He was taken by stealth, the Prince of Peace. He was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our selfish actions and by His stripes we are healed.

I wish to extend my honor and gratitude to those who have chosen to serve and sacrifice also for the sake of protection and peace. Thank You, and God Bless You!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Prince of Peace

"Peace on earth good will toward men." This popular phrase is often found in songs this time of year or read on Christmas cards. It is used to bring hope and encouragement to the minds of people worldwide. Yet, there seems to be little peace around the world or time for millions of people who choose to rush from place to place, spending more money on gifts for people who possibly have too much already. Most retail businesses and the entertainment world hopes to capitalize on the hearts of people during this season of giving and self-indulgence.
All the different religions of the world seem to find a reason to celebrate during this season of the year also, including the Jewish people with their Hanukkah. However, December 25th was originally the festival of Winter Solstice, a pagan holiday celebrating their gods and the beginning of the winter season. But Christianity decided to make it the birthday of Jesus, needing a reason to celebrate along with the pagans. Then Santa Claus arrived with his eight reindeer to bring gifts to all the children of the world to compete with Baby Jesus. Later three wise men showed up, a little late as usual. Then Ms. Claus and the elves got jealous along with Frosty the Snowman, who came bopping onto the scene. While everyone was dreaming of a White Christmas, and children were counting the presents under the decorated Christmas tree; the homeless people just hoped for a warm meal and a warm place to sleep.

Every year Christmas just keeps growing like the proverbial snowball rolling down a gigantic hill, collecting input from the cosmos and every religion of the world as it continues rolling through December. Faster and faster, bigger and better—when and where it stops, God only knows. But we must understand that He never started it in the first place; man did. Somehow God's Holy Days have been forgotten by most people and replaced by man's holidays. But that will change in due time; God is no fool.

I didn't always feel this way about Christmas. As a child growing up in California, I used to love all the decorations and the presents. I enjoyed all the songs and the spirit of joy people seemed to express. Most people seem to forget their cares and enjoy just being with each other. When I became a Christian, I focused more on the Christian view, and left Santa looking for his way back to the North Pole. After getting married and having a daughter, my focus changed again. I had someone to share memories with; seeing the joy on my daughter's face was our delight. 

After I built my dream house, I started decorating it with Christmas lights, more and more each year, and the neighbors loved it and I enjoyed it too. But something was changing. I found myself trying to make myself happy, instead of being happy. There was no peace inside me. I appeared to have everything and yet I wasn't really happy. My marriage and my faith had gone south for the winter, and stayed. Everything from then on became a show or a pretense, like the snowman we made in the front yard by the decorated trees.

By the time I was almost 40 I was miserable; I could have played the role of Scrooge. I was determined to be happy, doing things I never thought I would do. It didn't help either, it only made me feel worse. Finally one night, when I was indulging in my selfish behavior, an old friend came knocking on my heart's door. It was the Prince of Peace, and he said to me, "It's now or never!" I knew what he meant and I immediately got up and left with my Prince—Jesus Christ.

Things have not been the same since then. Everything began to change, even my thoughts about Christmas. That year we took the money we would normally spend on ourselves and on family members, and purchased gifts of food and warm clothes to give to the homeless people is downtown Seattle. It was the best experience we ever had, seeing the expression of joy and thankfulness on the faces of people who had nothing; yet they were God's children too. Then God stripped away many of my possessions, including my dream house. He then taught me how to really trust him for everything and be grateful.

A few years later, God gave us a new home in the foothills (wilderness) of the mountains. As I spent more time with Him, He taught me things I never realized. He also gave me a special friend, Sheldon David, who also greatly helped me in my walk of faith. A couple years later I realized why I wasn't happy anymore at Christmas time. It was because Jesus wasn't there. 

God never intended for us to celebrate Jesus' birthday. It was just another religious concept for many Christians to celebrate along with the world. This revelation did not go well with the rest of my family. Even though they understood the facts (previously stated), they saw no harm in celebrating it; besides many popular ministers and ministries continued to believe it's OK. Not to mention, a whole lot of emotions that are tied to the sweet nativity scenes, the memorable songs, and the beautiful decorations, all of which are just too much for most Christians to give up—but others have, and even more will as they fall in love with Jesus (and no longer with the holiday). I believe it is God's desire that we love all people, spend less on ourselves, and give to the needy all year around, and to celebrate life with Jesus everyday. (Jer. 10:2-4) God also hates our religious festivals/holidays. (Amos 5:21 NLB). Jesus taught us that narrow is the gate to life and broad is the path that leads to destruction.

Unfortunately, many don't see it that way when they're on the broad path—choosing to ignore scriptures and warning signs (some just don't care). I'm not saying that anyone will go to hell for believing in Christmas or by celebrating it. However, Jesus did say that he only did and said what he saw the Father doing. (He never told anyone to celebrate His birthday.) It is also my desire; to serve God the best I know how by following Jesus' example. 

The one thing I have now that I never had before is PEACE. True peace of mind. Not as the world gives, but only as Jesus can give. Now I also don't have to rush around in traffic, looking for a parking space, trying to find the right gift in crowded stores; when I have the best gift—the Prince of Peace to share with others.

My prayer for you is that you will consider what I've said. Or maybe you too will want to know Jesus as your Savior and your Prince of Peace. It's never to late to start to know Him.

Note: I wrote this article a year ago, and had the most hits on my blog sight that day. But after they read the article, most no longer felt like reading further articles of mine, it only proved how strongly people feel about Christmas, one of their golden calves. The truth is many Christians and ministries still chose to believe in celebrating Christmas despite the facts and the truth. Old habits and man-made traditions are hard to break and very few are willing to break away from the crowd and the emotions tied to the Christmas spirit.

