He was taken by stealth, the Prince of Peace. He was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our selfish actions and by His stripes we are healed.

I wish to extend my honor and gratitude to those who have chosen to serve and sacrifice also for the sake of protection and peace. Thank You, and God Bless You!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Good vs Better

In the beginning, God created everything and said, "It was good," including a vast varieties of plants and foods necessary for us to live a healthy life. Six thousand years later, some men came to the conclusion they could make it even better. It's true we have come a long ways this past century, especially western civilization, in the way food is grown, harvest, prepared and delivered to the supermarket. But is it all really good and for the better?

Unfortunately, many people behind the scene seem to think so, at least according to the volume of food they produced and the amount of money they make. Yet, they have allowed themselves to be deceived; thinking that making money and feeding peoples with perverted taste buds is more important than the health of the people they were meant to serve. Not to mention, thinking they could improve on what God said, was GOOD!

Nearly every food product, that most people purchase today in supermarkets and other food outlets, contains sugar or high fructose corn syrup (or a chemical substitute), additives, preservatives, color dyes and more toxic chemicals, all in small "safe" (so they say) amounts. However, two of the worst widely used products, sugar and high fructose corn syrup, are still used today plus a lot of harmful chemicals. White sugar was originally classified and used as a drug. One or both of these sweetener are found in some form, in almost every drink or food product.

The chemical substitutes for sugar, used to eliminate calories, are actually worse that the other stuff. Then you add all those other foreign ingredients to our bodies' it becomes a toxic waste dump for the food industry. All these ingredients and chemicals are harmful and poisons to our body, but are considered safe, because the effects are not immediately seen until years later. Yet, there is damage done to peoples teeth, immune system and the whole body. The rest of their lives they're in and out of hospitals and doctor's offices. And the results is they are spending a small fortune for medicine (more chemicals), medical bill and health insurances.

What I find amazing is that most of this knowledge is nothing new. Yet, most people seen to ignore it or just don't care. They seem to believe the lie that just a little now and then won't hurt. But it as become a daily habit for most people despite its harm to their body. It's really no surprise that diabetes and weight control is a serious problem in many peoples lives. Yet, many 
people still wonder why they get sick or that there are so many overweight people.

Obesity has become a serious problem in the United States affecting nearly a third of the adults and children, and sixty two percent are overweight. More doctor are finally saying, white sugar is bad for our body and health. Resent studies have revealed that there are also over 200 toxic chemicals found in the umbilical chords that feed the unborn babies. Those toxic chemicals are there because we eat them. They are the main reason for the escalating health problems found in infants and in early childhood.

Toxic chemicals get into our body from the types of foods we eat and drink, because of the way it's grown and some from the air we breath. It's also in the meat, fresh produce and dairy products we eat, including all the manufactured prepared food produces. Most of those chemical are still pass on to the unborn children in the mother. Only eating organic grown food or eating less prepared foods can help eliminate and reduce the majority of these toxic chemical in our body. Plus, drinking filtered or bottled spring water.

Unfortunately most people continue to buy manufactured food products believing it's safe, their taste buds prefer them and because they are convenient in this fast-pasted world that many choose to live in. We need to slow down a little and enjoy life with our friends and family.

Some people have been hurt emotionally by others and have used food as a comfort friend. Other want to live life to the fullest, despite the consequences. Or they don't care about the gradual weight gain until their trapped in a vicious cycle of guilt and shame. Besides they seem to find contentment in the fact that there is always someone fatter than them. Or their just more of them to love.

People aren't being honest with themselves. They want to be attractive so they ware nice clothes over their fat, but I sure you would enjoy your looks better without the extra weight. If you really want to look better start with the way you look not with what you wear. You may tell yourself you look OK and maybe even your mate, but your body would tell you different. When you get sick or you're changing you cloth size, your body is trying to tell you something is out-of-order. You need to make some changes now, not in the future or there could be serious problems. (Try jogging with a large watermelon under each arm.) The body was not desire to carry all that extra weight and you will pay for it with your health in the end.

