in marriage and raising children, only to struggle to keep it together. A few even try alternate lifestyles to satisfy their wounded spirit. Others try some form of drugs for a temporary escape from it all. And still many believe their religion has given them a sense of peace and hope. Most will try a combination of these experiences. Even many Christians say they love and trust God, yet they live pretty much just like the rest of the world. And some people will still live aimlessly, void of hope, dreams and expectations. So again, I ask, what's the point?

What are we wanting to accomplish and what will our last words be, if we even have anything to say about it all? What would you tell the next generation before your time has expired, if all that you believed ended at the grave? What did you learn from it all? Would you tell them to make the most of it while they are young, healthy and strong? What is "the most of it" mean anyway? Then, what is the point of living? Or, if you have a religious concept of the hereafter, would you say, "I hope I'm good enough to make it to the other side."

What final words would you want to share or give to encourage your children and grandchildren? And what if you never married or never had any children? What would you want to tell your friends if you had any? What would you want them to put on your tombstone— "I did it my way." And what would people say about you after you're gone? Did you contribute anything to society or to your fellow man while you were on earth? Would you even be missed? What would you want people to know before you die?

Most people don't even consider those kind of thoughts, until it's too late. Do you ever ask yourself, why you get up in the morning? Is it to get a education, punch a time card, pay another bill or give your boss a piece of your mind that you can't really spare? Do you find yourself chasing one dream after another, never catching one?

Do you ever just sit and just enjoy a beautiful sunset or walk on the beach with the creator? Have you ever just looked up into the starry night sky and wondered how awesome God must be? Did you take the time to find the real meaning to life? Was it the meaning of Life, perhaps? Did you ever really find what you were looking for? Have you taken the time to get to really know Him. If you haven't, then what is the point?

The point
is—Life without an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ is meaningless.

Friday, February 3, 2012

You're Fired

For about ten years there's been a TV program called
The Apprentice, starring Donald Trump. It features contestants who are unknowns and more recently a variety celebrities so I'm told, from many venues who compete as teams doing different work projects. Eventually, they are reduced to two finalists, of which the winner win cash and a one year contract to work at one of Donald Trump's new enterprises. (What the celebrities win I don't know. I quit watching TV years ago.) However, there was and still is a process of elimination at the end of each show by Mr. Trump, who say, "You're fired," to one of the contestants. However, each of the contestants that were fired were shocked when it happened to them.

That was a Television Reality Show, but when it happens to you in real life it can be just as big of a shock, especially when you have a family to support. Even losing your job because of business downsizing, or going out of business can have the same affect. Many people have experienced this at one time or another, especially the past few years with the current world recession. When it happens, it could have devastating results. Many people have lost their homes, their cars, or the family sometimes breaks up; even a few people have committed suicide or killed someone else. It can be quite traumatic on anyone, but not worth dying or killing someone over. The truth is, it can also be the best thing that ever happens to an individual or a family.

These experiences help us to evaluate our situation as to where we really place our values and trust. We have to decide what's really most important in life. As children of God our trust should be in God alone—and not our jobs—knowing that he is in full control. Unfortunately, most of the world doesn't know this, and even many Christians struggle with this.

I remember about twenty years ago when I was fired from a job I had only worked at for a week. It had been eight months since we had lost our house because of foolish borrowing and investing practices. Plus I had already worked at two other jobs that lasted only a short time. Now, I was hoping this one would last longer. I was working for another small company, painting the exterior of a shopping center. I had told the contractor over the phone my work experience, and that was good enough to get me hired. When I started working I gave 100% of my abilities, but at the end of the week it wasn't good enough for him. He didn't say anything negative until he handed me my paycheck, and then he added that he was going to let me go. I was shocked and nothing I said would change his mind. None of the jobs I did seemed to last, regardless of how hard I worked.

When I got to my car I was devastated and started to weep. On the way home, I cried out to God as I drove, "Why does this keep happening? What am I going to do?" Then I heard him say, "Don't worry. It will never happen again. From now on I will provide for you." I began to feel a little better as I pondered his words, even though I didn't understand the full meaning.

When I got home I told my wife what happened and what the Lord had said to me. She could tell I had been quite shaken, then replied, "It's OK, take some time off and then try again." I didn't think that was what God meant. But, after a couple of weeks went by, I looked in the paper and there were no want-ads for painters. And all other jobs I tried to pursue fell through, and then we had to move again. I even considered working at McDonalds
, but we didn't even know where we were going to live.

For the next fifteen years God provided in ways I never expected or planned. I had to die to my pride over and over again, and at times my wife had to carry the financial burden of the household. It was also a very trying time for both my wife and young daughter who saw me different than any other man they knew. I loved them, but I wasn't perfect and at times I disappointed them. I tried to help them understand my feelings towards God, but there were times I didn't even understand them myself. I did things others didn't, but knew it was something I needed to do. However, I tried to help out as much as possible. 
During this time I also built our home, my art studio. I spent time with God, and studied the Bible and read spiritual books. I did small jobs for friends who needed help with an extra hand and occasionally I sold a painting. Often I had to disregard people's comments and forgive their accusations and continued to do what I believed God wanted from me.

After that long season, God finally provided me with a steady job that I could handle. I worked a security job at a large resort for almost 3 1/2 years. Then God had me quit that job and leave everything to follow him into intensive training for my new job—working for Him.

Getting fired should not be viewed as a bad thing—even if one deserves it, because God disciplines those whom he loves. It's all a part of God's grace to help us or redirect our lives to something better, ultimately toward the plans he desires for each of us. Look at it as a promotion.