In the Old Testament some kings of Israel tried to restore true worship  by tearing down false gods and idol during their reign that people had made or brought in from other nations. But, the one area most of them failed to accomplish, was the removing of the "high places." Those places had become "sacred cow" to the people even though they greatly displeased God. People wanted to decide how and where they would worship God, instead of the other way around, and so the man-made traditions continued. 

Today, most Christians still think and act the same way. They want to celebrate, the "high places" of religious traditions and where they worship. Only a few are willing to walk away from them and follow God as maturing sons. Yet, God continues to give grace to all of His children. 

I will continue to speak the truth and encourage other to follow Christ alone without all the religious stuff. I love all of God's children, I was one, once myself. When I was young I thought like a child, acted like a child, now that I'm older I put away childish things. (1 Cor. 11:13)

* Enjoy the colorful lights if you want—God made them. He is the Light of the World. And if this season helps someone find or focus more on Christ, I am thankful. If you disagree with me about Christmas that's fine too. I still love you, and I will have many other things to share that are far more important than Christmas.

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Bible

The Holy Bible is the most incredible book ever written. It has been read by more people and translated into more languages than any other book. Yet, it is also the most controversial and neglected book. It has been praised, cherished, and also hated. It has also been burned, banned and smuggled down throughout the ages. Why is that? Probably because of its unique author—God.

The Bible is the inspiration of God in a compilation of 66 books, written by over 40 different persons from many different backgrounds, written in three languages over a period of 1500 years. More fascinating facts can be found by going online, but this is not what this article is really about.

From its conception, the Bible is a divine romance. From cover to cover (Genesis to The Revelation) it portrays the love of God for his creation (his family). It also shows the ups and downs of the relationship between God and man, and the emotions of both parties involved. But most of all the Bible is about forgiveness.

The Bible is about communication. It was and is one of God's most basic ways to relay his heart, his ways and his desires to those who choose to love and follow him. It also shows the consequences for those who choose not to. God is not forcing anyone to obey him; He's just stating the facts—life without Him will be meaningless and harmful because of the corruption and selfish behavior of humanity. It's better for people to talk and listen to him, than to ignore him. It's the only book that contains the whole Truth, showing that God is faithful to his promises. We will also be judged by this book.

The Bible is the book of Faith. On the surface it can be read just like any other book. But if you take a step of faith—which the author requires of you—you can enter into another dimension, the spiritual one in which Almighty God lives, the one we are meant to live in. From that realm we are able to see things from a different perspective than the carnal realm, and we can have access to His power. By his Spirit, which lives in us, we can hear and operate through the mind of God as to fulfill his plans for us, and also to help others. There is so much more that can be learned from this level of faith. No other book can or will offer such power to the reader, and it is available to everyone who believes in it.

The Bible also tells us about heaven and the Kingdom where God dwells. It also reveals the dimension in which we will live after we die, one in which we share eternity without time and space and without pain and suffering; a place of eternal peace and joy. In this realm we see the angelic beings that God created to serve Him and help mankind. The beauty of this realm is beyond description.

The Bible contains the words of Life, it is the revelation of Jesus Christ, the Truth and the Promise of God. The Word, Jesus himself, became flesh and blood, and he dwelt with us and died for us. Jesus Christ (Yahweh) is the underlying theme, connection and foundation of the Bible—from Genesis to Revelation. He is the Alpha and the Omega. Without him it is impossible to 
know or understand the Heavenly Father or His Word.

The Bible is about life, wisdom and the information needed for living the life God intends for everyone and for every generation. It's not just a history book, but is relevant for the future too. The names and the acts of every man and woman are recorded within the multi-leveled and spiritual dimensions of the Word of God, and will extend for a thousand generations. Along with every mathematical and science equation to create, heal and destroy. We will continue to find more information in it that is relevant for thousands of years to come. 

Many great men in the past have believed that there were hidden secrets waiting to be revealed in the Bible. More of these of those secrets have and will become known with the help of computers. More of this is written about in two books: The Bible Code, by Michael Drosnin, and The Original Bible Code, by Dr. Rips. However—more importantly—God prefers to revel himself to those who diligently seek him with all the heart. The Bible says, if any one lacks wisdom let him ask of Me, anyone who searches for me as hidden treasure. We need to be honest and sincere in our efforts, for God is no fool. Even the best of Bible scholars have just begun to scratch the surface of the Knowledge of God.

If you don't know God, you can. This can happen by either praying and/or reading the Bible. Begin reading by starting with The New Testament and continue on until you have found Him. He's just a step and a breath away; He's waiting for you.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Many people start something then never finish it. In the past, I too was that way. As an artist I painted many pictures, but there were some that just never got finished. I ended up giving them to inmates in a local state prison where I taught an art class once a week. The prisoners could finish the painting or just paint over what I had done. That was a simple solution for me. Then there were projects and some houses I built or remodeled that I never got completely finished.

Seldom do things go as expected or planed. Many times people get started on a project or a relationship, but lose interest along the way. There are many reasons or excuses they could give, such as running out of money, taking too long, being more difficult than they thought, or just lost interest. Some people stay with a job or a marriage only as long as it meets their needs. But, when things get rough or maybe something or someone comes along that looks better, they're off in another direction, bouncing from one circumstance or relationship to another. (Like a pinball; only slower.)

Unfortunately, many people are that way with God. Often they take the initial steps, but when things don't go as expected or they don't get what they want when they wanted it, they're off looking for help somewhere else. And God gets the short end of the stick. Some people try to fit God into their schedule. Some others think they know enough about God—so I'll "take it from here" mindset. After reading the Bible a little and doing some weekly religious activities, many people think they can just coast the rest of the way. But God is no fool. And after a while, when something bad happens they're back asking God for help again.

