He was taken by stealth, the Prince of Peace. He was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our selfish actions and by His stripes we are healed.

I wish to extend my honor and gratitude to those who have chosen to serve and sacrifice also for the sake of protection and peace. Thank You, and God Bless You!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

More Laws, Less Freedom

Too much freedom can also have its dangerous side if certain guideline were not followed. But many leaders over the years in government, corporations, business and organizations have taken it upon themselves to add more. Thus they have slowly increased their control over the people "for their own good," even in the religious systems. To them too much freedom is not seen as good thing. And so it was in Bible times. The priests along with others man-made religious orders or groups such as the Pharisees, Sadducee's and Essenes were formed to help govern the people and their actions—to protect "their" religion and made sure they obeyed God's law as well as their laws too.

These religious leaders took it upon themselves to "assist" the Levites, who were not doing a very good job of keeping the children of Israel in line. They believed in the evolution of the law, making changes they felt were necessary to help control the people. In the process, God's basic commandments got overlooked by all their additional laws. God's commandments started first with loving the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. (Deut. 6:5). And ended with loving your neighbor as yourself. (Lev.19:18). Both repeated later by Jesus as the basis for all commandments. (Mt. 22:36)

Over the centuries these religious leaders added hundreds of new laws to the Commandments, precepts and statutes of God. Their laws may have seemed good to them at the time. Yet, many were done in subtle ways in order to avoid the intent of the Father's heart, thus making worship an external change, rather than an internal one. Most, men probably didn't realize the dangerous outcome of some of their "good" intentions. Yet, satan accomplished exactly what he intended, and that is to divert the attention away from God and onto works and ourselves. (Satan has always had his accomplices and many others through lack of knowledge.)

Jesus set the example for us to follow. Yet, many man have felt it still necessary to add their own ideas or opinions. Religion has also added many other objects, symbols, programs, and songs to support their beliefs and preconceived views of God. All those laws and things have also created more division and damage to the Body of Christ than we can ever imagine. There is now over 38,000 Christian denominations around the world. Where is the "unity" of the church? However, organized religion does seem to provide some order that many seem to be unable to do on their own. And so God's grace is there also. Yet, every religion is the world will have to eventually bow their knee to Jesus Christ.

Jesus last commandment to his disciples was to love people as he loved them. His desire was to see people set free from the bondage of religious laws and live together as one body. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice to do away with all external laws, including animal sacrifices. The only sacrifice necessary is to our self-will. When we give, it should come from the heart, just as our love and foregiveness should be. And when we worship God it should be in spirit and truth, from an honest seeking heart and an open mind. (Broken spirit and a contrite heart, Psalms 51:17)

By Jesus' sacrifice, we are also free from the law of sin, guilt and shame. All this freedom God desire for us to experience as we walk with him and fellowship with one another. We are to share what the Lord has taught and given us with others. We are to honor our spiritual leader and the Body of Christ with respect and with our tithes, and to give to the poor and the needy. Lets open up our homes to true hospitality, freedom from pride, greed and lust. We need to really understand that everything we have belongs to God. We are the stewards of his blessings, to give and to share.

Jesus offered us freedom in every way, knowing that the Heavenly Father will provide without limits for those who trust him. There is also freedom from every forms of fear, knowing he will guide, heal and protect us, because Christ lives in us. Freedom to worship Him, when, where and how he wants us to. That is why the early church grew so fast, everything was about Jesus and His love.

The Church was fellowship, "Party's" at each others house. There was eating, laughing, praying, singing and worshiping God together. They shared their personal experiences with God and the testimonies others. They would often read the Word of God from scrolls or letters from apostles who helped established them. These letters helped encourage and guide them in God's love and ways. And if there were any special needs, they would come together believing that God heard and answered their prayers. They saw miracles and God faithfulness all the time.

True worship was also helping each other as one big family. Everyone was accepted despite their clothes, occupations, background or their nationality. There was music, dancing and hymns as they soaked in the presence of Lord. For where two or three were gathered in His name, His Spirit was with them and that was his promise. They were trusting God for everything and being diligent about their efforts. There were no clocks or schedule to keep, just being lead by the Holy Spirit. Everyone submitted out of love and respect for the other.
There was also forgiveness for all those who had failed. This was church life and worship the way it was meant to be (home church). On certain occasion they gather together in larger groups for The Festivals of the Lord, known as Love Feasts. This is the freedom the world is longing to see. And so it will be again, it just a matter of time. Jesus Christ is leading his people back to true freedom.

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