In today's hectic world people tend to get caught up in trying to stay ahead of everyone else. No one likes standing in lines at counters or waiting at stop signals or being patient in traffic jams. Neither do very many people enjoy driving in the slow lane. People often prefer to drive the fast lane and are often in a hurry for some reason or another. Unfortunately, at times I'm that way too, but I try to stay within the speed limits, otherwise I'm having to check my review mirror for flashing lights.
Many have made this their way of life. They race around trying to get the things done that they have on their already overloaded calendars. There are jobs, shopping, business appointments, church activities, school meetings, doctors appointments, kids sports and dozens of other things. Life is so busy that the only quiet time many people have with God is waiting at the stop light and listening to some Christian music while they drive—if that. Somehow the most important person in our lives has been forgotten or left back in the dust of our rush. If you're one of those person, maybe you should look more closely in the mirror and notice the tears in God's eyes.
God loves us, and he wants us to take the time to be with him, and not feel like we need to be on the run all the time. Jesus set the example by starting the day right, early in the morning with his Father. If he felt it was necessary for him, shouldn't it also be important for us?
Make time for God, throughout the day for just a moment or two, and tell him how much you love him or thank him for what he's done or going to do; it will be worth it. You may even need to eliminate some things or change your priorities. Make God first in your life, and everything else will go much smoother; you will be way ahead in what's really important in life. You might even try asking him what he would have you do. Life's much better when God is near you, than when he's in the your rearview mirror.
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