If you really believe God made the universe and he is your savior, I'm sure he can find enough things for you to do if you're really interested in a commitment. Besides that, loving and serving God has to do with passion—a relentless zeal to serve and worship Him, even when things don't go the way expected or desired. Life is not about us, its about Jesus, the Kingdom of God, and God's desire to see us mature into his sons and daughters. He's the Potter and we are the clay. He's also the Gardner and if He decides to prune off a few branches to help us bear more fruit, so be it.

Let's make a commitment: to strip ourselves of everything that would hinder our race and not give up before we reach the finish line and the prize—Jesus. He is worth all the effort and all the sacrifices we will ever need to make. In a commitment to Jesus, you can't call him "Lord" and say "No" at the same time. Neither can you say, "I can't!" He will give us all the strength, all the patience, all the abilities and all the necessities needed to fulfill the purpose and mission he gives us on the earth. We are his workmanship, and he has plans for each and every one of us. And He will work with us from the beginning of the race to the end. Don't be a quitter. Remember, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."(Phil. 4:13). That scripture should be one of our declarations of faith. There are also times when the walk of faith may seem dry or hard, but that's where God desires to see if we really love Him (true commitment is when we press through dark valleys). Other times may seem dull but rarely boring. But, the payoff is worth it if we're patient, because God is committed to seeing us make it.

Do you believe Jesus Christ is worth living for? He is, and Jesus is also the only thing and only one worth dying for. It's time we start thinking and moving into a true commitment with Jesus; and everything else will find its proper place.

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded, YOU NEED TO PERSEVERE so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised." (Hebrews 10:35-36)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Cure for Anxiety

Do you worry about the future? If you do, you're not the only one. Many people are overly concerned about the future and/or the future of their children. It seems the majority of people are worried about money or the lack of it. Others worry about their health or about dying. Some worry about provision and/or shelter. Still a few others worry about being left alone. People often speculate or worry about circumstances that in many cases will never happen. Everyone at some point in life has worried about the unknown, or the "what ifs."

We can make a few changes that might help us, but for the most part it's a wait and see game.

These thought patterns happen, because we are human beings and don't know any better. Fear first starts out as a small thought, then becomes concern or worry that grows into anxiety, and if not stopped, can become full-fledged fear. And that is a serious problem, because fears can distort perceptions and sometimes lead to troublesome realities.

In the Old Testament, a man named Job had the same problems as many of us have, problems that may have opened the doors to his suffering and disasters. (Job 3:25). The Bible says in II Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us the Spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." Fear is the actual reason why some people get cancer—because their parents and/or grandparents did, and so they spend their lives worrying about it. Doctors call it genetics; but I believe cancer really has more to do with fear that poisons the mind and then the cells of the body. 

Those same kind of fears have led numerous people, victims of fear, to take actions that were not necessary or could have been avoided. In some situations people have opted for preventative surgery, because they previously had cancer or perhaps other family members had it. Some have taken other drastic measures such as, stealing, cheating, or using drugs to help them out or relive them of their problem or situation. 

Anxieties and fears are enemies that cause people to react in ways that are not normal or necessary. God desires to rescue people from the hand of the enemy (or enemies), so as to serve Jesus without concerns or fears. (Luke 1:74).

It is sad to see people trapped by these anxieties and fears. However, I do understand this myself. I've been there before, but I am learning that so much of it was unnecessary. If we would just realize and comprehend the reality of how much Jesus loves and cares for us, we would never be stressed out about anything. He wants to help us know and experience his rest and peace; that is, if we will let Him.

First step, God wants us to acknowledge our feelings, turning them over to him in prayer. Then we need to study the Word of God as to know God's promises and to learn to trust him. Next, we need to change the way we think and talk. (Our word can paint the future.) And then, most of all, thank Him in spite of everything that has happened or is happening. Along with these steps, we should try to avoid (stop listening) to people who speak negative words, including many sources of news information. From those sources, the enemy, satan, will try to influence and discourage people to not to trust in God's promises.

Jesus requires faith, obedience and most of all an intimate relationship. He is a covenant-keeping God (Gen.12: 2-3) who will be faithful to all His promises. Faith in him will change circumstances. We need to be patient and learn to obey. We need to understand that all things work together for good (in his timing, and not ours) for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose (Rom.8:28). So we need not worry or be anxious about anything. God wants to help every one of us—this includes you—more than we can realize. Here are some encouraging words from Jesus.

"This is why I tell you; do not be worried about the food and drink you need in order to stay alive, or about clothes for your body, After all, isn't life worth more than food? And isn't the body worth more than clothes? Look at the birds: they do not plant seeds, gather a harvest and put it in barns; yet your Father in heaven takes care of them! Aren't you worth more than birds? Can any of you live a bite longer by worrying about it?"

"And why worry about clothes? Look how the wild flowers grow: they do not work or make clothes for themselves. But I tell you that not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these flowers. It is God who clothes the wild grass—grass that is here today and gone tomorrow, burned in the oven. Won't he be all the more sure to clothe you? What little faith you have!"