Unfortunately, people have chosen to disregard their real looks and the warnings from many doctors to eat healthier and avoid suger, additive and chemicals in foods products. Nutritionist know the truth and they have written numerous health books. ( Natural Cures "they" don't want you to know about, by Kevin Trudeau is one of the best selling books). Also, a little more exercising or  walking would hurt either. Get out and enjoy the free air and talk with God or put on a head set and listen to praise and worship music while you exercise.

God desire for all his children to be healthy and eat healthy. But, many people have allowed their desires and preference to over-ride the truth in most things in life—
especially, if it has to do with God's way, including foods. I, know, I used to do as I pleased and eat lots of junk food every day. Chocolates was a big weakness of mine along with soda pops, cakes, pies and ice creams. Until God convicted me that I was allowing my perverted taste buds to rule my body and mind. Now I found I can live better without them and there are now many healthy substitute. True it may cost a little more, but our body's are worth it. Don't you think?

We need to be led by God's voice and not yield to temptations. Maybe you could do something about that today by taking steps to change the way you eat, if you haven't already. Eliminating white sugar from ones diet is a simple and easy one. Eat products that use cane sugar instead. You can also use it in your cooking and baking, it will be much better for you. Also, use products made from whole grain and not white flower. Read some health books for help you bake and cook.

However, the main reason for doing this is not just to be healthier, but because our body is the temple of the Lord. Our motive should be for him and not ourselves. When we understand that, it will be mush easier to succeed when being tempted, But, don't make the way you eat a law, live by faith and love for God.

Our body does not belong to us, but the Lord. Yet, many people today have made their belly their god, including many Christians. People have allowed their taste buds and their emotions to rule what they eat. Many believe the lies —that sugars, chemicals and the extra bite won't hurt you. Or they just don't seem to care if they do. Besides Gods loves fat people. Yes, God does, but to think that he approves of their bad habits is a lie and a deception of the enemy.

The Overweight Deception.

We should not to allow celebrities or ministers with uncontrolled eating habits, nor Hollywood's version of fat disciples of Jesus, to deceive us. They are not God's stamp of approval. Yet, God still love these ministers and uses them, but to believe God approves of being over weight is not true.

Being fat has become "the acceptable sin" in the church and society. All habitual sins are nothing more than bondage's that need to be broken and repented from, just as any other sin. I'm not trying to say one is worse than another, but sin is SIN in any form. It is still a part of pride, greed and lust. Many minister will speak-out on all the other sins, but choose to ignore this one. Why? Because they don't want to offend people. But, are they truly helping their flock, when there are so many sick in the church that could and should and could be well, if they just changed their diet. God has given everyone a beautiful body, but because of sin, ignorance and neglect we have allowed his temple to reflect our selfish desires.

I'm not trying to point a finger at any individual, my desire is to see people set free with the truth. God loves you and want to help you. If people were so deceived, it wouldn't be necessary to talk about this subject or any other sins. Somebody has to speak up, God has been for a long time but people continue to ignore his voice. We need to start filling our heart and renew our minds with the love and wisdom of God. Sometimes it helps when we get godly advice from others as well. We all need to ask God to open our ears so he can tell us what would please him and then just do it.

It is sad to see so many people hurting physically, emotionally and bound by this deception. They could be beautiful on the outside as well as on the inside too. Overweight people are headed down dangerous spiraling cycle, just like smokers and the combination of the two is even worse. The effect of extra weight on the body is hard on the heart, the back and knee joints. Plus the emotion trauma is totally unnecessary, but it will continue to get worse over time unless they correct the problems.

Diabetes and heart problems are common weight related disease, which can lead to strokes and blindness. But to think doctors or God will automatically heal you or give you a magic pill to lose the weight is foolish. Your the one who makes the choices of what you eat and how much. The real miracle will come when your eyes are opened to the truth and you realize your foolishness.

