He was taken by stealth, the Prince of Peace. He was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our selfish actions and by His stripes we are healed.

I wish to extend my honor and gratitude to those who have chosen to serve and sacrifice also for the sake of protection and peace. Thank You, and God Bless You!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

God in the Rearview Mirror

In today's hectic world people tend to get caught up in trying to stay ahead of everyone else. No one likes standing in lines at counters or waiting at stop signals or being patient in traffic jams. Neither do very many people enjoy driving in the slow lane. People often prefer to drive the fast lane and are often in a hurry for some reason or another. Unfortunately, at times I'm that way too, but I try to stay within the speed limits, otherwise I'm having to check my review mirror for flashing lights.

Many have made this their way of life. They race around trying to get the things done that they have on their already overloaded calendars. There are jobs, shopping, business appointments, church activities, school meetings, doctors appointments, kids sports and dozens of other things. Life is so busy that the only quiet time many people have with God is waiting at the stop light and listening to some Christian music while they drive—if that. Somehow the most important person in our lives has been forgotten or left back in the dust of our rush. If you're one of those person, maybe you should look more closely in the mirror and notice the tears in God's eyes.

God loves us, and he wants us to take the time to be with him, and not feel like we need to be on the run all the time. Jesus set the example by starting the day right, early in the morning with his Father. If he felt it was necessary for him, shouldn't it also be important for us?

Make time for God, throughout the day for just a moment or two, and tell him how much you love him or thank him for what he's done or going to do; it will be worth it. You may even need to eliminate some things or change your priorities. Make God first in your life, and everything else will go much smoother; you will be way ahead in what's really important in life. You might even try asking him what he would have you do. Life's much better when God is near you, than when he's in the your rearview mirror.

Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

So what's you're goal for this new year of 2014? Many people are making New Year's resolutions, a secular tradition, to improve ones life style— such as; lose weight, eat healthy, drink less alcohol, exercise more, get out of debt, spend more time with family, get organized or quit smoking. But, after a few days, a few weeks or months many people are back, to square one, right where they started. (The reason has more to do with trying verses commitment.)

So why not do something different this year. Start thinking about God, maybe even talking to him. I'm not suggesting going to church or getting religious, just commit some serious time, five or ten minutes (once or twice a day), and think about and meditate on him. If you miss a day or two once in awhile, no big deal, just continue. However you may say, I don't believe in God. But, why don't you? What's wrong in believing there is a God, other than it would mean you would have some kind of responsibility, right? Did somebody or something happen to disappoint you, and you blame him? Or have you done something that you feel guilty about and God wouldn't be interested or care enough to help you? Do you really believe human beings came from monkeys and when were dead that it? If that's the case, we don't need to worry about our conscience; right? Just do as you please, like almost everyone else. But wouldn't it be awesome to know that someone really designed you with a purpose in mind; and that you and this world, were not just "an accident."

There are a lot of excuses and doubts someone could give. But the most important thing I can share with you today, is that there really is a God and he desire to have a relationship with you. All religions and many people have given God a bad rap. But you need to decide for yourself.

God does care, more than you could ever imagine. So I'm suggesting that while you're thinking about him, you might just ask him a few questions. What's the harm, he won't bite you. In fact, he love you very much. He's always there, waiting and desiring, for you to take the next step.

Why not make a New Year's resolution to meet and/or know God a little better. You could even read his words written to you, by starting with the Gospel of John, in the Bible; if you have one. If not, find or buy one, you won't be sorry you did. You just might be surprised what can happen. When you give your life and time to him, you begin to change from the inside, then outside—like a new person with a clean heart and a right spirit, and then experience a peace and joy you never knew before. As you get to know him better you will want to talk and listen more, to him. He has already forgiven you of all your mistakes in life, so why hesitate. Now, is the time to make that New Year's resolution that will be worth keeping.