"So do not start worrying: Where will my food come from? or my drink? or my clothes? (These are the things that the pagans are always concerned about.) Your Father in heaven knows that you need all these things. Instead, be concerned above everything else with the Kingdom of God and with what he requires of you, and he will provide you with all these other things. So do not worry about tomorrow; it will have enough worries of it own. There is no need to add to the troubles each day brings."(Mt. 6:25-34 GNB)

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all this things will be added to you." (Mt.6:33 NASB)

Doesn't get much simpler than that, does it? Here are a few more promises:
"God is our shelter and strength, always ready to help in the times of trouble." (Ps. 46:1 GNB)

"Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken." (Ps. 55:22)

"Leave your worries with him, because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)
"I will never leave you, or forsake you." ( Heb. 13: 5)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Clean Slate

Has there ever been a time in your life when you may have wish you could do something over again? Or get a fresh start or a clean slate because of a mistake or mistakes you made in the past? What an incredible opportunity that would be.We probably all have wished at some point that we could have a "do-over," or a second chance because we blew it the first time? (I've said it many times myself.) 

Maybe it was regarding a relationship, or raising children, or perhaps some building project or investment that didn't turn out the way we had hoped or expected. However, most of us have learned that those kinds of opportunities don't usually happen—except maybe in the movies. Hindsight is always better, especially after the facts are revealed, but it doesn't change the consequences that follow. Hopefully we learn from our mistakes, never to repeat them again.

Even with the abundance of information available to us today, it seems that most people still don't learn well. There are many history books available, many examples around us (often seen on the news), and we still often make the same mistakes as others. For some reason many of us just don't think it will happen to us, or maybe we think the outcome will be different for us. (This applies to many people who started to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, use drugs, or other harmful activities.) How often we have thought (after the damage is done) that I should have known better or I should have paid attention to others' warnings?

Then there is the pain—the guilt and the shame that seems to haunt many people afterwards. Many people think, if I could just be given another chance, it would be wonderful and different this time.

As unbelievable as it may seem, there is an opportunity where we do get a second chance and the slate is wiped clean of all past mistakes. It's true! It happened to me when I invited Jesus Christ into my heart, and asked Him to forgive my sins. Christ came in and made all things new. That can and will happen for anyone and everyone, INCLUDING YOU, regardless of what you've done.

The following scriptures give us a 
glimpse of God's great love and mercy:
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever would believe in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16 NASB)

"I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly." (John 10:10)

" Therefore if anyone is in Christ they are a new creation, everything old is passed away; behold, I make all things new." (2 Cor. 5:7, also read Colossians 1:21 & 22)

"I will forgive their sins and I will no longer remember their wrongs." (Heb. 8:12)

"So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:36 NASB)
That's the good news of the Gospel. Jesus wants to restore our relationship with the Heavenly Father by giving us a new life IN Christ. God is allowing everyone to start over again with a clean slate. The cross of Jesus put to death everything in our past and has completely set us free. He has forgiven all our sins (past, present and future). All we must do is believe and receive His forgiveness. Jesus' death and resurrection demonstrates and proclaims a new beginning for each one of us, even when our circumstances appear the same. (Those things will change in time as we yield them to His will and continue to obey Him.)

Now instead of trying to please our self, we should do the things God desires. Our hearts are filled with love and gratitude for Him, because of what he did for us. We will never attain true happiness by trying to set goals and striving to accomplish them. Happiness can only be found in following Jesus' example, and in being led by his spirit. When we walk by faith with Jesus, living life becomes a new experience, and the things of the past become less significant. Once we have seen the Lord and have learned to focus our eyes and attention on him, and have learned to hear his voice, he becomes the center stage of our lives. But when we mistakenly change our focus to the problems and/or troubles of life, our emotions can be overtaken by them and we start making even more mistakes. Instead, we simply need to trust Christ (Pro. 3:5,6) because of His awesome love. Jesus desires to give us a clean slate, a fresh start, and an invitation to a "new" beginning.

When the time is right, we will even thank God for the bad times and our mistakes, because we will have learned more about his amazing grace. And we in turn will be able to forgive others, just as Jesus forgave us from the cross, "Father forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34)

If you would like a clean slate and a new beginning, you can start by inviting Jesus into your heart. You can do that right now if you want, just by saying this simple prayer from your heart:
Lord Jesus... I need you. I believe you hear me and know my heart. Help me to serve you with all my heart. Forgive me of all my sins (selfish actions and thoughts). Come into my heart and make me new. Show me your ways and I will obey. Restore my broken spirit, soul and body; and make me one with you. Thank you for dying on the cross for me, amen.
You can say more if you would like. He loves to hear from you, so feel free to talk with him as often as you would like.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

You Know Better Than I

Listen to this great song; it may answer some questions you may have been asking yourself. Such as, why am I in this difficult situation? Is there a reason things are not going right? I feel like I am in a trap; how can I get out?

Thursday, October 14, 2010


"Help... help me!" Hardly a day has gone by, when we haven't heard or read something about a tragedy or emergency where someone was pleading for help. Maybe you were one of those people. Maybe you are currently one of those people. I've said it many times myself. And in my desperate hour of need, I found an answer that I will share with you.

The world we live in is in pretty sad shape, regardless of your personal situation or personal surroundings. Millions, possibly billions of people are suffering worldwide from one thing or another. It seems that there are endless streams of problems that occur every day. You may be doing fine for now, but have you been questioning yourself and wondering, how long will that last? Or are you the kind of person that automatically thinks you can handle whatever situation comes your way? Young people seem especially venerable to those kinds of thoughts. (I know that was my attitude when I was younger; I often refused to acknowledge or believe that I had a problem I couldn't handle.) Some people are that way, even when they get older. Pride keeps many people from seeing their real need or their real inability to control the future—this is especially true of men. Most everybody has at one time or another felt they could get through their difficult situation by sheer willpower or perhaps a little more time, only to find that they were not as invincible or smart as they once thought.

