He was taken by stealth, the Prince of Peace. He was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our selfish actions and by His stripes we are healed.

I wish to extend my honor and gratitude to those who have chosen to serve and sacrifice also for the sake of protection and peace. Thank You, and God Bless You!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Addictions and Deceptions

Many people today, are addicted to practically everything around them. Some more than others, here just a short list of some common ones; cell phone calling and texting, computer Internet, watching TV, video games, sugar, coffees, chocolates, junk food, over eating, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography, work and religion. The thought of going a week without one of these or other additions, would seem like the end of the world for many of these addicts (I had my share of addictions too). Most additions are harmful, some more so than others. There is damage is done whether we believe it or not, either to our body, our mind or our spirit.

In western civilizations, people take great pride in their freedom, when in truth they are not really free, they're just like many others in bondage. Most people don't realize what it is like to be truly free, because they have become slaves to their additions and sins. The majority are bound in their minds, by the lies and deceptions of their beliefs. Many people believe if others do it or think that way, it must be OK. It's part of their life style, even if its done in secret. When people compare themselves to others, they often feel better about themselves. And others just don't care anymore. Unfortunately, many of these people have no desire to be free of their addictions, unless a doctor or God says so; or until its too late. That in itself, shows the power of these addictions and deceptions have over people's minds.

God never intended for his children to be controlled by desires for things, habits or religion. In the beginning when he created man and women, His plan was that we walk together in freedom and contentment. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve's mistake changed that, but thanks to the cross and the blood of Jesus Christ we can still walk together in total freedom and power over our enemy and addictions. Satan would try to persuade us that he has a better alternative, or there is no harm by it. Compared to what Jesus offers and the guideline He has set. That guideline is agape love. We are to love God, love others and be kind to our body which was designed to be God's temple. How we take care of it is important to Him, and it should be important to us also. It's one way for us to show respect and honor to Him.

God has given us the power to break the chains and set us free of all addictions (both physical and spiritual addictions). Physical addictions effect our body and religious addictions effects our spiritual body. Both will harm and some will kill you but the latter is eternal. (Rom. 8:12-17). But, it does requires an effort on our part and faith in his love for us. Often, this is can be made easier with the aid of another brother or sister in Christ, to help and encourage, but not necessary. We should all desire to live as long and healthy as God intended for us, to serve His purpose on earth and when our time up, he will call us home. Once we really begin to understand God ways we will see how foolish we were, but grateful just the same for His patience. Jesus should be our only desire everything else will find its proper place in him. He satisfies all our needs.

"Oh taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusts in Him."
Psalms 34:8

Free Indeed

"Can you think of the way that we used to be
We were young, full of hope and full of dreams.
Look around what has happened in between
Living life can steal your hopes away it seems.

Dream again
Oh, your like a child who's waiting to become

The Son has come to free us
So set your eyes on Jesus
Your free now

To love as He has loved you
To live like He's among you
To dream now
Know that you are free indeed

When your world is a dark and lonely place
Turn your eyes from yourself and seek His face
There's a hope in His open arms you'll find
And a peace that gonna free your heart and mind."

Written by; David Cleveland; Grant Cunningham; Mat Huesman
Sung by, Point of Grace

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