When God closes one door, he always opens another, but not usually before. We should be patient and wait on him to open the door or show us the next door. Be willing to let go of any material things or carnal baggage along the way, no matter how special it may seem to you. Some "doorways" are not very big, but God will make sure you get to where you need to be. He loves you and He will provide and restore all that you need on the other side of that door. You can trust him.


One night in prayer we had been taking to God about the way He had led our lives. For the past 22 years the Lord has made many requested, choices we had to make that were hard and sometimes very difficult. Sacrifices most others were not willing to make, but we did, because we loved Him. Over those years, God had also made many promises regarding our lives and our future. Our lives would be used to touch many others, bringing them salvation, healing and restoration; more than we could ever imagine. Plus, we would also see great prosperity from all of his blessings

However, living by faith over the years on nearly a daily basis can be wearing to the soul. Sometimes we've wondered how certain issue would get resolved, yet we saw his faithfulness in everything. A few times we felt like we were in a free fall expecting to hit bottom the next day, week, or month. Other times we're hoping to see some light at the end of the tunnel and wondered if God really cared about what we were going through.

We were not content with the status quo. I even told God, "We have given everything, all our chips were on the table and we were counting on You to come through. We sometimes felt God wasn't keeping His word, that He was just "all talk and no action." We cried out, "Where was the God of the miraculous?” Where's the God of Israel and the God of David." (This kind of feeling usually happen just before some big is about to happen. The old saying, it the darkest just before the dawn. And satan's just taking his best shots before he runs.)

We may of sounded a lot like Job to God. Yet when God started speaking to us, it wasn't from a whirlwind. Neither was He mad with us. The Lord informed us that our lives had been miraculous in many ways, just not in the way we had expected. Although we hadn't see the supernatural yet, we had been give much from the spiritual realm and much more was yet to come. He also said He intended to fulfill all his promises and blessings to us, but not necessarily in the way we thought. And it would also affect many generations to come.

God didn't even mind that we got "mouthy" because we were being honest with our feelings and we were friends. However, he did add that our problems didn't come from Him but from our doubts and fears, that caused us to "believed that God didn't care" at times. We both repented. Then God continued to speak encouraging words about our future, our feelings and our writings.

Life is very hard at time and often it’s because of our own mistakes. We often grumble and complain when there are many others who are much worse off than us. Yet, God still understand and gives out his grace for strength to everyone regardless of their situations. Just be honest with God and ask for his strength and wisdom. He is more than glad to help you, even through your darkest hours.

We tend to grumble when we think God doesn't care. People even thought Jesus didn't care. Nothing could be further from the truth. We must overcome our doubt and fears and trust God. He loves us more than we could ever imagine. However, he sees the bigger picture of a better ways that give Him the glory instead of just meeting our needs and desires the way we would want. We just need to be more patient and trust God. We'll see his way is better in the long run and thank him.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Looking for Love?

Are you still looking for true happiness? What motivates you to get up each day? Have you found in life what you are looking for? Or have you given up the search like so many others who have become content until something upsets their mundane lives. Others often fear something bad could happen at any moment like a tornado or loosing their job. What are you looking for?

Older people are just happy to be alive. Some of them live alone or are abandon in rest homes. Others have pets to keep them company. Young people used to have dreams or ambitions, many still do, but that too is changing as some see what appears to be futility ahead. Many are choosing to live for the moment, not caring about the future.

Then there are the children who go hungry and are scared as they see their homes, families and relationships break up. Many have no idea of what true happiness is or a sense of security. While other people will be stuffing their houses, minds and bodies with things they don't really need, and they don't seem to care about the waste or the damage it causes them. At times life just doesn't seem fair, as people struggle to make sense of it all or find some kind of happiness.

Government leaders and officials seem to be at a loss also as they search for answers for how to solve the ever-growing problems and corruption in their countries, or how to correct the hurting lives and wasted resources that they have been entrusted with. Many people have less and less hope or confidants in Government being able to help them or others resolve or deal with the real issues of life. Some are wondering whether there is such a thing as true happiness.

True answers and happiness seems to be an illusion along with most people's dreams. So in the meantime, they try to have a little fun along the way to give their emotions a boost. Whether it is an affair, exploits on the Internet, beer parties or making a little extra money on the slide, people continue to do foolish things in meaningless searches for true happiness.

Religious leaders struggle with the same problems as do many of their members, as they try to encourage one another. Yet, it seems everyone is pretending that everything will be alright. Even though they have seen thousands of unanswered prayers go by the wayside, and don't know or understand why. However, their hope is still in heaven and it seems to be their ultimate goal, eventually.

As King Solomon said, "Vanity, vanity all the ways of man are vanity!" (
Eccles. 1:2)

If we want to see change, restoration, fulfilled promises and dreams for a better and happier future, then the Heavenly Father has and is the answer. He is determined to bring true happiness to this world. He's waiting for us and wants us to
seek him with all our hearts, but most of all he desires a simple and honest relationship with Him. We need to come to realize who he really is, the all loving and powerful Heavenly Father. Then we will see answered prayers and experience true happiness that only the He can give.

There is soon coming a mighty move of God. When you see it, jump in and grab it with both hands, for it will be an experience that can last for eternity. Don't miss it! When all you see are problems or feel life is hopeless, you need to change your focus." Look up, lift up your hands and cry out to God, because your redemption draws near." (Luke 21:28) Why are you still looking and waiting?

Jesus said,
"I have come that you might have life, and that you have it more abundantly." (John 10:10). And God doesn't lie. (Num. 23:19).