Today, the global economy has caught many people off guard. More people are now living on government aid. Many have moved back home with their parents (or other family members); some are living on the streets—homeless. Some people have very little money in savings, many are living from paycheck to paycheck. Some people are watching in fear, wondering if they will be the next one to lose their job, their house or their car. Many are searching for jobs as their unemployment benefits are running out, but unable to find one. Most people seem to be looking for answers or looking for stability from someone or somewhere. Are you one of those who is looking for answers and help? What will you and your family do?

Another problem has been worldwide natural disasters—storms, droughts, fires and earthquakes—that have plagued people's lives and put thousands in perilous situations. People are seeing their homes, property and livelihoods destroyed, along with their hopes and dreams. Many have lost friends and families. In many of these situations the survivors' plight seems almost hopeless, not to mention the possible dangers of sickness and disease that sometimes follows. Is this your situation?

Still another major problem today are health issues and global viruses. The loss of a loved one is very painful, regardless of how it happens. Seeing others suffering through endless hours (sometimes days and months) until their last breath is gone, is a miserable experience. Thousands of people are sick and dying who were once healthy, and now need help. In general, people are living longer, but at the same time confronting more life-threatening issues, even at younger ages. The need for extreme medical procedures has become more common in order to save lives. (From the day we were born, doctors have become like saviors for many of us.) Health Care and rising medical costs have been an issue for many years. So what do we do? Who do we trust in time of need? The doctor? Health insurance? The government? The church?

I personally have experienced several of these situations. I lost my dream house, my profession, a job, a new van. I also lost eight different relatives due to health issues and three others by suicide. I have personally faced a life-threatening health problem and a chainsaw accident, but was healed without any medical (or alternative medical) help. One thing I have learned for certain is how to handle those experiences; let me explain. What made it all possible for me was my faith and trust in God's love. For the past 23 years of my life I've built a personal relationship with Jesus. Part of what I have learned from my experiences is that everything in the world is temporary, even my feelings and emotions. Only God and His Word is eternal. He is faithful and his promises are true.

The Bible says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."(Proverbs 3:5-6) And, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord,'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the Lord." (Jer. 29;11-14)

God's Word also says, "I [Jesus] am the way, the truth and the life, and no man comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6, brackets added) Jesus also... "...healed all who were sick." (read Mt. 8:16-17). He also said, "I will never leave you or forsake you." (Heb. 13:5). He also said, "Nothing is impossible with God."(read Mt.19:26 and Luke 1:37) "And forget none of his benefits;"(Ps.103:2-5); these are just a few of Jesus' many awesome promises.

Many people place much of their value and feelings on the "here and now." But, what do those things matter when compared to eternity? I have learned over the years that money isn't everything. Although it may be nice to have, money can't buy happiness. And possessions are a hassle—especially when it comes to moving. The security of careers and jobs are often deceptive. Even relationships seem to come and go, and the pain of trying to hold on to them, is mostly vain. The smartest decisions I have made, when situations or circumstances come along that tear at my emotions, is to turn them over to Jesus. In most cases there is very little else I can do but trust God.

Therefore, by surrendering to God's will, trusting that he knows best for me despite the circumstances, and by following his voice, I have found peace. Regardless of what your situation is or will be, Jesus can and will help you if you allow him. This process of yielding to God is often challenging, because the tendency is to try to blame someone, anyone, sometimes even God or self, for the pain and grief we are feeling. Though I understand the desire to pass blame, in time those feelings lessen as they are yielded to God, understanding that he really knows best.

Jesus knows and cares very much for you and he wants to build a personal relationship with you that will last forever. He will give you peace in the time of trouble and hope for your future. I have learned that the longer we resist Him, the longer the pain will last. Neither should we drown our suffering in alcohol, drugs, pornography, work, buying things, etc. It only makes matters worse and harder for you and everyone around you. You can trust Jesus to help you. But, you also need to learn to be patient; God's timing is always perfect.

Jesus is the only way that works. With Jesus, you may be surprised at how quickly things can change for the better, things you once may have thought to be impossible. It's true you will never forget the challenging experiences, but then again, that's the beauty of it all. You'll have the memories and hopefully some opportunities to share how God brought you through life's tragedies or tests, and how God was there when you needed His help.

Life has it's tragedies,
it can also have happy endings.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

In His Shadow

"Listen to me, O islands,
And pay attention , you people from afar.

The Lord called me from the womb;
from the body of my mother he named me.

He has made my mouth like a sharp sword,
In the shadow of His hand He has concealed me;

And He has also made me a select arrow.
He has hidden me in His quiver.

He said to me, "You are my servant, Israel,
In whom I will show My glory."

But I said, "I have toiled in vain,
I have spent my strength for nothing and vanity;

Yet surely the justice due me is with the Lord,
And my reword is with my God."

And now says the Lord, who formed me from
the womb to be His servant.

I am honored in the sight of the Lord,
And my God is my strength.

He says, " Is it to small a thing,
that you should be My servant.

I will also make you a light to the nations
So that My salvation may reach the ends of the earth."

"Thus says the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel."
( Isaiah 49:1-7)

This calling is extended to all of God's sons, the spiritual seed of Israel.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Good and Evil

There have been two forces operating in the world that have influenced our lives and dreams from the day we were born. These forces are controlled by two diametrically opposed spiritual beings—one is pure Good and the other is pure Evil. They each desire to capture our hearts and minds. We can't see them, yet they are very real. The results of their efforts are seen throughout the world, mostly in the words and actions of people and in the way they choose to live. Some would say that these forces don't exist, but that only proves that one of the forces has already succeeded in deluding some minds.

