He was taken by stealth, the Prince of Peace. He was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our selfish actions and by His stripes we are healed.

I wish to extend my honor and gratitude to those who have chosen to serve and sacrifice also for the sake of protection and peace. Thank You, and God Bless You!

Friday, December 3, 2010


Many people start something then never finish it. In the past, I too was that way. As an artist I painted many pictures, but there were some that just never got finished. I ended up giving them to inmates in a local state prison where I taught an art class once a week. The prisoners could finish the painting or just paint over what I had done. That was a simple solution for me. Then there were projects and some houses I built or remodeled that I never got completely finished.

Seldom do things go as expected or planed. Many times people get started on a project or a relationship, but lose interest along the way. There are many reasons or excuses they could give, such as running out of money, taking too long, being more difficult than they thought, or just lost interest. Some people stay with a job or a marriage only as long as it meets their needs. But, when things get rough or maybe something or someone comes along that looks better, they're off in another direction, bouncing from one circumstance or relationship to another. (Like a pinball; only slower.)

Unfortunately, many people are that way with God. Often they take the initial steps, but when things don't go as expected or they don't get what they want when they wanted it, they're off looking for help somewhere else. And God gets the short end of the stick. Some people try to fit God into their schedule. Some others think they know enough about God—so I'll "take it from here" mindset. After reading the Bible a little and doing some weekly religious activities, many people think they can just coast the rest of the way. But God is no fool. And after a while, when something bad happens they're back asking God for help again.

If you really believe God made the universe and he is your savior, I'm sure he can find enough things for you to do if you're really interested in a commitment. Besides that, loving and serving God has to do with passion—a relentless zeal to serve and worship Him, even when things don't go the way expected or desired. Life is not about us, its about Jesus, the Kingdom of God, and God's desire to see us mature into his sons and daughters. He's the Potter and we are the clay. He's also the Gardner and if He decides to prune off a few branches to help us bear more fruit, so be it.

Let's make a commitment: to strip ourselves of everything that would hinder our race and not give up before we reach the finish line and the prize—Jesus. He is worth all the effort and all the sacrifices we will ever need to make. In a commitment to Jesus, you can't call him "Lord" and say "No" at the same time. Neither can you say, "I can't!" He will give us all the strength, all the patience, all the abilities and all the necessities needed to fulfill the purpose and mission he gives us on the earth. We are his workmanship, and he has plans for each and every one of us. And He will work with us from the beginning of the race to the end. Don't be a quitter. Remember, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."(Phil. 4:13). That scripture should be one of our declarations of faith. There are also times when the walk of faith may seem dry or hard, but that's where God desires to see if we really love Him (true commitment is when we press through dark valleys). Other times may seem dull but rarely boring. But, the payoff is worth it if we're patient, because God is committed to seeing us make it.

Do you believe Jesus Christ is worth living for? He is, and Jesus is also the only thing and only one worth dying for. It's time we start thinking and moving into a true commitment with Jesus; and everything else will find its proper place.

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded, YOU NEED TO PERSEVERE so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised." (Hebrews 10:35-36)

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