I have heard of people who have lost hundreds of pounds, instantly, in prayer meetings. That's wonderful for them and amazing. Yet, it only demonstrates the love and grace of God for that person, it also shows his disapproval of their lifestyle. I have never heard of God making anyone fat instantly, have you? No excuse is acceptable to God, but repentance from a broken and contrite spirit is always an excellent start point.

God wants to help overweight people. But if they don't let him, fatness will destroy their health, sex life, and sometimes even their marriage. Some parents can't even enjoy playing with their children or grandkids. It will also limit their ability to enjoy the life the way God intended for them to live. They will miss seeing and experiencing many blessings and promises God had for them, because of a shorten life. 

The apostle Paul speaks of discerning the body of Christ, that applies both spiritually and physically. Again our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, not a church building. We must guard his temple (our body) and our mind with all diligence as to what we allow it enter it through our senses as well as through our mouth.

Don't believe the lies of the world system. Jesus said, it wasn't what entered ones stomach that defiled a man, but what came out of the heart. However, Jesus was talking about
natural food, there was no processed food back then nor would Jesus approve of self-indulgence.

If you look at the examples in the Bible about fat people, you will see they didn't have a happy ending. One was stabbed and another fell and broke is neck because of his weight and sins. We should never try to make any person feel guilty, but to help and encourage them just as we would want someone to help us with our bad habits. Other times it may be best to pray for them, that the spirit of deception be broken. Hopefully, they would appreciate the help from a friend. Ask God how you can help if you see a need. Love is more important than even "good" advice. But a true friend shouldn't ignore the problem either.

Even if your young or not overweight, people shouldn't eat junk food it will eventually take its toll. Nor should one take pride in not being overweight. Again, we shouldn't make avoiding "contaminated foods" a principle or a law to the point where we offend people who don't know what you may believe. The scripture tells us to eat whatever is place before us. Our body are designed to expel poisons especially when living by faith. But you shouldn't test the Lord in your own home. We can also simply say to friends, no thank you and maybe explain later if necessary. Let love be your guide.

We should find our peace, joy and comfort in Jesus, not in chocolates, junk foods or stuffing our bodies. Look to Jesus and he will guide you in the steps you should take regarding these area. You may even need to fast regularly as you seek his will. It show him that He is the Bread of Life we truly want and desire. I'm also praying for you, because I love you and my desire is to see you set free from this yoke of fatness. Overweight is a burden you shouldn't have to carry alone.

The body of Christ needs restoration in all areas, specially in our hearts and minds. Over eating and snacking too much are often the results of being hurt or abused by someone. 
As a result people have made food a "comfort" friend. If that's the case, they need to forgive that person completely with all their heart and let Jesus be their true friend. He is the only one who can heal and restored their body and mind from all the depressions, rejection and the deceptions that has lead so many to abuse their bodies, the temple of God.

"So it will be in that day, that his burden will be removed from your shoulders and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be broken because of fatness." (Is. 10: 27 NASB)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sex and Marriage

SEX. The three letter word that seems to always get people's attention, especially men. Sex is on the mind of most men more often than many would care to admit. As for most women, although they enjoy sex, many prefer the relationship aspect more, with sex as a by-product. Women desire to be loved and talked with (communication), or so I'm told. Younger women often feel that the only way they can obtain a boyfriend or keep a boyfriend is by having sex with him. However (through good or bad experiences), people learn that having sex doesn't seem to satisfy the emptiness they feel inside them; and so they keep searching and hoping for answers—whether they think or believe that the answer is found in satisfying the heart's desire, having the ultimate orgasm, or maybe the perfect mate. Others simply settle for less, often wondering if that is all there is to love and sex.

The influence of Hollywood (movies, writers, producers, etc.) rarely portrays life as it really is or as it should be. They often choose to express their own fantasies, or the fantasies of many others. It seems that every year actors and actresses are being portrayed in more aggressive and seductive roles; they are leading people down a perverted and shallow road. Many men and women feel that they have to become what they have seen demonstrated by these young movie stars—what is being portrayed on the big screen or TV—if they want to be a real man or a real woman. (What happened to the real role models?)