One of the forces is led by Satan, the father of all lies (he wants to be like God). The other force is led by Yahweh, creator of the heavens and earth. The strategy of these two forces often appears to be the same, however the end result is not the same. In fact they are opposite. One leads to death and destruction, while the other leads to restoration and eternal life. Satan is the enemy of God and the enemy of our souls. He will deceive because he doesn't want people to know the Truth. Yahweh will love out of His Divine nature. The enemy's goal is to steal, kill and destroy what God created in people and for people; all under the pretense that he wants to help them to fulfill their dreams "because they deserve it." However, Yahweh wants to give people His eternal life with new hope, dreams and visions; to bless them abundantly, and most of all restore their relationship with Him—to completely heal people physically, mentally and spiritually.

Sometimes these forces speak loudly and boldly through people stating their convictions, to get people's attention, to choose or point a way to go. And with the aid of our conscience, which is still being influenced by the quiet voices of the forces, we make our decisions. Each serious choice we make can have long lasting consequences on our lives and on the lives of those around us. Other times these voices are more subtle and persuasive, a gradual process of luring or drawing people. And the last effort is by stealth—to go in and capture by surprise when the opponent is least expecting or looking for it. Both God and Satan use these tactics (and more tactics besides). But whatever avenue God uses, there will always be a deep sense of peace that follows after the right choice is made, a peace that the other can't give. Only God's dreams are eternal, so is His forgiveness.

When God breaks in unexpectedly to get our attention, he usually reveals Himself in a dream, a vision, or just by speaking. He does this because He has something planned just for you ( new dreams), that started just by clicking on this blog site. (I believe there is no such thing as an accident.) The Lord will also usually give us a choice that is hard to refuse. (That is how God got to me.) You also now have a choice or decision to make. Yahweh—whose love is powerful, unrelenting and wonderful—wants to have a personal and intimate relationship with you. I have learned that you can run but you can't hide from God. It usually takes time - a day, a week, a month or a year it doesn't really matter, He's very patient. And when you finally surrender, you'll be glad you did. You will never want Him to leave you, and He never will. If you want to know more about Him, click on Cloak of Zeal, or my other blog,
My Witness by Divine Appointment.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Conflict of Choice

"To be or not to be, that is the question?" A famous quote from a Shakespearean play that poses this thought provoking question. It all comes down to, who am I—really? What am I? Where did I come from and/or where am I going? If God made me, am I willing to be the person he designed and planned for me? Am I willing to listen and follow no matter what that may cost me, or will I be content to just take the easy way that pleases me the most? A way with little or no cost to my flesh, my conscience or my concern for others? Every choice we make reflects a portion of who we are and they often have conflicting thoughts.

Jesus spoke of two different ways. The wide road that many take, that leads to death and destruction. The others is a narrow gate, that few have taken which leads to the Heavenly Father, and His eternal life. It also leads to a cross and the death of our self-life. Thus, the main reason why it is often avoided or eventually abandon if taken. But, what a glorious experience and reward for the few that have persevered its narrow path and come to meet Him face to face.

Jesus also told a parable about two men, each one building a house. One man chose to build his house on a solid rock, but it was more difficult. The other man chose to build on sand, a much easier way. But, when the storms of life came, only one house was left standing; the house on the rock. The other man suffered and had a great loss. (Mt. 7 :24-27) How about you? What are you going to build your life on?

Over the years we have seen on the news where thousands of homes, business and building are destroyed by natural disasters. As awful as that may have been for those people, there is a far greater loss for those who died, not knowing Jesus Christ. The Bible says,
"What does a man profit if he gains the whole and losses his own soul." (Mark 8:36) Also,"There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end is death." (Prov. 14:12) Jesus Christ is "The Way" and He is "The Rock" upon which everyone should and must build upon. We need to learn to trust Him as if our very life depended upon it, which it does.

In the Old Testament, God posed this most important question to the children of Israel,
"Chose you this day whom you will serve." (Joshua 24:15). It is also a choice and a decision everyone has to make. In fact, it is a daily choice. Whether we choose to obey and follow Jesus or follow our fleshly desires and the way of this world. Are we going to choose to love the Lord (today, tomorrow and the next) with all your heart, mind, soul and strength? Or are we going love ourselves more, making our pride, desires and pleasures a #1 priority? Why is there such a conflict? The real reason stems from apposing spiritual forces.

The conflict of choice is between our flesh and our spirit. Yet, if our desire is to please and follow God, we must learn to listen to God's voice and not the voice of our flesh or the enemy, satan, who would try to influence our fleshly thoughts. He also seek to separate from the love of the Heavenly Father, by our doubts and fears and thus making us miserable along the way. Satan's goal is to destroy our life and the lives of others. The conflict is a matter of life and death.

Sure the way of the cross is difficult and costly, but the other way is far more costly is the long run. Listening to other voices than God's is vain and foolish. Nothing the world has or that our flesh could desires can compare to the love of the Heavenly Father and his embrace.

Joshua didn't hesitate to answer God's voice and question and neither should we. He said, "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord," (Joshua 24:15). And so I have chosen, along with all the other sons and daughters of God. Once you've met the living Jesus, the conflict of choice shouldn't seem so hard or difficult, because he's always there to help and comfort. And the Father's love keeps getting better and better everyday and in every way.

"Chose you this day whom you will serve."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

More Laws, Less Freedom

Too much freedom can also have its dangerous side if certain guideline were not followed. But many leaders over the years in government, corporations, business and organizations have taken it upon themselves to add more. Thus they have slowly increased their control over the people "for their own good," even in the religious systems. To them too much freedom is not seen as good thing. And so it was in Bible times. The priests along with others man-made religious orders or groups such as the Pharisees, Sadducee's and Essenes were formed to help govern the people and their actions—to protect "their" religion and made sure they obeyed God's law as well as their laws too.

