He was taken by stealth, the Prince of Peace. He was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our selfish actions and by His stripes we are healed.

I wish to extend my honor and gratitude to those who have chosen to serve and sacrifice also for the sake of protection and peace. Thank You, and God Bless You!

Friday, February 3, 2012


One night in prayer we had been taking to God about the way He had led our lives. For the past 22 years the Lord has made many requested, choices we had to make that were hard and sometimes very difficult. Sacrifices most others were not willing to make, but we did, because we loved Him. Over those years, God had also made many promises regarding our lives and our future. Our lives would be used to touch many others, bringing them salvation, healing and restoration; more than we could ever imagine. Plus, we would also see great prosperity from all of his blessings

However, living by faith over the years on nearly a daily basis can be wearing to the soul. Sometimes we've wondered how certain issue would get resolved, yet we saw his faithfulness in everything. A few times we felt like we were in a free fall expecting to hit bottom the next day, week, or month. Other times we're hoping to see some light at the end of the tunnel and wondered if God really cared about what we were going through.

We were not content with the status quo. I even told God, "We have given everything, all our chips were on the table and we were counting on You to come through. We sometimes felt God wasn't keeping His word, that He was just "all talk and no action." We cried out, "Where was the God of the miraculous?” Where's the God of Israel and the God of David." (This kind of feeling usually happen just before some big is about to happen. The old saying, it the darkest just before the dawn. And satan's just taking his best shots before he runs.)

We may of sounded a lot like Job to God. Yet when God started speaking to us, it wasn't from a whirlwind. Neither was He mad with us. The Lord informed us that our lives had been miraculous in many ways, just not in the way we had expected. Although we hadn't see the supernatural yet, we had been give much from the spiritual realm and much more was yet to come. He also said He intended to fulfill all his promises and blessings to us, but not necessarily in the way we thought. And it would also affect many generations to come.

God didn't even mind that we got "mouthy" because we were being honest with our feelings and we were friends. However, he did add that our problems didn't come from Him but from our doubts and fears, that caused us to "believed that God didn't care" at times. We both repented. Then God continued to speak encouraging words about our future, our feelings and our writings.

Life is very hard at time and often it’s because of our own mistakes. We often grumble and complain when there are many others who are much worse off than us. Yet, God still understand and gives out his grace for strength to everyone regardless of their situations. Just be honest with God and ask for his strength and wisdom. He is more than glad to help you, even through your darkest hours.

We tend to grumble when we think God doesn't care. People even thought Jesus didn't care. Nothing could be further from the truth. We must overcome our doubt and fears and trust God. He loves us more than we could ever imagine. However, he sees the bigger picture of a better ways that give Him the glory instead of just meeting our needs and desires the way we would want. We just need to be more patient and trust God. We'll see his way is better in the long run and thank him.

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