Why do people have sex? Curiosity maybe? Because others do? The challenge or thrill of overcoming the fear of tasting forbidden fruit? Most would probably say that people have sex because its fun, and an expression of love and pleasure between two people. In the days in which we live, I believe it really has to do more with people's mindsets and their out of control hormones (lust), rather than true love. Often young people have sex because of peer pressure, or wanting to feel grown-up (they also exhibit this by smoking or drinking). Some consider virginity an old fashioned concept or a disease that needs to be cured (as soon as possible). Many have sex or continue to have sex, overlooking the problems and dangers that can occur—because it feels good (the same reason why some people get drunk). Movies portray having sex as common, perhaps as common as kissing or dating. Whatever the case may be, sex is being used today—by both genders—as a self-gratifying selfish act; this of course has very little or nothing to do with respect or true love. Another problem often portrayed through the entertainment world is that sex is being used as a form of power and control over other people, such as coercion, manipulation, or reward. Even the public school system takes a casual and careless attitude toward sex. Abstinence until marriage is seldom taught or only briefly discussed. After all, most public school teachers and much of society consider abstinence a religious concept or a foolish idea, only for those who are prudish.

How sad it is that something so beautiful as sex has become considered trite and almost meaningless. Some people have become like dogs in heat, turned loose in the neighborhood (studs or jocks seeking to score points). Others have been abused or raped. With little conscience or accountability for their actions, many end up in doctors' offices, or emotionally damaged. But sex was never meant to be used or viewed selfishly.

Every good gift is from God. And sex is a special gift that is meant to be intimate, private, enjoyed, cherished and experienced in the proper way, at the right time. Just as wedding rings are exchanged and worn in marriage as a symbol of agreement or covenant, so is sex meant to be a sealing or consummation of covenant agreement between a man and a woman. The two parties have agreed to become husband and wife. The ring is an outward sign of fidelity, and sexual intercourse is an inward sign. The shedding of blood that happens in a woman's body during first intercourse is meant as a sign of covenant.

Marriage is meant to be both physical and spiritual. Unfortunately many marriages are just physical. In a true marriage, two separate individuals have agreed to become one in thought, actions and dreams. The couple should desire to fulfill God's will and call on their lives, as one with Him, being led by His Spirit. But as we have seen, not all marriages are lived out that way.

Marriage is a covenant designed by God. In the beginning vows and promises were unnecessary, the integrity of a man and a woman's words were sufficient. The man was to leave his father and his mother and to be joined with, or intertwine with his wife as a merging of the two beings, becoming one in flesh, one in soul and one in spirit. Marriage is meant to be covenantal, based on agape love and not on emotions. ("I will..," not "I feel...") But, because of the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, everything changed.

Most marriages today are based on emotions (goose bumps or tingles or human love, all of which have their limitations), with little knowledge of covenant and/or spiritual headship. Often in marriages we see either the man trying to dominate by force, or both parties trying to lead, or the woman actually taking control. Regardless of religious beliefs, there are many unhappy marriages; there are also many divorces. Emotions and feelings often change from day to day and over time, especially through trying circumstances. But a covenant marriage should be binding for life, overriding the emotions of life's trials, with Jesus leading the man, and the woman following her husband.

The purpose of sex has nothing to do with "making love." That expression is often a cheap term to cover up a lack of responsibility. Intercourse was meant for pleasure and for having children, sowing and reaping, and as the overflow or fruit of love. It should never be withheld from the spouse, except by mutual agreement. Love is all about forgiveness, and "making up" can by fun (restoration). However, sex should never be forced on another. Feelings and rights should be put aside as love is allowed to rule our hearts. God's love is unconditional.