These religious leaders took it upon themselves to "assist" the Levites, who were not doing a very good job of keeping the children of Israel in line. They believed in the evolution of the law, making changes they felt were necessary to help control the people. In the process, God's basic commandments got overlooked by all their additional laws. God's commandments started first with loving the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. (Deut. 6:5). And ended with loving your neighbor as yourself. (Lev.19:18). Both repeated later by Jesus as the basis for all commandments. (Mt. 22:36)

Over the centuries these religious leaders added hundreds of new laws to the Commandments, precepts and statutes of God. Their laws may have seemed good to them at the time. Yet, many were done in subtle ways in order to avoid the intent of the Father's heart, thus making worship an external change, rather than an internal one. Most, men probably didn't realize the dangerous outcome of some of their "good" intentions. Yet, satan accomplished exactly what he intended, and that is to divert the attention away from God and onto works and ourselves. (Satan has always had his accomplices and many others through lack of knowledge.)

Jesus set the example for us to follow. Yet, many man have felt it still necessary to add their own ideas or opinions. Religion has also added many other objects, symbols, programs, and songs to support their beliefs and preconceived views of God. All those laws and things have also created more division and damage to the Body of Christ than we can ever imagine. There is now over 38,000 Christian denominations around the world. Where is the "unity" of the church? However, organized religion does seem to provide some order that many seem to be unable to do on their own. And so God's grace is there also. Yet, every religion is the world will have to eventually bow their knee to Jesus Christ.

Jesus last commandment to his disciples was to love people as he loved them. His desire was to see people set free from the bondage of religious laws and live together as one body. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice to do away with all external laws, including animal sacrifices. The only sacrifice necessary is to our self-will. When we give, it should come from the heart, just as our love and foregiveness should be. And when we worship God it should be in spirit and truth, from an honest seeking heart and an open mind. (Broken spirit and a contrite heart, Psalms 51:17)

By Jesus' sacrifice, we are also free from the law of sin, guilt and shame. All this freedom God desire for us to experience as we walk with him and fellowship with one another. We are to share what the Lord has taught and given us with others. We are to honor our spiritual leader and the Body of Christ with respect and with our tithes, and to give to the poor and the needy. Lets open up our homes to true hospitality, freedom from pride, greed and lust. We need to really understand that everything we have belongs to God. We are the stewards of his blessings, to give and to share.

Jesus offered us freedom in every way, knowing that the Heavenly Father will provide without limits for those who trust him. There is also freedom from every forms of fear, knowing he will guide, heal and protect us, because Christ lives in us. Freedom to worship Him, when, where and how he wants us to. That is why the early church grew so fast, everything was about Jesus and His love.

The Church was fellowship, "Party's" at each others house. There was eating, laughing, praying, singing and worshiping God together. They shared their personal experiences with God and the testimonies others. They would often read the Word of God from scrolls or letters from apostles who helped established them. These letters helped encourage and guide them in God's love and ways. And if there were any special needs, they would come together believing that God heard and answered their prayers. They saw miracles and God faithfulness all the time.

True worship was also helping each other as one big family. Everyone was accepted despite their clothes, occupations, background or their nationality. There was music, dancing and hymns as they soaked in the presence of Lord. For where two or three were gathered in His name, His Spirit was with them and that was his promise. They were trusting God for everything and being diligent about their efforts. There were no clocks or schedule to keep, just being lead by the Holy Spirit. Everyone submitted out of love and respect for the other.
There was also forgiveness for all those who had failed. This was church life and worship the way it was meant to be (home church). On certain occasion they gather together in larger groups for The Festivals of the Lord, known as Love Feasts. This is the freedom the world is longing to see. And so it will be again, it just a matter of time. Jesus Christ is leading his people back to true freedom.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Shifting Sands

In the past century, the US Congress has passed many new laws to protect the rights of individuals. Our forefathers also wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for this very purpose. Their intentions were that the leaders of this nation would not infringe upon the freedoms, and the rights of the individual to live in peace and harmony. The leaders were also expected to set a good example for the people to follow. Our freedom in America has been the envy of many countries around the world. Our concepts of freedom were also based on the Holy Bible, and many godly men did their best to set our nation on that foundation. It cost most of them their life, family or possessions.

However, over the years more restrictive laws have been written and rewritten to protect everyone and everything it seems. Those laws also gradually moved away from original foundation based in God's precepts. In this process we have lost many of our rights and freedoms due to our apathy, pride, fears, and in not choosing Godly leaders. Therefore, we have failed to corporately and individually govern our own behaviors, the results is many of our leaders have not set examples of integrity for us to follow as well. The Supreme Court at times seems to have a mind that is shifting also, making laws based on the shifting sands of society rather than the solid foundation of God.

There needs be a solid foundation on which a government as well as individuals can build and stand on. But to build on human feelings or personal beliefs can only lead to disaster if they are faulty. Mankind is not perfect, he often make mistakes and compromises and man's bad habits usually just lead to more bad habits.

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to have a plumb line or a standard that will stand the test of time, otherwise we will end up off course and often lost. Unfortunately, we have been off course for so long, that we can't even imagine what it is or what it looks like. It is the Truth and it looks like Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the "rock" of that solid foundation. Jesus is the example and the pattern by which everything and everyone will be judge. True freedom is found in Jesus Christ. He is the doorway to eternal life. And as far as laws go, he kept it simple, Jesus said,"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your strength. And the second is like it, love your neighbor as your self." Pretty simple, don't you agree? He summed up the fullness of freedom in those two statements.

When we receive God's forgiveness and walk in the law of His love, we truly will be (it's a ongoing process) set free from the bonds of sin, and when we individually learn to truly walk in love for our Heavenly Father and treat all others around us as we desire to be treated, we are free. We will no longer corporately need laws to tell us how to live or treat others, for the Lord God will write them on our hearts. When we live in The Father's love, nothing, absolutely nothing can then separate us from his great love for us.

The Father's House is the house of love and freedom.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wise Choices

There are major crossroads in people's lives, and at those times it's important that wise choices are made. We need to follow Jesus, and not turn or look to the left or to the right. (However, it's never too late to start following or get back on track with him.)

Life is not about being perfect, but abiding in and loving God. Perfection is found in Jesus, whom the Father sees in us. The rest of life's little choices are less significant as far as God is concerned. Maybe not for others, who try to justify themselves by other people's actions. Yet, God's focus is different than man's. The Bible declares, "Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." (1 Sam. 16:7
) (also Prov. 23:7 and Heb. 4:12)

I have chosen to follow Christ with all my heart to the best of my ability. If you do the same, with God's help, we'll be at the right place at the right time. And when it's all said and done, God will get the Glory. I am what I am by the grace of God, and so are you. We can see this in the lives of many others, whom God also considered to be great men of God.

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Joseph were and are great Patriarchs of faith along with other great men and women of faith such as Moses, Esther, David, Elijah, Mary, Peter and many others. Each of those people made wise choices at the right time to fulfill their part in the annals of history, and now they stand as great examples in the Kingdom of God. Yet, each of them made their share of mistakes, however the Lord has spoken prophetically to us that in the books of heaven not one of their mistakes is recorded. They all loved God, and to the best of their ability they passed their mantles (their spirit, intercession, gifts or anointings) that God had given them to the next generation.

Unfortunately, many other people throughout history have chosen to drop or lay down their mantles, because the way was to hard for them or they were distracted by people or other things they found to be too important. But recently God has been telling his sons and daughters that we can pick them up and add them to our own mantle.

Remember the parable of the faithful servants who chose to increase what their master had entrusted to them. Yet, one of the servants chose to bury his talent because of his false perceptions of his master. Therefore, he was cast out and his talent was given to another servant who already had more. (Mt. 25:14-30). The rewards will be greater for those who can see into the wisdom of God. My prayer is that we all make the wise choices, and never worry about the rest.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Deceiver

Everyone has opinions about certain things. These can vary from preferences in food, clothes, weather to the way we look. There are opinions as to what's a good job or career, to what's "really cool" or the "hot" thing to do, or the kind of car we drive, or the city or houses we choose to live in. People also have opinions about politics, religion and marriage. All of our opinions or beliefs have been influenced in some way by others. Either family, celebrities, culture, friends, teachers, politicians or ministers. Yet there is another factor, and that factor is found in the voices that speak to our consciences or to our spirits about what's right or wrong or good or evil. Those voices comes from two very different sources. One is satan and the other is God.

As people grow up these two sources influence their lives and futures as to how they perceive and live life. Also, how one views others around them. Satan is the deceiver and he seeks to steal, kill and destroy by various forms of deception. He also tempts people's desires. And to the soul who yields to his temptations, it will cost them more than they realize. Demonic spirits seek to sow discord by putting evil thoughts, lies and accusations into people's minds that they, in turn, believe and pass on in gossip or heated arguments.

The Holy Bible tells us that mankind is without excuse; it also tells us that people have choices to make. The conflict of choice began in the Garden of Eden with satan's deception of Eve, and he hasn't stopped trying ever since to destroy God's ultimate design for a Kingdom on earth with sons and daughters who rule.

There are times in each person's life that they are convinced that what they think, know and/or believe is right—regarding their knowledge, beliefs and goals. All the leaders of the world believe they know how things should be done. There are socialistic, monarchies, democratic and communistic governments that think their way is correct or better. The atheist thinks he or she is right. And they believe no one can prove otherwise; and all the other religions in the world believe they are right also. Therein lies the problem—only one can be correct. Yet, they all contradict each other in principal, precept or ideology. The same goes for people's views on politics and even marriage and family. The truth of the matter is none of them are correct. There is only one way that is correct and that was and is lived out by Jesus Christ, then by those who follow his example. They live in the grace and mercy and love of the Heavenly Father. And that has always been the way he planned it.

But even among Christians that process is being tested. Satan is still busy trying his best to turn brother against brother and wives against husbands and sons against daughters. That is also why there are so many denominations in the world today. However, God has established his guidelines and has established leaders and heads and authorities that he expects people to follow and obey. Yet knowing this, many people still choose to ignore or disregard them and believe they are in the right. That is why it is called deception. People will call bad good and vice-versa, still claiming to love and hear God's voice, but obviously not all the time. Nor do many truly know the heart of God. Yet, God is gracious and patient with everyone, including me!

Satan has been able to convince many people that others around them are wrong or lying or only want to use or take advantage, that they don't really care or love. Perhaps that others can't be trusted. They feel this way because they have been hurt or ignored at some point or many times. Expectations placed upon others oftentimes falls way short of God's real expectations. Once people start believing satan's lies, it's difficult to convince them otherwise. They've become convinced that such a person or people (family member, friend, spouse, sect, etc.) is a deceiver(s) and cannot be trusted despite what God or others may say about them.

The religious Pharisees felt the same way about Jesus. They felt Jesus was wrong and a bad influence on people and that he wasn't God's son, regardless of his power. Today many people feel the same way about certain politicians, ministers, or even a spouse or friend. Satan is the master of deception and he will do whatever he can to create division, bitterness, hatred and unforgiveness, so that people are no longer able to see the whole truth. Unfortunately these people seem to prefer to believe the lies. But, God does not lie and he knows his sons and and daughters. And in due time, He will honor and exalt all his faithful ones.