However, we need to "consider the costs" or the sacrifices involved when thinking about marriage, or of becoming a Christian. Don't you agree? That is what the Word of God teaches; the Bible is God's testimony and instruction manual for life, and for the believer's marriage to Jesus. There is a price to be paid in all relationships. The price is called sacrifice, preferring others, and yielding one's rights.

Marriage is also the natural picture of a relationship that we can have with Jesus Christ. When we ask Jesus into our heart, and ask him to save us from our sins, he becomes our Lord and our savior. We were created to worship and to walk with Him. Things are meant to change and should be expected to change from that time on, just like in an earthly marriage. Jesus has now become our spiritual husband and we his spiritual bride (because we are primarily spiritual beings, whether we realize it or not). Everything we have now and will have in the future becomes Jesus' property, to do with as he deems necessary. He is now our leader, and we are to follow and obey his every word because we love and trust him (this is a learning process that takes time, yet he is very patient). We give up our name and take his name (Christ-ian, disciple of Jesus, sons of God) But, not only in title but in our actions. We do this willingly because he loves us so much and we love and trust him in return.

Just as in human or physical marriages, Jesus desires to have an intimate relationship with us (a spiritual form of intercourse) where our deepest thoughts and feelings are shared with him. We should desire to spend much quiet time alone with Him. Together, we let him read our minds as we listen for His thoughts and words. Words are not always necessary; just being in his presence is an act of intimate love with great pleasure. Sometimes we will desire to listen to music and sing songs that express our love for each other. Our prayers—talking with Him—and his spoken words (either verbal, spiritual, or writings from the Bible) become our means of conversation and communication with each other throughout the day. All these intimate expressions are called worship, and He takes great pleasure in them and the time we spend with him. We need to shut ourselves off from the cares of the world, going to that secret place just to love Him for who he is (and not because we want something). There we will find the meaning of true love and true life. Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves, and that's why He is able to guide us through every situation.

What a joy it is to hear Jesus whisper in our ears—sharing his plans and dreams. One will learn that his plans are much greater than anything we could have imagined. At times you can feel the warmth of His presence around you and it almost takes your breath away. Other times you can feel his breath as he kisses your tears of joy or of sorrow. You will come to know true passion, sometimes it is exciting, other times it can be messy. Just like in all marriages, there will be times when you cry and other times you are angry, but he doesn't mind. He knows the cross he asked you to carry can be very heavy and painful. And through those hard times you learn to trust and thank him, because he is faithful. In the end you will count it all joy, because of his love and faithfulness.

Like most marriages, when two people live together you learn more about each other. Jesus is not only our lover but our best friend. He knows everything about us, all of our strong points and all our weak ones. Now we have a lifetime to learn about Him and he has a lot of special secrets he desires to share with us. He will keep no record of our mistakes or failings (now that what I call love!). Even when we doubt him or question his love, He promises to be near us and never leave us regardless of the situation. There is nothing we can do to earn his love; all he asks is that we trust and obey him back. And we will be thanking him for all his goodness to us.

Our relationship with Him has become a divine romance that we will cherish and enjoy throughout eternity—something no earthly marriage can offer. This is the only relationship that will satisfy our deepest longing and desire, that nothing else will be able to fill other than Jesus Christ. With his name and his authority given to us, all the covenant promises are awaiting fulfillment (Gen. 12: 1-3), and all our needs are fulfilled just for the asking and just for the receiving. His plans and desires for us are to work together as spiritual husband and wife, along with others like us, to build and establish the Kingdom of God on earth—both now and for the generations to come. What incredible joy we experience in working together with the Lord. All of this happens not because of our love for him, but because of His awesome love for us.

Note — One should never be jealous in any relationship, because Jesus Christ is our true husband and friend. Regardless of our past exploits or relationships, we have all become virgins in the sight of the Lord Jesus—all because of his incredible forgiveness. He has erased all our past, present and future sins through faith and everything has become new. If you would like to read a great love story, read the Bible's Song of Songs. It's a picture (an allegory) of our marriage to Christ. Also read, 1 Cor. 13; it's the Love Chapter of the Bible.